Chapter 162

The next day, the early morning was gloomy like dusk, and the dawn camp lost its former vitality. It was replaced by the tranquility of death, and the solemn atmosphere was like a funeral. The streets and alleys were full of mercenary soldiers with swords and shields. There are mages or archers watching and watching on the roof, and thieves and assassins are ambushing even inconspicuous corners.

Zhang Mu mobilized all the soldiers.

Residents don’t have time to follow the forum, and the discussion gradually diminishes, and their attention naturally shifts.

Now the streets and alleys of the camp are under strict control. Even if monsters cause a commotion, they will be discovered and controlled in time, and the losses have been greatly reduced.

This is a good start. If the battle does not start and the morale is destroyed first, then the result is definitely not much better. Early in the morning, Zhang Mu sent out invitation emails like the heads of the group. Everyone and the biochemical clan headed by Cook entered the management area and began to discuss countermeasures to defend against the tide of monsters.

The crowd was sitting in the wide hall, and the crystal ball projected the campsite model in front of them, showing each building and tree clearly. There are two places where the Dawn Camp needs to be defended. One is the Dawn Camp itself, and the other is the Dawn Station not far from the Dawn Camp.

The camp is the foundation of life.

The station is the key to developing secret realms and attacking alien races.

If the two places lose one, the human race will be destroyed.

The monster wave is caused by the dominance, and their attack center is determined by the population. The Dawn Camp has undoubtedly become the main attack target. As for the Dawn Station, although it is inevitably affected, the attack intensity is not too high compared with the Dawn Camp.

Zhang Mu was sitting on the main seat of Baishi, holding the handrails in both hands, staring at the three-dimensional image with calm eyes. After a few seconds, he raised his finger and pointed at the image and said: “From reliable information, the tide of monsters will split into the air. The two main offensive groups on the ground. The outer wall of the camp is ground-proof but not air-defense. Our power against the air is obviously insufficient. Therefore, we require mages, shooters and other long-range professions to save as much mana power as possible in the first round of combat. monster.”

Fengyue mercenaries gathered quite a lot of excellent archers and mages, and Liu Shuiyan immediately said: “How do you want to arrange it, just say it.”

“Don’t worry, the Dawn Camp needs to be defended.” Zhang Mu paused and said: “There should be no accidents at the Dawn Station. We must send a few strong enough mercenaries to guard. In my opinion, it is better to let the Dragon Soul mercenaries. Bring a few mercenary groups to guard, and make sure you are safe!”

Zhang Mu’s voice fell, and the sights of dozens of people in the hall focused on the representatives of the Dragon Soul Mercenary Corps, namely Huang Tian and Huang Jianye and his son. Huang Tian looked unhappy, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with the arrangement, he was about to stand up to refute, and Huang Jianye stopped him.

Huang Jianye’s brows frowned slightly, he didn’t immediately agree, he was weighing something.

Zhang Mu didn’t speak, but sat with his breasts, waiting for a reply.

Now Huangquan is in the midst of the sky, and the dragon soul that could barely contend with it, with the establishment of a trade union by Zhang Mu, the Huangquan mercenary group has risen, and the dragon soul is already short. If Zhang Mu can lead a mercenary and fight a beautiful battle, his status and reputation will surely be consolidated.

The dragon soul mercenary stayed in the camp, it was a bit of a hindrance, and they simply branched out. The result of this has nothing to do with the dragon soul. In the end, if a glorious victory is achieved, the greatest glory will belong to Huangquan.

This may be a temptation.The confrontation between the two powers will be broken, and a dominance pattern will inevitably emerge. If the Dragon Soul missed this opportunity, he would be suppressed by Huang Quan, and it would be difficult to stand up.

Why is Huang Tian willing?

However, Huang Jianye was very calm and knew in his heart that if he didn’t know the current affairs at this moment and stayed to fight for merit, Zhang Mu would definitely suppress the dragon soul with all his strength after the war. Now that Huang Quan is strong, there is no need for Dragon Soul to fight against them. It might as well take a step back, anyway, it will be long in Japan.

