National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 74 Extraordinary Race: Seraphim!

"1. The settlement experience.....The proportion of points is 73%, and the 200-level legendary boss is killed, and the experience value is tripled."

*2. A piece of random treasure in the treasure house of heaven, do you want to start random?"

At this time, Lin Feng flashed five times in a row, directly rising to level 44.

He feels that this experience is not mainly those mobs, most of it may be the experience brought by the death of a 200-level legendary boss.

Then, Lin Feng chooses, randomly.

"Heaven Treasure is randomly selected..."

Just three seconds later, a weapon appeared in front of Lin Feng's eyes.

Archangel Sword (Growth Type)

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 45

Physical Attack: 1500

Magic Attack: 2000


Strength +40

Special effects: 1. Light attribute attack +30%

2. Killing spirit creatures, purifying evil spirits, can grow and advance, and the current advancement progress is 0%

"I'll go! Dark gold weapon! And it's a growth type. This light attribute has a strong increase! And this attack is so cool!" Lin Feng looked excited at the equipment.

He usually doesn't take out a gold-level sword when fighting monsters, because the increase in physical attack is too low, and it is difficult to cause too much damage when fighting monsters. It seems like a waste of "890".

But it's different now, the Archangel's Sword of the Dark Gold rank completely surpasses the Death Sickle, and it will increase his damage considerably. You must know that his current magic attack is only 800

"3, 2, 1. Players leave Sky Wing City..."

"Boom!" Lin Feng made a fuss and suddenly went blank, and in an instant, he found himself reappearing in the hall before the dungeon.

At this time, Seraphim Michael was still sitting on the throne, and the powerful coercion naturally radiated.

"You have passed my test, and you have also passed the test of the seven of us. It is very good that you have overshadowed Gabriel's successor." Michael looked at Lin Feng and said flatly.

"Seven tests? What do you mean?" Lin Feng asked in confusion.

Michael said: "The City of Sky Wings is used to test our inheritors, and we have notified each other. Naturally, the inheritors have always been tested alone. When you came this time, I also notified the other six .”

"But I didn't expect Gabriel to meet his inheritor this time, let alone that he didn't notify us at all, and sent his inheritor to the City of Sky Wings to undergo the test at the same time as you.

"Why did you do that?" Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

"Because..." Michael's originally calm eyes suddenly flashed a trace of ridicule: "He refuses to accept me."

"Gabriel?" Lin Feng asked directly.

At this moment, he felt a little strange: "It seems that the angels are not as emotionless as they heard, nor as impartial as imagined. They are more like a group of stronger people. Where there are people, there will be struggles and competitions. "

"Yes." Michael stood up naturally, walked towards Lin Feng, and said, "However, you can't call me that, you should be called Teacher Gabriel. From today, you will be my Saint Michael One of the inheritors of the school is also my student. I don't want my students to be like Gabriel, who is not polite."

"Understood, teacher." Lin Feng nodded, thinking: "This game is very funny, everyone likes to recruit students, the old Dragon King accepts Murong Wuwu as a student, I am now an angel clan, and I have an extra teacher. However, It seems that this teacher is a bit arrogant."

Michael walked and continued: "For a true genius, one person is enough to complete the test of the Sky Winged City. If they can't complete it, they are not qualified to be our inheritors. But if two inheritors enter, it will naturally be easier to complete the test." test."

"Completing the test like this is also invalid, so the mutation of the dungeon mission was triggered by the seven of us. Although we can't observe the specific situation inside, it is obvious that my student did not let me down. His student Gabriel It didn't achieve the results he wanted."

"You are very good."

When he finished speaking the last sentence, Michael had already walked up to Lin Feng, and a blood like a red crystal floated out from between his eyebrows, and then flew into Lin Feng's forehead.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a powerful force pouring into his body, which was warm.

And his body naturally floated up, exuding a golden and white fusion of light, and then he felt itching on his back, and then a tingling pain.

All the light condensed on Lin Feng's back, forming three pairs of white light wings. As the light became more and more intense, it took only five seconds for the light to dissipate. Six huge wings appeared on Lin Feng's back, the pure white feathers were mixed with traces of gold, which looked pure and noble.

At this time, the game prompt sounded: "Successfully transformed the extraordinary race Seraphim, belonging to Michael's lineage."

Afterwards, Lin Feng saw that the human race in his own race had turned into an angel Seraphim.

Angel Clan · Seraphim

Human form: agility increased by 50%, physical attack = intelligence X4

Seraphim Form (Six Wings): It can be transformed into Seraphim with flying ability, agility X3, magic attack X3, health X3. When not in combat, the form can be switched freely without a time limit. It lasts for 1 hour in battle and cools down for 12 hours.

