At the end of the third quarter, he relied on Wei Shao's dunk.

The score came to 89:89

The two sides came to the same running line.

Again a draw.

In fact, if it weren't for Montaellis' brainless offense several times in the third quarter.

The Warriors could have completed the comeback in the third quarter.

But now it can only be a draw.

"Kurz! you get off the pitch! Turyaf – play!" Don

Nelson made a decision that was unquestionable.

He has already decided to go after Kurz.

The wayward behavior of Montaelis and Kurz in the third quarter of the game has affected the team's normal state.

Don Nielsen will not tolerate such a player!

Kurtz looked at Don Nelson with a depressed expression.

He was on the court shortly before the end of the third quarter.

So there's no physical problem at all.

There was only one reason left, and Don Nelson had tolerated Kurtz and Monta Ellis's behavior to the extreme.

Kurtz looked at Montaelis pleadingly.

Montaelis looked at Kurtz's eyes.

Know that you need to stand up for yourself at this time.

Otherwise, the few remaining supporters in the team will abandon him.

"Coach, Kurtz is not high enough on the pitch!" Montaelis

did not directly object.

Instead, the shortcomings of Don Nelson's approach were highlighted.

"That's not something you're worried about!"

Don Nelson didn't bother Monta Ellis with the slightest hint of advice.


Montaelis still wants to continue to fight for it.

"I'm the manager!" Don

Nelson didn't give Monta Ellis the slightest chance to speak.

Montaellis's face darkened.

He didn't think of Don Nelson for not giving him face.

Before Su Lang arrived, he was the core of the team's future construction.

But now everything from yesterday seems to be a thing of the past.

Don Nelson's words made Montaelis understand a little.

His status in the team has plummeted.


The fourth quarter begins


After losing Kurtz as a helper, Montaelis no longer has the ability to dominate the ball arrogantly and brainlessly.

Turyaf only insisted on one point, that is, grabbing the rebound and handing the basketball to Su Lang.

He didn't want to be pressed to the bench by the coach.

I don't know if Kurz regrets it now, but he is still very interesting.

And compared with Monta Ellis, he also feels that Su Lang is more suitable as the core boss of the team.

After Monta Ellis lost Kurz, his whole presence on the field instantly decreased.

But the situation on the court is slowly starting to tilt in favor of the Warriors, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that now Montaelis has become a tool man.

How could Monta Ellis accept such a result.

"Pass me that damn ball!" Monta

Ellis, who had not touched the basketball in the fourth quarter, finally couldn't stand it anymore and yelled directly at Su Lang.

Su Lang narrowed his eyes, and the whole person was not angry but threatening.

Although Su Lang usually giggles, it does not mean that Su Lang has a good temper.

"The basketball is for you, is it for you to smash other people's ball frames!" Su

Lang glanced at him disdainfully.

[Negative sentiment value from Monta Ellis +3000]

After Monta Ellis heard Su Lang's taunt, his whole head swelled with blood.

That's when Don Neeson called a timeout.

"Ellis, you're going to get off the pitch!" Don

Nelson said directly.

Monta Ellis looked at Don Nelson in disbelief.

He didn't expect Don Dennison to make such a decision.

He was to be replaced in the final stages of the game.

"No! I'm going to stay on the field! I can still play! I'm going to stay on the field!" Montaelis

looked at Don Nelson pleadingly.

He clearly knows that Don Nelson has the final say in the team's game on the field.

Although doing so will certainly accept pressure from management.

But once Don Nelson was determined not to let him play, even the team's management couldn't interfere.

"Your efficiency is minus 18, I don't think I'm going to have to say anything!" Don

Nelson looked at Monta Ellis lightly.

According to his idea, Montaelis will not be played at all.

But the management wanted to see what kind of chemistry he could produce when he and Su Lang were present at the same time.

What management wants to see, they've seen.

Just like Don Nelson said at the beginning, Su Lang and Monta Ellis must not coexist.

Now Don Nelson is going under the knife.

He still has the final say on the field!

Montaelis sat on the sidelines with a frustrated expression on his face after hearing about his efficiency value. At

this moment,

he felt that the world had abandoned him.

The comeback debut of the gods came to naught.

The important thing is that he found that he was no longer able to pry Su Lang's position in the team.

"Moreau, you go!" Don

Nelson said, gesturing at Moreau on the bench.

When Morrow heard this, he got up and moved his body.

Sympathetically looked at Monta Ellis.

This is what happens when you don't see the situation clearly.

Su Lang has obviously become the heart of the head coach.

This is no longer the same as it was at the beginning!

And Su Lang did lead the team to better results.

At this time, challenging Su Lang's position, I'm afraid only a fool would do it.

Mo Luo was glad that he had sided with Su Lang before.

Otherwise, he might have been liquidated by Don Nelson like Kurtz.

Without Montaellis' disruption, the Warriors' offense on the court instantly became fluid.

The situation on the court is gradually controlled by the Warriors.

On the Thunder's side, Wei Shao and Durant also want to lead the team to fight back.

But it was too late.

Su Lang firmly controlled the situation on the field in his own hands.

It's just a single-digit difference, though.

But it seems to be like a moat that cannot be crossed.

Montaelis on the field after seeing him off.

The team's offense and defense became ferocious and powerful.

It's different to curse your teammates in your heart.

In his eyes, these people are playing him because of Su Lang.

Montaelis blames all the blame on someone else.

By this time, he had become insane.

Didn't think about their own problems at all.

There was just over a minute left on the field.

The Thunder disarmed and surrendered.

The whistle blew at the end of the game.

The score was fixed at 117:111

The Warriors won at home against the Thunder.

Despite the victory, the Warriors were not destined to be calm after the game.


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