Chapter 521: Coming to the Main City

More than half of the naga fleet has been destroyed. The warship is not a life form, and there is no specific health value. The defensive ability mainly comes from the enchantment and the material of the ship itself. Leng Yun’s current magic ability to use the Holy Spirit skill [World Destroying Thunder Dragon] is enough to severely injure the semi-holy, kill the strong heavenly spirit in seconds, and the Naga battleship will inevitably be directly shattered by a frontal hit.

Some warships did not directly hit, but were concentrated from the side, that powerful magic energy was enough to penetrate the magic enchantment. The ship loses barrier protection, and its own defense is meaningless in front of the lightning magic. The lightning attack can directly penetrate the thick alloy, destroy the engine equipment, destroy the operating equipment, and cause the spacecraft to malfunction. Even the thunder element directly condenses inside the spacecraft, causing direct damage to the pilot.

The spell attack is over.

The remaining energy disperses in the air and turns into a large number of massive thunderclouds. The arc flickers, lingering, releasing a strong light, and there are harsh electric sounds, which are like thunder flowers, and there is danger in the beauty. .


About seven warships were basically intact during the attack. They used special elements to disperse weapons and smashed into the thundercloud zone to catch up. There were more than a hundred naga figures scattered around. Although the holy spirit level attack skills are very strong, it is not enough to wipe out all enemies at once. Naga began to counterattack, and at the same time began to chant spells. Eight or nine large-scale attack magics were superimposed and covered. Outside the enchantment of Dawn, all were covered by flames, wind blades, and various attacks.

Leng Yun saw with his own eyes that several transport ships were engulfed by the attack and exploded into fragments on the spot. The transport ship here is full of important materials and properties of Huangquan, even if one is dropped, it is a great loss. Leng Yun Mo Che’s eyes flashed anxiously, and she was slightly pale on her beauty face. It was obvious that with her current strength, she still couldn’t control this skill. If it weren’t for the special power of the Thunder Sage, even if it had the strength of the Celestial Spirit Realm, it would be difficult to display the [World Extinguishing Thunder Dragon], a large-scale attack skill.


Leng Yun bit her lip and held the long stick again, her head full of black hair and silk dancing lightly, her white robe was windless, and the fairy in the clouds was generally extraordinary. The strong magical energy was injected into the staff, and a dazzling electric light was suddenly released-“Purple Electric Crazy!”

Leng Yun scolded, a large number of purple thunder and lightning spewed out, condensed into a purple dragon in the air, about a hundred meters long. This is a BB-level lightning spell with a small attack range, but it is extremely powerful. It threw out at an incredible speed, directly smashing an enchantment, and hitting a huge spaceship.


The top of this spacecraft was eroded away by a large piece, and the whole body was covered by lightning, causing many places to explode, flames gushing out, all the engines malfunctioned, and there were three more large-scale explosions in a row, like a falling meteor falling straight to the ground.


Naga began to counterattack, and the battleship used heavy shipborne guns, and several beams of light were shot at Leng Yun head-on.

The attack of the shipboard gun caused a strong shock in the barrier, and Leng Yun was shocked to almost fall off the spaceship. The Dawn’s offensive capabilities are not very strong, but as a special ship, the defensive capabilities are still very good, perfectly resisting the attack.

Leng Yun completed two powerful spells, which consumed a lot of mana. He immediately drank a bottle of magic potion, and the magic quickly began to recover. She immediately waved Yuya’s staff again, and dozens of lightning spears appeared in the sky, each of which was more than ten meters long, all shot at a battleship.


An extremely powerful lightning spear hit the barrier, bursting into a large group of thunder and lightning, and the barrier appeared concussive and twisted, but basically bounced off the lightning elemental attack.

The second root.

The third one!

The magic enchantment was instantly attacked by more than ten thunder spears, and was finally torn out a huge hole. Leng Yun controlled the other thunder spears and shot them on the ship, mainly inserted in several engine parts, dissolving several huge holes. The lightning power poured into the battleship, which immediately caused the battleship to be paralyzed inside and outside.

Naga is not a fool who can’t fight back.

Shipborne guns fired continuously.

The offensive is even more fierce!

One battleship and two transport ships accompanied by Huang Quan were shot down, and the Aurora enchantment was attacked by no fewer than 10 shipborne guns, and it became very weak. Leng Yun is in a very dangerous situation, because the power of the heavy shipborne guns is basically not inferior to the B-level spells. Leng Yun is not as bloody as Zhang Mu. He attacks more than ten or twenty times, and can even be alive and kicking. If Leng Yun is exposed to the enemy’s attack range, almost one or two powerful attacks will be able to get rid of it.

Leng Yun never thought of shrinking, because the number of enemies still poses a great threat. Once the Dawn is defeated, everyone will be surrounded by the Naga Army, and then they will never be able to escape. Leng Yun completed the spell like lightning, once again condensed a powerful spell, several kilometers away, accurately hit a high-speed moving battleship. There was not much Leng Yun magic left, but it was too late to complete a defensive spell, and another battleship fired a volley of large and small ship-borne guns.

Attacks continued to hit the Dawn.


The enchantment of Dawn was broken.

The naga battleship took the opportunity to aim at the position of Leng Yun and fired six or seven powerful beams in succession.

Leng Yun’s face changed.

It is too late to withdraw now.

