Chapter 420 Black Point City

Zhang Mu first used the Chaos Inscription to enhance the strength of Ye Qianqiu, Xie, and Thunder.

The fruit of the experience brought from the Emerald City was not used by himself, and it was handed over to the three of them in order to reach the heavenly spirit realm as soon as possible. The internal resources of the mercenary group, Zhang Mu’s precious contribution points, and he did not hesitate to use them, in exchange for a large number of Baodan medicinal materials.

Ye Qianqiu and Xie are already very strong. If they have enough external assistance, they are expected to make a breakthrough within half a month. In addition, Lei Ming, Leng Yun, and Lin Caiyan are also key training targets.

Zhang Mu is not in a hurry to upgrade, his level is a disguise. Because no one would believe that someone can become a strong heavenly spirit at level 40. Zhang Mu deliberately delayed his level promotion, in fact, he wanted to use this to disguise himself so that the enemies in the dark would underestimate him, and he could play the effect of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Night fell as usual.

China Ocean City repeats the erosive nightlife day after day.

Two small figures stood on top of a building several hundred meters high.

One is Zhang Mu.

The other is a scorpion.

Zhang Mu was wearing a black cloak, with a large hood completely covering his face, and occasionally only a white ghost mask could only be seen when a corner was exposed. Scorpion stood beside in a black cloak and a black grimace mask. The cloaks of the two are all gold-quality equipment, and the combat bonus is not high, but they have the function of assisting hiding and sneaking.

“These blocks are known as Pointe-Noire City. They are the site of the Black Point.” Zhang Mu glanced across the brightly lit blocks and said slowly: “A total of six streets, more than four to five hundred buildings, entertainment city, gambling city. There are more than eleven stores, hotels, material stores, etc., with dozens of various shops. The Dark Horn has been in business for more than ten years, most of which are concentrated here.”

Scorpion didn’t speak, and raised his head slightly. There were only two black holes on the black ghost face, even the eyes were invisible, giving people a very strange feeling.

“Our mission tonight is to infiltrate, sneak into the enemy’s interior, and gather beneficial intelligence. If we can find the man behind me who wants to kill me, it would be best.”

Zhang Mu’s words are not finished yet.

A dozen shadows appeared beside Scorpion and spread out in all directions, like a dozen drops of ink melted into the entire bottle of ink, silently disappearing into the bustling night scene.

“be careful.”

Zhang Mu gave a final word.

The scorpion’s deity shook, like a broken bubble disappeared, Zhang Mu couldn’t feel his presence. Scorpion is a shadow walker, and no one in the human race can be better than stealth assassination. Although his current strength is weak, he is better than Zhang Mu in sneak penetration.

“This guy!”

Zhang Mu shook his head helplessly. Scorpion was too silent and cherished words like gold, but he was very relieved to get things done. Once Scorpion becomes a heavenly spirit, he will definitely be a terrifying killer and become one of Zhang Mu’s most powerful right-hand man.

Zhang Mu jumped out of the tall building.

The Horn of Darkness is worthy of being the most powerful private weapon in Zhonghai City!

Judging from the collected data, the composition of the Dark Horn is very complicated. The members of the mercenary group are very mixed, composed of different countries, different tribes, and different races. Most of these people have left their hometowns in recent decades to seek development and opportunities in the undeveloped Xihai Province.

Several strong men stood up and invested huge sums of money to win over the masters from all walks of life, and finally laid the embryonic form of the mercenary group, the black horn mercenary group in the city.

Fifteen years have passed.

The mercenary group is thriving!

There are up to 150,000 official mercenaries!

The selection of noire mercenaries is very strict, and the requirements must be 30 or above! These 150,000 noire mercenaries are armed forces that have a certain impact on the government, not to mention that a mercenary group cannot be all combat mercenaries, and there are hundreds of thousands of reserve mercenaries and logistics mercenaries.

The Black Horn group formed by the Mercenaries of the Dark Horn has a considerable influence in China Ocean City. It has many industries under its control, involving materials, medicine, food, and entertainment. It can be described as a mercenary group in the sky!

Zhang Mu walked into the site of the Dark Horn.

The streets are very busy, all kinds of lights flicker, dazzling, and heavy music sounds vibrate, making the eardrums hurt. The ground is full of rubbish, and the crowd is chaotic.

This is basically a city within a city. It is out of the jurisdiction of China Ocean City to a certain extent. It is very difficult for China Ocean City Law Enforcement Bureau to manage. People don’t bother to intervene. Over time, Pointe-Noire has developed an atmosphere that is more degenerate than the outside world. Every day, I don’t know how many people will disappear inside, and eventually they can’t even find the bones.

As soon as Zhang Mu walked in, he was immediately spotted.

Four or five sulky eyes locked on the stranger from outside, and followed Zhang Mu through a few streets.

Pretending to be ignorant, Zhang Mu suddenly turned into a remote and uninhabited alley, and several stalkers immediately followed him.



Several stalkers had no patience anymore and immediately jumped out and shouted.

“what’s up?”

Zhang Mu looked still.

