Chapter 474 Mysterious Island

Devil Sea, the restricted area of ​​Xihai Province.

As the name suggests, this is a sea of ​​weird, deadly, and evil. The Green Alliance has established a province for more than 100 years. It has never formally developed the Devil’s Sea, and even designated the Devil’s Sea as a forbidden area, not allowing adventurers, merchants, and mercenaries to approach it easily.

Despite this, the Devil Island is full of strange treasures and countless rare birds and animals, which still attracts a large number of merchants and adventurers to try their luck. Some of these people have indeed made a fortune, but many more have never come out.

Recently, the Devil’s Sea, where few people have set foot in it, has suddenly become lively.

Because the Devil Islands and the Moon Organization have some inevitable connections.

Therefore, check again in the main city.

The investigation bureaus of each city are also investigating.

Hundreds of thousands of survey ships enter and exit the Devil’s Sea every day. The area of ​​the Devil’s Sea is very large, almost equivalent to one-quarter to one-fifth of the size of a domain.

What concept is this?

It is about the total area of ​​the Indian Ocean, or even slightly larger. It is not too small or too big, because the Bureau of Investigation has dispatched thousands of survey ships, all equipped with advanced detection instruments. If it is a normal area, It does not take long to complete the investigation and detect the basic terrain. Just investigating in the Devil’s Sea is not so easy, this is not an easy task to complete.

The Devil’s Sea is shrouded in mist all year round. The mist is naturally formed and contains strong illusion energy. At the same time, it will cause elemental flocculation. The detection equipment is in the mist and it is difficult to function. In addition, in the Devil Sea, there are countless demons and countless catastrophes. Every minute of stay is dangerous, let alone a detailed investigation. Over the past month, just investigating the disappearance of the Devil’s Sea can almost form a medium-sized fleet.

This day.

Somewhere in the Devil Sea.

The gray mist is extremely thick and permeates the surface of the Devil Sea. The mist is not fixed, and often surging with air currents and energy changes. Whirlpools are formed in some places, and dense mists are formed in some places. If you crash into the whirlpool, you will instantly be swept into unknown places, and even be swept into a naturally formed illusion. If it hits a dense layer of fog, the high concentration of phantom fog will directly cause all instruments to malfunction and make people completely disoriented.

However, the most terrifying thing is not the fog of the devil sea, but the ubiquitous monsters.

“Be careful, there are a few soul suckers in front! These are ghost creatures and can directly attack us!”

“Use all elemental cannons to kill them immediately!”

Several investigative ships turned on their weapons and shot a few beams into the fog.


Some creature in the mist was hit, making a sharp scream.

Several investigators breathed a sigh of relief.

This investigative team is composed of 7 investigative ships. This is the third time to enter the Devil’s Sea to perform its mission. This time it was lucky. It sailed for more than an hour at 2 times the speed of sound, but it was not attacked. Although they encountered some demons, there were only a few low-level demons, which could not pose a threat to the 7 warships.

However, the investigators know that as they continue to deepen, they are gradually approaching the depths of the Devil’s Sea, which is a place that almost no one has ever set foot in. Recently, a large number of investigative ships have disappeared nearby. The fifth investigation team had to slow down and drive for a few more hours.


“Group leader, I should go home!”

Several investigators began to feel uncomfortable, because the situation in the Devil Sea made people feel very uneasy, and there was a possibility that their lives would be in danger in the next second. The leader of the investigation team also didn’t want to lose his life in the Devil’s Sea, and immediately nodded and said: “Okay, confirm our location and start preparing to return!”

“Group leader, look!”

“That is……”

One of the team members found that there was a sudden change in the detection equipment in front of him, and couldn’t help but take a look from outside the ship. The thick fog suddenly disappeared, and a shocking scene appeared.

On the black sea level, a huge island suddenly appeared. To be precise, it was not an island, but a continent.

There are Devil Islands in the Devil’s Sea. There are many islands over 50,000 square kilometers. There are hundreds of thousands. However, the islands of hundreds of thousands square kilometers are very rare large islands. As for the islands of more than one million square kilometers, there are only a few islands. Three or two.

There is no way to get a complete picture of the islands now appearing in front of you, but conservative estimates are definitely not less than one million square kilometers. It may be the largest island among the islands that have been discovered in the Devil’s Sea. Even more surprising, there is a lot of light on the island, it is not natural light, it must be artificial light.

Living creatures live on small continents!

This is the sea of ​​devil!

What race dared to live in the devil’s sea?

“Quick! A major discovery!”

“Report now!”

The investigator was busy sending back information, but at this moment, the dark clouds surging ahead, a strong air current gushing out, several investigating ships did not have time to respond, and a giant suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

It was a medium-sized mothership with a volume of two thousand feet long. It was completely dark and hideous. There were few ships of this level in the entire Xihai Province. Immediately afterwards, the powerful attack system was fully activated, and countless gun barrels locked onto several ant-like survey ships.

