“Ah, really!” The flying squirrel held his chin with a headache: “The old problem has just been solved, and new problems will emerge immediately, if only there was a beginner’s tutorial!” ”

“You thought this was playing a game? Also beginner tutorials? Ye Yi rolled his eyes at the flying squirrel angrily: “I still have something to do!” ”

“After that, I have to leave for the royal capital of the Kingdom of Riyestij, remember to inform Sebas to get ready!”

“I’ve arranged it over there Sebas!” The flying squirrel nodded slightly, and then asked a little curiously: “But I’m curious, Ye Yi, what are you going to do?” ”

Ye Yi stretched out his finger and pointed at Clementine, who was quiet on the side: “This product is the indigenous of this world, I want to try to see if I can use YGGDRASIL’s method to change her race or make a full-time job!” ”

“In the eyes of ordinary people, the highest peak that the natives of this world can reach is the so-called hero realm, that is, about level thirty-five, but there are also many existences that exceed this limit!”

“The guy with a level of more than sixty that day is a member of the Dark Saint Canon of the Silian Sect, and I was wondering if they used the props left by the six gods to do this, so I was a little curious and wanted to do an experiment!”

“If it succeeds, then we may be able to borrow Nazalik’s special mechanism to eliminate the special magic in their minds!”

When the flying squirrel heard this, a burst of red light instantly appeared in his eyes: “Ye Yi, your idea is very good, it is worth a try!” ”

If they succeed, and use the special mechanics of the Nasalik Underground Great Tomb to undo the special magic in their minds. Then there is no need to be so careful, you can completely arrest the people of the Slian Sect in secret, and then use the same method to get the information you want!

He wouldn’t have to bother so hard to study that shit special magic! Although there may be a better way, he can’t bear it, and he always feels a bit wasteful!

Cautiously glancing at the ring with the popular mark on the index finger of his right hand, the flying squirrel very decisively put his hand where Ye Yi couldn’t see!

This is a super super rare prop that he got after spending an entire summer bonus before, and he can only use it three times a year (brain hole!). ), can not be wasted on the indigenous body!

“Then it’s all handed over to you, I will inform you of any important information in time!”

Looking at the action of the flying squirrel, the corners of Ye Yi’s mouth twitched slightly, this product is really as stingy as ever! However, Ye Yi didn’t say much, just slowly got up from the throne and walked through the portal towards Clementine!

The stinginess of the flying squirrel is only aimed at outsiders, and the existence that has nothing to do with Nazalik has never had any good feelings, and never trusts people outside of Anzurgon!

But for his companions, the flying squirrel is unexpectedly generous. If Ye Yi spoke, then let alone a meteor ring, I am afraid that all the treasures he treasured would be taken out without hesitation!

For the big family of Anzurgong, maybe the flying squirrel is the one who pays silently without asking for anything in return!

When all forty-two people are there, the flying squirrel can manage Nazalik in an orderly manner by himself, is very good at dealing with various things and adjusting the conflicts between his companions, and can always come out to the rescue at critical moments!

If Ye Yi became the vice president of the guild by relying on absolute strength, then the flying squirrel conquered everyone and became the president by relying on his absolute personal charm!

Without hesitation, the flying squirrel is the core of the entire guild! This is also the key to being unanimously elected as the guild president!

Perhaps the combat power of the flying squirrel only belongs to the middle stream in Anzurgon, but its role cannot be replaced by anyone! This is also where the companions trust the flying squirrel the most, and the partners can completely hand over their backs to the flying squirrel without hesitation, and then strive to be at the forefront!

Ye Yi is naturally not an exception!

As soon as Ye left, the flying squirrel gathered all the Guardians to gather between the thrones to share the information that Ye Yi brought back this time, and discussed the next move with Dimiugos and Yalbed!

Ye Yi, on the other hand, took Clementine to the arena on the sixth floor and began to prepare for the next experiment!

There are a lot of professional races in YGGDRASIL, there are thousands of them, and Ye Yi is also thinking about what kind of profession is more suitable for Clementine!

Looking at her moves and routines, she is basically biased towards the warrior department, and she will also use martial arts, so the undead can be eliminated first, because most of the undead’s race professions are mage departments, although there are also warrior professions, but that thing is too troublesome to do!

And Ye Yi wanted to save trouble, too lazy to go to trouble, just use the race of the half-dragon people as the base point, just Ye Yi is very good at this!

Career… The martial monk can be ruled out first, and looking at Clementine’s appearance, you can know that it will not be the kind of fist to flesh warrior line, and the assassin class should be more suitable!

The Assassin Department’s class needs all have the material Ye, as long as it is taken out of the space, as for how to change the race of Clementine, it is even simpler!

“The next thing may be very painful, the kind of pain that is better than death, remember to keep your consciousness awake at all times, if you can’t hold on, you will become a monster without any reason at all!”

A cold smile spread across Ye Yi’s face, and he said softly, “Are you ready?” ”

“Please get started! No matter what kind of pain, I can bear it! Clementine took a deep breath and said in a deep voice!

“Courage is commendable!” Ye Yi nodded slightly, the index finger of his right hand flicked gently, and a drop of golden blood instantly pierced Clementine’s chest and pierced directly into the heart!

From this second, Clementine’s face began to become extremely hideous, cracks began to appear all over his body, blood like magma spread all over his body, and a pale golden flame suddenly rose from Clementine’s body, and everything from flesh and blood to skeleton was burned!

In the end, only a pale golden drop of blood remained in the void!

Seeing this, Ye Yi unhurriedly took out the materials that had been prepared long ago from the space, and a golden dragon Yan appeared in his hand to melt it all into a ball of liquid, and then slowly fused it with that drop of pale golden blood in the void!

“The rest is up to you! Whether to become a monster with no reason at all, or to successfully transform into a half-dragon, suddenly a little curious! ”

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