Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 109: I Don’T Want To Be Alone Tonight (Understand)

Naval Headquarters!

When the warship that carried out the Buster Call returned to the port of Naval Headquarters, when several figures were clearly seen being carried off the warship,

Naval Headquarters was completely in chaos.

In the medical room.


The door was opened with some eagerness.


Sitting on the hospital bed with a lot of bandages on their bodies, Momousagi and Otani lowered their heads when they saw the person coming.

The great staff officer, standing next to Momousagi, sighed.

Flying Squirrel and Huo Shaoshan, who were in the hospital bed next door, were wrapped like mummies at the moment. They wanted to get up but couldn't.

On the side is a ghost spider that has been covered with white cloth.

"In the end what happened?!"

Looking at the seriously injured Momousagi, the tea dolphin,

The flying squirrel was seriously injured and could not get up, and the mountain was burned,

And the ghost spider that has been covered with white cloth and has no breath,

Sengoku growled as veins popped out on his forehead.

Sengoku was caught off guard when he learned that Enies Lobby had launched a Buster Call.

But Buster Call is authorized by the World government to carry out indiscriminate and devastating attacks on the area where the signal is sent.

An "extraordinary summons" used to completely eliminate things and people in an area that pose a threat to the rule of the world government.

Once it is activated, even Sengoku, as Marine Marshal, can only wait until the Buster Call is over before he can make adjustments.

But who knew that the five Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals and Ghost Spiders who participated in this Buster Call would be killed in action?

The flying squirrel burned the mountain and was seriously injured and dying.

Two Admiral candidates, Momousagi, were also seriously injured.

Such a thing has never happened since Buster Call was formed.

"What happened in Enies Lobby?"

Sengoku growled as he looked at Momousagi and the tea dolphin with gloomy expressions.

"Calm down, Sengoku, Momousagi and the others are seriously injured."

He said solemnly.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Sengoku gasped for air, calmed down, and sat down on a chair.

"Tell me, what happened on Tongfa Island.

Why would one of the five of you die and four be injured? "

Sengoku said solemnly.

As for Momousagi and others not reporting through the phone bug, Sengoku was still relieved.

Telephone bug communications are actually not 100% secure and may be at risk of leakage.

Momousagi, after all, has been with Crane for so many years, so he still has this kind of vigilance.

"It's Entei, Portcas D. Ace! The Entei Pirates have invaded the island!"

Momousagi raised his pretty face and said sadly.


Sengoku's pupils shrank.

Next, Momousagi told everything that happened in Enies Lobby.

Including Portcas.D. Ace, for the sake of Garp, did not annihilate them all, but let them take his move, which resulted in four of them dead and one injured.

And Portcas.D. Ace can use their unwillingness and surrender under Conqueror's Haki as nourishment to immediately increase the strength of Conqueror's Haki.

And there is speculation that it was Portcas D. Ace who initiated this Buster Call.


Sengoku punched out cracks in the wall, veins popped out on his forehead, and his teeth were gritted.

"Portcas.D. Ace!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and growled.

"Is this showing your majesty, the wrath of the king, to the World Government, Naval Headquarters?"

Sengoku's eyes were bloodshot.

Compared to Momousagi and others, Sengoku knows the whole story better.

First there was a collision between Aokiji and Portcas D. Ace himself.

Then there is the Capital of Seven Waters, where CP9 lurks, provoking the son of the devil on Portcas D. Ace's ship, Nicole Robin.

Although he provoked the CP9 members, Blueno was killed on the spot,

But if Portcas D. Ace is regarded as the fifth emperor of the sea, then there is no doubt that this is a serious provocation.

Portcas D. Ace also issued a warning to the World government in full view of the public.

I originally thought that this matter would be over,

Unexpectedly, completely erasing Enies Lobby from the map and severely damaging Buster Call would be the way to show off the majesty of the emperor and the wrath of the king.

The majesty of the king cannot be offended.

The one who offends will die!

The power of those who offend will be wiped off the map!

This is what Portkas D. Ace wants to tell the world government and the Naval Headquarters!

He is truly the fifth emperor of the sea!

At the same time, the growth of Portcas D. Ace's strength also frightened Sengoku.

Surprisingly, just by fighting Aokiji, his strength increased to this level.

Just relying on Conqueror's Haki-entanglement and physical strength, one blow can kill five Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, including two Admiral candidates.

One dead and four injured!

These are only the two Four Emperors at their peak, Kaido of the Beasts and red-haired Shanks,

An attack that can only be unleashed by Conqueror's Haki - Entanglement.