“Do not–”


There was a loud thunderous noise in the sky.

The whole world was calm again, and the medium-sized war mothership slowly faded back into the mist and disappeared.

China Ocean City.

“Situation, there is a situation!”

Qiao Wei’er approached Zhang Mu early in the morning and said excitedly: “Devil Sea has information!”

Zhang Mugang buried a group of undead in the soil. When he heard Qiao Weier’s words, he asked helplessly: “This is the fifth time!”

Qiao Wei’er stared her eyes and said: “This time it’s true!”

Zhang Mu fished out his ears: “Okay, you can talk about it.”

Qiao Weier said: “An investigation team we sent sent back a set of coordinates. There must be a problem with that place.”

Zhang Mu frowned and said, “Just a set of coordinates?”

“Only one set of coordinates!”

“Which investigation team?”

“Lost contact, send back the coordinates, about three seconds, suddenly lose contact!”

Zhang Mu finally became interested: “Really? Did you send anyone else over?”

“Yes, a few investigative teams have just been sent over.”

“The results of it?”

“As a result, all disappeared!”

Zhang Mu frowned: “All missing? Didn’t you leave a message?”

“No, I didn’t leave anything, all of them lost contact.” Qiao Weier was a little bit unable to sit still, “There must be nothing wrong this time, there is the nest of the Yue organization, they killed, we sent the investigator. You quickly prepare, I’ll mobilize the fleet and army. I will kill it tomorrow, and I will wipe out the Moon Organization, and kill a piece of armor without leaving it!”

“The situation is not clear, you can’t be reckless!”

“The people who organized the organization later, but they ran away!”

“Whether there is the headquarters of the Moon Organization or not is still unclear, and the environment of the Devil Sea, even the secret investigation ship will have trouble. If you take a whole fleet to go, do you want to become a living target for all kinds of monsters in the Devil Sea? I am afraid that the fleet will be killed by more than half without reaching the target!”

The Devil Sea is not an ordinary place. There are countless demons, and any sound or movement made at random may attract the attention of a large number of demons. Those monsters will show extremely strong offensiveness to the intruders. This is an ominously cursed place. If a large-scale warship appears in the Devil Sea, it will definitely attract all the monsters in a radius of a hundred miles.

There is only one fleet left in Zhonghai City.

Not qualified enough to challenge the Devil Sea.

Zhang Mu continued: “The defensive situation of the Yue Organization headquarters is not clear. Can you forget that China Ocean City originally had two aircraft carrier battle groups, one of which was attacking the Yue organization’s sub-base near China Ocean City, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Already? A sub-base has such a strong defense, the general base can be imagined, it is not enough to stuff others’ teeth with your army.”

Qiao Wei’er thinks it makes sense. Although she has some military power in her hand, it is not the time to use the army: “Then what should we do?”

“If it is the Lair of the Moon Organization, we can only ask for help from the main city and use the force of the main city to destroy it. However, based on the intelligence collected so far, we are not sure whether it is the Lair of the Moon Organization or not.” Zhang Mu replied. : “Only a small number of people can infiltrate the Devil’s Sea first, investigate the situation clearly, and if necessary, request stronger and more armed support from the main city, and it will not be too late to destroy the headquarters of the Moon Organization.”

Qiao Weier nodded and said, “What are you waiting for, let’s set off right away!”

“Don’t worry, the base can’t run. This trip will definitely be very dangerous. We can’t be careless, and we should prepare enough first.”

Qiao Weier took out the Sky-Swallowing Bag, “My Sky-Swallowing Bag contains a hundred and eight undead, it’s not a problem at all.”

The space in the swallowing bag can hold living things, but the air in the swallowing bag does not circulate, and it is closed for a long time, making the air full of poisonous, unable to be used for breathing, so living things cannot stay in the swallowing bag for a long time, so it is loaded with undead Is the best choice. Even the Sky-Swallowing Bag can hold several small spaceships, and in case the ship of a few people is destroyed, it can also return on a spare ship to avoid being trapped in the Devil’s Islands.

Zhang Mu took out more than half of the recently made undead and put them all into the sky-swallowing bag.

“We are going to take risks, and we still lack a good ship.”

Qiao Wei’er said embarrassingly: “This is not easy to handle. The warships in each city are all allocated to the main city. Except for the main city, it is difficult to find powerful special ships.”

“I have a special ship. This ship can withstand the exploration of the outer world and explore the Devil Sea. It is definitely not a problem.” Zhang Mu directly contacted Lei Ming, “Prepare to dispatch the Dawn!”

The Dawn is a super scientific research ship of the Immortal Empire!

Although it is not a battleship, the force is not lost to the heavy attack and destroyer, and when the energy is saturated, the maximum speed that can be reached is 7 or 8 times the speed of sound. It is difficult to find a faster speed than the Dawn in the West China Sea. ferry.

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