An alien big man looked carefully, and Zhang Mu’s whole body was covered by an inconspicuous black cloak, which probably had the function of shielding his strength, so he couldn’t see the attribute information, but he didn’t seem to be a powerful person. This is the territory of the Horn of Darkness, and several of them are all Mercenaries of the Horn of Darkness, so they are naturally confident.

A black mercenary showed a blade, “Do you know what this is? Just hand over the money if you know it!”

An invisible force was released.

“Mind control!”

Several people’s eyes became dull.

Zhang Mu asked, “Where is your boss?”

One of them stared blankly and replied: “In…in the Castle of Pointe Noire!”

Zhang Mu lost an unregistered savings card, “All your green crystal coins are deposited here.”

Zhang Mu knew that the Blackhorn mercenaries in the middle and lower tiers could not have personal property. Their green crystal coins must be deposited in the identity card and the inheritance transfer should be set up at the same time. Once these mercenaries accidentally live and die, all their property will be automatically transferred out.

General hypnotism just makes the target fall asleep.

Under the control of the mind, Zhang Mu performed hypnotism, and combined with the power of the illusion of the sky-shielding magic arts, so it played the ability to temporarily control the other party, allowing them to show the money obediently. A total of five pens, 89, 101, 98, 62, 102, a total of 532 green crystal coins.

Zhang Mu had a little surprise. Several ordinary Noire mercenaries did not expect to have a lot of savings.

A full 532 green crystal coins.

This is equal to 53,200 gold coins. If you go out hunting, how long will it take to kill to earn 50,000 gold coins?

When the money comes.

Zhang Mu drew out the glacier sword, a ray of sword light cut the darkness of the alley.

Five black-horned mercenaries stood there blankly. Zhang Mu had already walked far away. There was a stalemate for about ten seconds. A gust of wind blew by, and five heads fell like dandelions. It is too remote here, and the dead body must be found at least until tomorrow.

Based on the information obtained, Zhang Mu finally locked a small castle. This castle was built on a 200-meter-high mountain. The mountain is small but surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is surrounded by cities on all sides. It is unique in Zhonghai City.

The castle on the hill is the residence of the high-ranking Mercenary Noire.

Zhang Mu needs to wait for the control of the mind to cool down, so he is not in a hurry to enter the castle. He wanders the streets and alleys of Pointe-Noire. Taking advantage of the control of the mind has not disappeared, he hypnotizes a group of Noire mercenaries. The corner mercenaries handed over all their property.

The result was in just a few minutes.

On Zhang Mu’s savings card, a full 4,500 green crystal coins were added.

When Zhang Mu came to Xihai Province, he carried a total of 5 million gold coins, and only 50,000 green crystal coins were exchanged. They didn’t arrive overnight. Zhang Mu received 4,500 green crystal coins, which was converted into 450,000 gold coins! This is definitely a number beyond imagination, precisely because noire mercenaries are not allowed to have private savings cards, the money is in the identity card, and every plunder is equivalent to emptying out all the possessions of a mercenary.

450,000 gold coins!

This is not a small sum for Zhang Mu!

The skill sent by the psychic master is actually a magical skill to make money!

Zhang Mu looted the Noire mercenaries without feeling guilty. Noire mercenaries are aliens, and those who are not of our own race lack a sense of identity and cannot treat them like their own race. Secondly, all the Noire mercenaries who were robbed of their own conspiracy, are completely responsible for themselves. Not to mention, Noire’s mercenary tried to kill Zhang Mu.

Therefore, if you snatch the money from the Noire mercenary, you will only feel happy and pleasantly surprised, and there will be no sense of guilt.

The little ghost under the control of the mind is about to disappear.

Zhang Mu hypnotized a casino owner who tried to defraud himself. This was a mid-level and high-level figure of a black horn mercenary who had the strength of the earth spirit in the later stage. As a result, he scraped out 2500 green crystal coins in one go.

Earn for nothing, earn 7000 green crystal coins!

The money is too easy. Although it is not ethical, but also because of today’s assassination, I gave a good breath!

This method comes quickly, but there is a little risk. If it is done too much, it will inevitably attract the attention of the strong green alliance. Since the Green Alliance has established a green crystal coin system, it must have a fairly complete management. It will be easy to find the whereabouts of the money, freeze the circulation of the green crystal coin, and locate the location of the relevant savings card.

Even if the Green Alliance cannot find evidence, it can completely confiscate the money in the name of possessing illegal property, and then convict it. It is useless for Zhang Mu to die.

It is easy to make money, but difficult to launder.

The Horn of Darkness itself has a large amount of illegal property. If the property is inspected on a large scale, they will definitely be the first to be unlucky. However, just in case, Zhang Mu asked Qiao Weier to help launder money, so as to ensure that every green crystal coin he looted could be spent safely.

Net profit of 700,000 gold coins in one night!

Zhang Mu’s mood suddenly became bright.

This makes Huangquan mercenaries who are a little tight on funds immediately get financial relief. Using this method, they will often get large sums of money in the future. If you have money, what do you want to do?

Contented, Zhang Mu stood at the foot of the hill, looking at the black castle on the top of the hill.

“Next, let me be the leader of the Dark Horn for a while!”

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