"The number of boosted attributes is not as many as Murong Wuwu's, but the multiple of the boost is higher, which is more suitable for me." Lin Feng thought.

Although Lin Feng had grown wings, he was not yet familiar with them, so he naturally landed on the ground.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "Teacher, I have become a Seraph, what privileges do I have?"

Michael said flatly: "Even if you are my student, any privilege of an angel requires the merits of the angel family. At present, your privilege is not a privilege, but you can enter the city of heaven at any time. Because you are my student, you can Freely enter some places, and which ones you can experience yourself.

"Thank you, teacher." Lin Feng said: "Teacher, you seven, does that mean there will be seven inheritors?"

"Yes." Michael said: "Each of us has an inheritor, and only when the inheritor dies in battle or betrays us, will the next inheritor be produced. Now Gabriel and I already have an inheritor , and the remaining five inheritors will arrive soon."

"Then, are there any human beings who can become other angel races? For example, not Seraphim." Lin Feng said.

Michael said: "Yes, when the number exceeds 100, you will have new surprises. Well, you can leave now."

After speaking, Lin Feng felt a force enveloping him, and in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared outside the hall.

This time, he can really see what the city of paradise looks like.

"Just take a walk and have a look." Lin Feng thought to himself, and walked straight ahead...

And just after Lin Feng left, Bian Le also disappeared.

Ten thousand meters away from the city of paradise, in the clouds and mists, seven stone thrones stand in the clouds and mists around a huge round table.

"Shua! Shua!" Almost at the same time, two Seraphs appeared, sitting on two thrones respectively.

"Gabriel, are you satisfied with your students?" Michael asked with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Satisfied, but, the student is the guardian of the light, which fundamentally determines that his combat power will not be strong, just like you, he can only be commanded and managed." Gabriel said indifferently

- said: "Angels should be strong themselves, and they are the core."

"Don't you know whether my combat power is strong? In the first battle back then, God can witness that you were the loser." Miller said flatly.

"If we fight again now, who is stronger and who is weaker?" Gabriel confronted each other.

"Are you trying to be Lucifer?" Michael looked at Gabriel, his eyes turned golden.

"Hmph! It's ridiculous, how can that filthy thing like Lucifer compare with me? Now that we have an inheritor, my inheritor must surpass yours, for fear that you will lose too badly by then. Angel The students of the military commander are not as good as my students." Gabriel sneered.

"Really? We'll find out later."

Lin Feng discovered that this Paradise City is very large, covering an area far larger than Longyuan City, and at the same time, it is far more gorgeous than Longyuan City. There are countless huge and gorgeous buildings.

This place is not like a human city, but more like a god city.

There is not a single human being in the city, all of them are angels, with the most two-winged angels, relatively few four-winged angels, and very few seraphs. He hadn't seen an eight-winged angel for a long time, and he hadn't even seen Michael's sixteen-winged angel.

And the angels did not walk, all of them flew in the air.

The area where Lin Feng is located is the central inner city of the City of Paradise, also known as the Seven Holy Halls. There are only seven largest halls, which are particularly conspicuous in the City of Paradise. They should be the halls where the seven seraphim are located.

Seeing that no one was walking, Lin Feng was also a little embarrassed, and simply flew with wings.

But he can't fly fast, it's not that he's not fast, but...he's very unfamiliar with flying, and always has the illusion that he's going to fall to his death at any time, so naturally he doesn't dare to fly too fast.

Of course, I'm also afraid of flying too fast and directly crashing to death.

After flying for more than three hours, Lin Feng took a rough look at the City of Paradise. Except for the Seven Temples, most of the other buildings in 2.0 are the residences of angels, and Lin Feng is not unable to enter at all.

Some buildings caught Lin Feng's attention. Such as Heaven Treasure House, God Museum, Angel Practice Field, Angel Dueling Field, Angel Exchange, etc., are almost owned by Longyuan City, and those that assist players are all here.

From these, Lin Feng also saw that there may be a group of angel players in the future. After all, if there were only seven Seraph players, it would not be possible to design the City of Paradise more like a city where players live.

When he first came out, Lin Feng sent a message to Murong Yiyi, but the latter said that he suddenly had a mission and had already left Paradise City, so he observed Paradise City by himself

And these places, there are several that he can't enter. For example, the treasure house of heaven, the land of awakening. Like the Museum of God, as Michael said, I can enter freely

After more than three hours of winding around, Lin Feng felt bored and planned to leave Paradise.

But at this moment, a two-winged angel flew in front of Lin Feng.

"Dear Sir Seraphim, my name is Qila, I belong to the Holy Cult of Light, and the Bishop asked me to invite you to the Sanctuary of Great Light.

"Great Light Sanctuary!?" Lin Feng was surprised and puzzled at the same time. .

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