Has Portkas D. Ace, already, reached this level?

"This growth rate is amazing, Sengoku.

He was able to directly use the submission and unwillingness of the strong as nourishment to improve Conqueror's Haki.

Even redheads can't do such a thing, do you understand what this means?"

He said solemnly.

"This means that as long as Portkas D. Ace is given time, his strength may surpass that of Gol D. Roger and Whitebeard at his peak!

Such strength will break the balance on the sea!

Sengoku gritted his teeth.

"But the scariest thing is that even if we summon a super Buster Call, we may fail.

The Entei Pirates have completely grown up.

According to Momousagi, the Entei Pirates, Thunder Fruit users,

Bird Fruit - Phantasmal Beast Species - Suzaku form ability users, the two of them already have the strength of Admiral candidates.

Plus the Sand-Sand Fruit ability user, and those troublesome Devil Fruit abilities,

This is already the combat power of an almost complete Four Emperors pirate group!

The most troublesome thing is that CP9's door fruit was taken away.

The existence of the Gate Fruit, Portcas D. Ace, can calmly deal with any situation. "

He said solemnly.

Buster Call is composed of five Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, ten battleships, and 10,000 Naval Headquarters elites.

And if there is a huge threat to the world government, you can summon Super Tu Leng!

It would be a terrifying force composed of one Admiral of Headquarters, ten Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, and one hundred battleships!

Ten times the size of a normal Buster Call!

But even so, I'm afraid I can't deal with Portcas D. Ace.

In addition to the terrifying strength of Portcas D. Ace,

The most important thing is that the door fruit of CP9 fell into the hands of Portcas D. Ace.

With this Devil Fruit with rare space capabilities, even if Marine and the World Government launch a Super Buster Call at all costs,

Portcas D. Ace, with his terrifying strength, was able to retreat calmly by using the power of the Gate Fruit after destroying part of the battleship.

After all, the Entei Pirates follow the same elite route as the Red Hair Pirates, and their core number is not large.

The Gate Fruit is enough to allow all members of the Dantei Pirates to enter the "Gate".

Facing the Super Buster Call, the Entei Pirates can retreat calmly,

But Buster Call faced the Entei Pirates, Thunder Fruit, Mera-mera Fruit, Sand-Sand Fruit, the three major Logia Devil Fruit,

If they show off their power at the same time, the losses will probably be an extremely terrifying figure.

"The ability to hunt Devil Fruit, damn it!"

As The Resourceful General, Sengoku naturally understands the key to the Gate Fruit.

This Devil Fruit fell into the hands of Portcas D. Ace, and he was already in an absolutely invincible position.

"Fortunately, Portcas D. Ace is not as crazy as Rocks once was.

For Garp's sake, he only made one move, otherwise Momousagi and the others would all have died.

This is already a mercy given by Portkas D. Ace.

He said solemnly.

Facing an emperor and an almost complete Four Emperors pirate group, an ordinary-sized Buster Call would simply be destroying the enemy with an egg against a stone.

Although it would be a hell of a joke for a pirate to show mercy to Marine,

But that’s the truth!

If Momousagi hadn't moved out of Garp, Momousagi and the others would all be dead in Enies Lobby.

Portcas D. Ace is not a man who would care about the impact of Destruction Buster Call.

That was a tough king who killed Shichibukai, Ghost Spider, and wiped Enies Lobby off the map!

"Let Garp continue to negotiate with Portcas D. Ace to see if there is a chance for him to become a Shichibukai.

Even if you can't, you must at least stabilize Portcas D Ace. "

Sengoku covered his forehead and gritted his teeth.

"Marshal! Portcas D. Ace, but he killed the Ghost Spider and destroyed Enies Lobby.

I heard that I still want Potcas.D. Ace to become Shichibukai,

Huo Shaoshan opened his eyes suddenly. Unable to move, he lay on the hospital bed, looked at the ceiling, and growled.

"Justice cannot be acted upon by one's own whim!

Portkas.D. Ace, who has a real doorstep,

Currently, it is impossible to catch him with the power that Marine can mobilize. "

Although Sengoku's eyes were blood red, he still had the calmness of a Marine marshal.

If he, the marshal with Conqueror's Haki, personally leads the team, leads two Admirals of Headquarters, and gathers ten elite Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals,

There may be a slight possibility that Conqueror's Haki can be used to leave Portcas D. Ace's men behind before they use the Gate Fruit.

But is this possible?

How could Marine, facing the Four Emperors, dispatch such a caliber area?

