National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 7 Death's Heart, To Kill God?

Half an hour before the push, in Feiyue Cafe.

After Lin Feng left, Murong Sisi in the pink dress asked suspiciously: "Xiao Wu, although our family is not short of money, but you give a little too much, right? Really college tutors are rare, but they just play with you Playing games can cost hundreds of dollars for a few hours! It’s enough for me to buy a lot of snacks.”

"Sisi, you don't understand. Meng Wang is a god in my heart! One hundred and one hours, I feel that he is at a loss!" Murong Wuwu's eyes almost appeared to be admiring little stars, and her white tender hands were tightly clenched. little powder fist

"I really don't understand, but I know that his game name is Meng Wang, not Meng Wang." Murong Sisi said angrily, "Your game skills are as good as death, and now your memory is as bad as death!"

"It's Meng Wang, I remember correctly. Listen to me, you know, I start playing games from the full level, and I have a lot of good equipment. Do you know where it came from?" Murong Wuwu said .

Murong Sisi said: "Of course I know, isn't it just that the power leveling will give you a full level, and you bought those equipments with money, so you know krypton gold, how nice it is to buy me snacks with so much money! You mean power trainer?"

"That's right!" Murong Wuwu hugged Murong Sisi happily: "From the time I started playing the game, all the full-level numbers were boosted by Meng Wang for me. His boosting speed is much faster than ordinary boosting. The speed is more than double, and the most powerful equipment is also bought from him. And I am his regular customer, the same equipment, I am 20% cheaper than the market price."

"He is a real game master, but he sold all the good equipment, and he didn't participate in the game PK competition. Otherwise, he would have become famous long ago. Even so, he is also a little famous in the power leveling game industry. Back then, I wanted to worship him As a teacher, but he didn't agree, it's fine now, I got caught."

Speaking of this, she became excited, and her pretty face became flushed: "Haha... Sure enough, krypton gold is omnipotent, and now he has become my game teacher. And he leveled up very fast. With a teacher, I can level up. It will definitely fly, and there are a lot of good equipment at the same time, just thinking about it makes me a little excited!"

"Wait, this title has been changed too quickly! Besides, what the hell are you drooling about? Don't you hate Xueba?" Murong Sisi reminded.

"I don't hate Xueba! Alright, let's go home! I'm going to find my teacher at level 10 soon. Ye Qingqing has finally done something. I'm going to invite her to Haidilao."

"You game idiot! It's so rare that you still like it so much after so many years with your unimproved game skills..." Murong Sisi was helpless: "Let's eat a milkshake to calm the shock!"


In the game, the priest transfer hall.

After the game prompt sounded, the white-robed old man in front of Lin Feng suddenly emitted a blazing white light, which made Lin Feng close his eyes involuntarily.

The white light disappeared in an instant, and the old man in front of Lin Feng suddenly turned into a middle-aged man wearing a snow-white cloak and heavy armor, and the information suddenly changed.

Carter Boleyn

grade:? ?

Explanation: Bright Holy See Holy Dragon Knight, powerful in battle.

"Eh... what's going on? It's not that the Holy Cult of Light is going to destroy me, the trainee god of death, right? But before I came here, I used the light form to completely seal the dark attribute. It's a pity, it can only be used once in 24 hours They all died together, if it still works, I really look forward to being hacked to death by him!" Lin Feng thought.

At this moment, he wasn't too nervous, just curious. The player had an advantage, that was, if he died, he would lose a level. So now he is even more curious about the hidden profession, Guardian of Light.

"What a pure light breath!" As soon as it appeared, Nakater Bolin looked at Lin Feng with a look of surprise: "A mortal has such a pure breath, and he is still a priest, he is simply born to be a member of the Holy Cult of Light !"

"This NPC is too humane, Holy Dragon Knight, the name sounds fierce." Lin Feng thought.

"It turned out to be the guardian star ring! After hundreds of years, it finally reappeared. Fortunately, people from my Holy Cult of Light got it. God bless, my Holy Cult of Light will surely prosper forever." Carter Bolin looked at Lin Feng said: "Boy, where did you get your guardian star ring?"

"It turned out to be this thing. The effect is not very good. I didn't expect it to trigger a hidden job." Lin Feng was surprised. On the surface, he pretended not to know, and said suspiciously: "When I was killing monsters, I picked it up by accident. It looked pretty and I wore it."

"That's right, it's hard to see this thing on the surface. If it didn't enter the territory of our Holy Cult of Light, it would be very difficult to be discovered." Carter Bolling said: "Now let's get to the point, do you want to change your job to become the Guardian of Light?"

"Better than a knight?" Lin Feng asked tentatively.

"Of course." Carter Boleyn said arrogantly: "I was appointed as the Guardian of Light, but when the Holy Cult was in crisis, I turned the tide and saved the existence of the Holy Cult."

"That sounds fierce!" Lin Feng said, "Then of course I want to change my job to become the Guardian of Light."

Carter Boleyn raised his hand and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder: "Good job, it's not difficult to become the guardian of the light. First, you need to find the heart of the god of death, and then you can completely revive the broken guardian star ring. With my With the power of the holy dragon, you can change your job to become a guardian of light."

"Reaper's heart!" Lin Feng said: " want me to kill God? This is not easy at all. With my current strength, even if I find Reaper, I will die!"

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