Seeing that the six or seven element beams were about to concentrate on Leng Yun, suddenly a translucent dragon shadow appeared in front of Leng Yun, and the energy of that long body was completely absorbed by the Dragon King Curse. When the Dragon King Curse absorbed six or seven heavy shipborne gun attacks, it immediately reached saturation. The emptiness of the dragon’s shadow became colorful, turned around and went back to a battleship, shattering a layer of glass, shattering the barrier, by the way A quarter of the hull was bombed off.


Leng Yun showed surprise.

Zhang Mu nodded to her, smiled and said, “Thank you!”

Leng Yun smiled like a child.

Qin Xiaoshi and Lin Caiyan ran out one after another.

“Little poem, barrier!”


Qin Xiaoshi inserted the staff into the ground and immediately created several auxiliary magic circles, plus a defensive enchantment that could absorb attacks. Lin Caiyan casts a special priest spell [Magic Power Transmission] to Leng Yun. Lin Caiyan uses her skills to consume her own magic and directly supplements Leng Yun’s mana consumption. The conversion rate is 300%. When 1 point of mana is consumed, Leng Yun can recover 3 points. . Lin Caiyan’s magic was reduced by two-thirds in an instant, and Leng Yun’s magical power was completely filled.

Zhang Mu raised his sword, “Let’s come together!”

Leng Yun is full of magic in her body and immediately regains her confidence: “Okay!”

Qin Xiaoshi’s enchantment was shattered after the Dawn blocked three attacks, but there were many sacrificial support skills. She added a different defensive spell, and at the same time filled up the status for several people. Physical attacks and magical attacks increased greatly. At the same time, the ability to recover has also greatly increased.

Zhang Mu and his group are too difficult to be entangled.

At the same time, the Naga clan was preparing to attack, intending to concentrate their forces to shoot down the Dawn at one time.

Leng Yun cast several large-scale thunder and lightning magic continuously, and the elementalist’s terrifying destructive power and attack range were fully displayed. When the staff was lifted and dropped, more than 200 masters of the Naga clan flying in the sky were wiped out. Even Zhang Mu, dealing with two or three hundred masters of the Naga clan at once, is by no means an easy task!

Lin Caiyan reminded: “Wood, the attack is coming.”

“I know.” Zhang Mu stood up, with a colorful glow in his body: “Blessed by the gods!”

“Dragon King Curse!”

Zhang Mu used Hero Wushuang, and the two dragon shadows hovered around him to absorb the attacking energy. The two dragon king curses were under Zhang Mu’s control and attacked the naga at the same time. The dragon king curse is one of Zhang Mu’s strongest skills. As a BB-level dragon skill, its power is naturally far more powerful than ordinary BB-level spells. Powerful skills between Holy Spirit skills and ordinary skills.

In the terrible explosion, several battleships were blown up, and dozens of naga were killed.

The Naga chasers were wiped out, and the troops at the rear were unable to replenish them for the time being. This was an excellent opportunity to escape.


“let’s go!”

Naga dare not chase it rashly. Most naga mages can fly spells, but it is not easy to catch up to the speed of warships, because there are not a few warships, and it would be a disadvantage to fight directly with the enemy fleet. Therefore, only dare to keep a safe distance not far away to catch up. It’s just that, 20 minutes have not been chased, a large fleet of large-scale fleets appeared in the sky.

“A lot of warships appeared ahead!” Du Rongrong cried from the control room, “Who is it?”

“Don’t be nervous, it’s the Alliance ship, this is Josébe who is the first to go.”

Josébe came to respond, and the two sides joined forces to wipe out the chasers. Zhang Mu boarded the mothership of the battle group and saw Josébe and Qiao Weier. Josébe asked, “How is the situation in Zhonghai City?”

“The city is gone.”

Josébe and Qiao Wei’er both looked sad.

Josébey has been the lord of Zhonghai City for decades, and Qiao Weier has also lived in Zhonghai City for more than ten years. There are some feelings for this city. I didn’t expect that such a glorious city would be destroyed. It can be seen that if any prosperous thing is going to decline, the whole process will be faster than imagined.

“We will avenge this grievance!”

Josébe said.

The fleet sailed all day and arrived at Xihai City.

The evil dragon army’s invasion of the mainland is no longer a secret. At the moment of the disaster, the air in the main city is depressed, and the city residents secretly exchanged gold coins, packed their personal belongings, and planned to escape. The streets of Xihai City have their doors closed. This most prosperous city in the west is like a dead city.

The main city hall.

Wind Chaser Hussein stared at Zhang Mu who came back, “Are you still alive?”

Zhang Mu stretched out his hand and gave a simple salute, “Sorry, I failed to complete my mission!”

There are more than a dozen semi-sages in the hall.

At this moment, they all focused on Zhang Mu. No one knows what happened inside the seal. The only fact that can be confirmed is that soon after Zhang Mu got under the seal, the evil dragon ran out. This has to make people jealous…

Leng Yun saw that the half-sages staring at Zhang Mu’s eyes were a little unkind, and she couldn’t help but become anxious, and she wanted to help Zhang Mu speak, but due to her identity, it was inconvenient to speak. At this time, Qiao Wei’er stood up and said loudly, “Sir, the evil dragon will come out. I think the responsibility is not the investigator, he must have done his best!”

The people of Huang Quan cast grateful glances at Qiao Weier.

In the end, Qiao Weier stood up and spoke.

But, does her words really matter?

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