Even he, the marshal, had to go into battle with almost all his high-end combat power.

Moreover, I still bet on the slightest chance.

Portcas.D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki will not let his Conqueror's Haki be released.

0...Please give me flowers...

In other words, the current Marine has almost no way to defeat Portcas D. Ace.

Negotiation is the only way.

"Okay, I have to report to the Five Elders, you guys take good care of your injuries..."


Before Sengoku could finish speaking, the door to the infirmary was violently opened.

A terrifying aura suddenly spread over the area.

"Ghost Spider!"

Seeing the silent figure covered with white cloth, the visitor's eyes were blood red.

The person who came was wearing an Admiral cloak, a red shirt underneath, and a flower pinned to his heart.

Naval Headquarters' highest combat power, Lava-Lava Fruit ability user, Akainu!

"Who is it! Killed the ghost spider!"


Akainu roars one

With the sound, his arms turned into boiling magma, and the terrifying high temperature caused the temperature in the atmosphere to rise sharply.


Sengoku looked at Akainu, his eyes narrowed, and he shouted.

"Marshal, why will Ghost Spider die if he goes to execute the Buster Call?

Who killed the ghost spider and trampled on justice!"

Akainu glared at Sengoku, his eyes blood red.

Ghost Spider is one of his most effective subordinates,

What he practices is also what he insists on, complete justice.

Unexpectedly, he died in the execution of Buster Call.

What made Akainu furious was not only the death of Ghost Spider, but also the failure of Buster Call, which represented absolute justice!

This is absolutely intolerable to Akainu who pursues "thorough justice".

"Calm down! Sakazuki! Wait for my order on this matter!"

Sengoku growled.

Sakazuki's strength is the strongest among the three Admirals.


But the justice implemented was too extreme.

Therefore, Sengoku has always regarded Aokiji as the best successor.


Seeing that Sengoku didn't mean to tell him, Akainu snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Since Sengoku won't tell him, then just go find the Five Elders.

The guy who trampled on justice, Sakazuki, must destroy him with his own hands and use magma!

"Sakazuki! Bastard!"

Watching Akainu leave, Sengoku immediately understood what he wanted to do and quickly chased after him.

Naval Headquarters and the Holy Land Mariejois both began to be in turmoil due to the Enies Lobby incident.

Unlike the turmoil at Naval Headquarters,

A grand banquet is being held here in the Capital of Seven Waters.

"Ouch! This is the pervert in pervert, Super~ a handsome dance sound!"

Franky stood on the table and let out weird roars under the influence of the stage lights.

The Square Head sisters kept dancing with Franky.

Ace laughed and stuffed the food and wine prepared by Laki into his mouth.

Next to him, uncharacteristically, it was not Kaya and Vivi, but Robin who kept pouring wine for Ace and changing glasses with Ace.

"Hahaha, Robin, you have a pretty good drinking capacity."

Ace looked at Robin, whose pretty face was a little red from drinking, and said with a smile.

"It's still very early."

Robin looked at Ace, raised her red lips, and filled Ace's glass again.

Ace laughed and drank the wine in his glass.

"It seems that after Enies Lobby, Robin finally let it all go."

Kaya looked at Robin, who had occupied the spot where she used to pour wine for Ace, and now looked at Robin with a smile on her face.

The girls already know about Robin's past.

Vivi also nodded.

Having worked with Robin before, she is more aware of this change.

"Come! If you are happy today, drink!"

Ace raised his glass and laughed.


All the girls raised their wine glasses and said in unison.

In the evening, all the girls, whose faces were flushed after drinking, returned to the reception room prepared by Bingshan to rest.

Ace also returned to his room and used complete absorption to quickly decompose the alcohol he drank.


With a soft sound, the door lock of Ace's room was gently opened.


Ace's look and feel immediately made him know who was coming.

The next second, a figure that looked so moving under the moonlight put his hands on Ace's heart,

Because of the dual effects of alcohol and emotion, her beautiful eyes like water waves looked at Ace with a smile.


Ace looked at Robin, who had only a layer of gauze at this time, and his eyes grew hot.

Robin is indeed the most mature among the girls, so bold.

No wonder Robin kept drinking wine from him and the other girls today. It turned out to be...

"Ace, you said that I will never be alone again, right?"

Robin held Ace's heart and looked at Ace, her red lips slightly raised.

"I don't want to be alone tonight either."


Ace felt the warm warmth on his lips, and his eyes suddenly filled with blood.

Turning over, even more warmth spread throughout Ace's body.

Tonight is so delicious. .

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