Huang Jianye stood up with his saber around his waist: “Dragon Soul is still alive, and Shuguang Station will not fall!”

“Then there is a brother of Lao Long Soul.” Zhang Mu nodded: “I will give you 50 bottles of magic potion, I wish you triumph!”

Huang Jianye arched his hands and sat down again.

Zhang Mu named several mercenary teams, all of them second-rate teams, including the Triumphant Mercenary Corps, to join the defense of the station. In fact, the people present are not idiots. You can’t see the nuances, but Huang Jianye’s face is calm from beginning to end, making people totally unable to feel the inner thoughts.

Has the dragon soul finally softened to Huangquan?

Everyone thought secretly in their hearts.

In fact, guarding the camp, although there are many benefits, there is ultimately an excessive risk. The dragon soul is weak, if Zhang Mu is tricked, wouldn’t it be even more powerless to stand up? Moreover, even if it performed well in the monster tide, it would not be able to overwhelm the current Huangquan.

At this time, it is necessary to converge and keep a low profile.

Guarding the station is relatively safe.

Just in line with Huang Jianye’s idea.

Seeing Huang Jianye’s statement, Zhang Mu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, although he was calm on the surface. At least on the surface, it is estimated that the Dragon Soul will not cause trouble for the next period of time… What a great thing!

“Well, time is running out, let’s continue to deploy defenses.”

Zhang Mu arranged a large number of shooters, a small number of wizards, priests, and shield warfare aids on the wall, cooperated with the mechanical clan, and a large number of melee fighters were properly matched. They were placed behind the wall and centered on the biochemical clan armored vehicles to form a powerful battle group to block monsters. Offense.

The tide of monsters is too strong. Under the attack of the group of monsters, the wall cannot be intact. In all likelihood, it will not be able to keep it. Close combat and street fighting will be inevitable.

Thieves and hunters set up a large number of magic traps in squares, streets and alleys, and even in roofs and courtyards.

The roof, trees, rooms and other places are all ambushing the archer, letting every street and every corner be controlled by the archer.

The frontline mercenaries were defeated and immediately turned a pure defensive battle into a street battle. The mercenaries could be strongholds on the roof and in the house, blocking the streets by setting up roadblocks, and then diverting the monsters that broke into the camp to enter the ambush. In, an extermination was carried out.

The focus of the monster tide’s attack should be on the south side. Zhang Mu put most of the camp’s strength in ambush here. As for the other sides, he sent a few mercenary groups, plus one or two powerful biochemical teams. It’s already fair enough.

Most of the heads of the group who were present at first looked down upon Zhang Mu, but after listening to Zhang Mu’s arrangement from beginning to end, they couldn’t help showing surprise. No one thought that Zhang Mu, who was young, had a seamless deployment of troops. Occupational characteristics, considering various emergency response plans, accurate to each team.

Huang Jianye also looked at Zhang Mu with admiration.

Zhang Mu has experienced monster waves and deeply understands the power and attack characteristics of monster waves, so he has considered a lot of monsters’ defense deployment and combat plans. There are things that ordinary people can’t think of, and they are prepared for all aspects of defense.

This meeting lasted for most of the day. After discussion and discussion, everyone put forward some amendments and finally perfected the deployment of troops in the Suguang camp.

The major mercenaries left.

Zhang Mu and Cook stayed, and the mercenary defense deployment was completed. Next came the arrangement of the mechanical clan and the biochemical clan, which was very important. Because the mechanical and biochemical clan in the dawn camp are super powerful, one can hold five or six mercenary fighters, which is an important defensive force.

“Cook, what do you think of my arrangement?”

Zhang Mu asked.

Cook attended the meeting all the way. He was the supervisor who had arranged arrangements to avoid serious mistakes caused by Zhang Mu’s command. The result was unexpected. Zhang Mu seemed to be very familiar with the habits of various monsters and well understood the combat capabilities of human beings. Every line of defense was set up reasonably.

