National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 62 1 Person Vs 100 People!

"Just him! Take a sickle and wear a mask." The only one alive among the five pointed to Lin Feng. But he didn't dare to go forward, and there was obvious fear in his eyes. After all, going up was a quick kill, and he didn't want to die in vain and lose a level.

When the hot pot and Sprite four were killed, Lin Feng's name was not displayed, so everyone didn't know Lin Feng's name. But his appearance has been spread.

If you don't have identification techniques or such skills, normal players can only see the names and levels of other players.

But at this time, most people didn't learn the identification technique at all, even if they learned it, they couldn't see it because it was covered by the guardian star ring of light.

As a result, what a group of people saw was a player wearing a mask and unable to see attributes.

As soon as he appeared, a group of people stood in front of him, all looking at Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't think it was strange, the new dungeon opened, and the people around noticed, came to have a look "It's normal.

The voice of the person who pointed at him was not high, as if he was afraid that he would hear it, and he knocked him out with one blow, but Lin Feng didn't hear it either.

After all, although he played very fast the first time he entered the dungeon, it took him more than half an hour the second time.

Therefore, he didn't care, and turned around to squeeze out of the crowd.

"Stop!" At this moment, a voice shouted from another direction, Youth Hot Pot with Sprite shouted loudly.

Lin Feng couldn't help looking over, it was the five people who killed just now, but at this moment, there was a group of people standing beside them, judging from their positions, it was obvious that they were all together.

At this time, Lin Feng also discovered that he was surrounded by a group of people! But it was more than 40 meters away, and it seemed to be planned, far outside the attack range.

"A vengeance seeker." Lin Feng thought.

"Everyone is sure, it's just this grandson!" At this time, the hot pot pairing Sprite pointed at Lin Feng, glanced at the strong man beside him, and then said loudly: "Just this grandson, the five of us are fighting a boss, and we are about to kill him This grandson suddenly appeared and attacked us without saying a word."

The archer also said: "Yes, we came to the high-level area, just to find a boss983 and get some good equipment. At that time, we were fighting the boss, and our blood volume was not much. We just happened to be attacked by him, and the boss was also robbed by him." , this grandson is too unkind."

The three people who were killed earlier also agreed.

At the same time, people around have already started cursing.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. Although the game world was close to reality, because it was a game, many people started to act unscrupulously here, and it was actually more violent than in reality.

Now the situation is obviously not going to be better.

At a glance, Lin Feng roughly estimated that there were more than a hundred people, the lowest level was 15, and the highest was the strong man at level 26.

Lin Feng looked at the strong man, and said flatly, "Do you want to chat?"

"What else are you talking about?" The strong man with hot pot and red wine carried a big ax on his shoulders, and said with a sneer, "Friend, it's normal to rob monsters in the game, each depends on his own ability. But if you rob monsters and snatch my brother from Hot Pot City, it's your fault If you have the ability to kill, then I also have the ability to bring people to kill you."

"Okay!" Lin Feng said with a helpless smile, "Have you figured it out?"

Hot pot with red wine frowned, the person on the opposite side was too calm, as if he was not the one who was killed by a group of people.

He said: "Our Hot Pot City is not unreasonable. You killed four of us and robbed a boss. We killed you six times, and then you apologize. Let's forget about it. If you don't apologize, then start from today This Longyuan City no longer has a place for you to stand on.

"You speak too loudly, be careful of being slapped in the face." Lin Feng looked around, and Taguchi said, "What about you? Are you with these six?"

"What are you talking about, you can kill us all by yourself? Brother, what you said sounds crazy! Do you know the consequences of messing with our Hot Pot City?" One person said. (Cece)

"If you offend us, not only does Longyuan City not be able to accommodate you, you will not be able to gain a foothold in the entire game. Make a mistake, let us kill a few times and we will be fine. Don't pretend to be aggressive." Another person said.

"Talking nonsense with that Shabi, just fuck to death."

For a while, people around were cursing and making noise.

And Lin Feng looked at these people, remembering each name in his heart.

Regardless of these people, Lin Feng said: "I don't have to work as hard as you. I don't need to apologize. I only kill you once. I apologize next time I meet, and forget about it. If I don't apologize next time, then I will do it again." Kill you once."

"Arrogance! Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, just kill him. This kind of person has never seen the world, and he really thinks he is invincible." Hotpot and Sprite said coldly: "Just kill him so that he dare not enter the game That's right."

"Do it!" Hot pot with red wine is not a bad brother of Hot pot with Sprite. When he really started, he rushed to Lin Feng before he could say anything. At the same time, it was originally agreed that the eight most accurate shooters in the team would attack Lin Feng first from a distance.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Eight arrows shot at Lin Feng from different directions at the same time

Lin Feng stepped on the ground suddenly, and his body flew more than three meters into the air, causing all the arrows to shoot into the air.