“The battlefield changes rapidly, and careful arrangements are not enough. As a qualified commander, you also have the ability to adapt to changes.”

“There is no need to worry about this. I have the confidence to fight the monster well with the least loss.”

Cook nodded slightly: “This is necessary. If even stupid and barbaric monsters can’t be defeated, then humans won’t have to fight against intelligent races!”

“Hint: Cook’s favorability has increased by 20 points. The current favorability is 60200, and the relationship has changed: normal → friendly!”

Zhang Mu was startled first.

Cook once again increased his goodwill, and the relationship became “friendly.”

This is the second biochemical friend that Zhang Mu has obtained after the chef. As long as they enter a friendly relationship, they can already be called friends. Zhang Mu’s friendship with the chef has grown to 90, and his friendship with the mysterious businessman has grown to 80. Although the relationship is friendly, the higher the friendship value, the better the relationship.

In Cook’s favor, the “normal” line was broken soon, and there is a lot of room for development. Character relationships are always very useful and can sometimes be used to trigger hidden tasks.

After finishing the discussion with Zhang Mu, Cook was about to turn around and leave, and suddenly stopped, and finally said: “The war is about to begin, I hope you can survive! For the human race, for the camp…”

Zhang Mu hung up a smile and watched Cook leave.

This halfling is finally a bit human!

The sky is darker.

The camp was shrouded in unprecedented tension.

In the next two days, vampire bats, ghosts, giant rats, centipedes, and worms… often sneaked into the camp, causing at least a dozen injuries. Fortunately, it was controlled in time and did not cause particularly serious casualties. A small group of monsters wandered around the camp and attacked the dawn camp ten times in two days!

With monster harassment and sneak attacks, and the increase in frequency, people can clearly feel that the tide of monsters is approaching. A few hundred monsters caused a mess in the camp, and it took 10,000 to 20,000 monsters to experience the impact. I really don’t know what it will turn out to be.

It’s just that what should come will always come, and the dawn camp does not have much preparation time.

On the third day, day is like night.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

The alarm bell of the dawn camp was ringing again, the loud and harsh bell ringing, with infinite penetrating power, made people highly concentrated. In Zhang Mu’s arrangement, the major mercenary groups led the mercenaries to the assigned positions, waiting for the monster wave to attack.

At 9 o’clock in the morning, all the soldiers were in position, black clouds pressed against the city, strong winds were everywhere, and thunder was busy. This kind of murderous breath is even stronger. It makes people’s heart sealed and can hardly breathe. On the high outer wall of the Dawn Camp, the shield wall was shot. The archer holding the longbow and the wizard holding the long staff stood behind the shield wall, shoulder to shoulder, with almost no gap.

Zhang Mu stood on the head of the city, his helmet covering most of his face, the blue cloak flying with the wind, holding the sword in his hand, this moment was ignored at an age, like a confident general, standing silently on a high wall . The soldiers’ eyes were filled with respect and trust.

On the left are Thunder, Fatty, Sanggou, Leng Yun and others.

On the right, Cook is holding a silver katana, several biochemical warriors.

Yang Yi frowned suddenly and said, “There seems to be a voice!”

Zhang Mu lightly headed: “It’s coming!”

“Boom boom… boom boom… boom boom…”

There was a sound of galloping horses in the distance, and a black line appeared in the field of vision. When you looked around, countless monsters formed a huge army. Many of them are natural enemies with each other, but under the force of a certain force, they ignored each other and rushed towards the camp at the same time.


A thunder flashed above everyone’s heads.

The thunder was so loud, it seemed that ten thousand bombs were detonated at the same time, and some cowardly soldiers almost failed to hold the weapon in their hands. One after another, heavy rain fell crazily, constantly hitting the warrior’s armor and falling on the sword’s edge. A rare pouring rain completely sealed off the range of a hundred miles.

The torrential rain roared, thunder blasted everywhere, and monsters roared like black waves, approaching the camp!

This is a war that kicked off the chaos!

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