8 misses appear at the same time.

This made many players stunned!

It was all empty.

But it was just a surprise, the warrior player, led by the hot pot and red wine, rushed to Lin Feng first.

They have mages here, but even the lowest-level mage skills are mostly range attacks, and it is easy to accidentally injure if there are too many people.

Because there is no guild in the second world at present, naturally there is no guild battle with a large number of people, and the group team can only have a maximum of 10 people.

The 100 people who came today formed ten teams. There will be no harm between teammates, but the skills will hurt those outside the team

Lin Feng can also see from here that the guild in Hot Pot City still has a few tricks.

It's not that they didn't do it without a plan, but that they have a combat method in advance, and the cooperation with each other can be regarded as orderly.

Unfortunately, all of this is imaginary in the face of absolute power.

"Xiao Hei!" Lin Feng shouted. The Taiyin Dragon King was directly summoned.

At that time, the little black dragon flew above Lin Feng's head, as if sensing danger, her eyes showed a fierce look, and she stared at those in the surrounding hot pot city.

"Let go of the attack." Lin Feng pointed in a random direction.

Today's Xiao Hei can go head-to-head with level 70 bosses, but the highest level of players here is only level 26, and they are generally ordinary occupations, with only 5 attribute points per level, far worse than Lin Feng in terms of attributes, let alone legendary level Compared with Xiaohei, the baby dragon, it is even worse.

Before those fighters rushed to Lin Feng, Xiao Hei had already attacked one of them.

As the black ice flew out, hitting a soldier, and then......


The player's blood volume instantly cleared to zero, and he died immediately!

"I'll go! What kind of pet is this?"

"Second kill!"

"He was killed in one shot!"

"Spread out quickly, shooters and elemental mages continue to divide into four directions, don't move forward, attack from a distance! Summoners control summoned beasts, assassins attack sneakily, shield warriors protect long-range crispy skin, swordsmen and previously agreed assassins follow me! " Hot pot with red wine shouted.

In the second world, the well-known [five major occupations will have two choices after changing jobs.

Warriors can be changed to become: Swordsman and Shield Warrior.

The mage can be transferred to become: Elemental Mage and Summoner.

Priests can be changed to become: knights and priests.

Archers can be changed to become: archer and ranger.

Rogues can change jobs to become: Stealer and Assassin.

Before this, Lin Feng had seen some people in the game forum specifically introduced the skills and specialties of these professions when they reached level 20.

Seeing the other party start to move, he turned around and rushed towards the group of elemental mages and shooters.

The assassins disappeared almost at the same time, and they had already used the invisibility technique.

Everything seems to be in order, but......

Hot pot with red wine couldn't catch up with Lin Feng at all, and Lin Feng relied on his high agility to move quickly. The shooter's attack missed three of them, and the master hit.

But the result of the basic attack is...miss!

It can't be broken at all!

"This guy's defense is very high! The ranger looks for opportunities to use combos to control him, and the shooter uses skills directly, and the general attack is not very useful." Although he was surprised, the hot pot with red wine is worthy of being the president of the Grand Guild, and he made a quick decision .

"Bang bang bang..." Another three players couldn't dodge and were crushed to death by Xiao Hei's ice.

At this time, an elemental mage shouted: "Get ready, hide!"

Then, with the same skills, the eight mages simultaneously fired ice arrows, and the arrows flew directly at Xiao Hei.

The ten ice arrows all hit Xiao Hei, directly burying him inside, and the cold air spread, making it difficult for people to see clearly what was going on inside.

"Small fireballs are fine too! Come together!" Afterwards, ten fireballs the size of human heads flew out of the hands of the twelve elemental mages and smashed into the cold air at the same time.


Although the fireballs are not big, the combination of twelve fireballs is not too small, forming a ball and engulfing Xiao Hei.

But just when the players in Hot Pot City were about to relax, they found that the center that was under siege floated up...




Twenty chant spell attacks that only take one second [for Xiao Hei, it's a miss!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

But at this time, Lin Feng also rushed into the group of shooters and elemental mages.

Guard the Cross!


The huge cross blade flew more than 20 meters, and directly disappeared into the crowd.

In order to better cooperate and block Lin Feng from escaping in one direction, everyone formed a team of 10 elemental mages and 10 archers, and then protected by 5 shield warriors.

Gather together.

As a result... the sword blade cut through, and all three groups of people were swept away in an instant.






The parties have only one feeling.

That is, the blood volume instantly clears to zero!

And other people also have a feeling, that is... just saw a group of people turn into white light.

One move, kill them all!

"Fuck...what's the situation?".

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