It's March 27th.

Inside the Staples Arena Warriors' locker room.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

After the last time he played against the Lakers, Su Lang was always preparing for a rematch with the Lakers.

As soon as he thought of Kobe's high yield, Su Lang felt excited.

In order to play the rematch with the Lakers, Su Lang exhausted the negative sentiment value in his inventory.

The purpose is to prepare a big gift for the Lakers.

That's right! Su Lang learned the UFO dunk of the demigod Carter in advance.

Just now, Su Lang completed the last training of the system space.

Lao Tzu is also a person with dunk skills!

Su Lang roared silently in his heart.

Set a small goal first, and dunk Kobe once!

If Kobe Bryant was really dunked by himself, would he break the defense on the spot?

Thinking of this, the smile on Su Lang's face became more and more wanton.

"What's wrong with the boss?

Margety poked Jackson beside him and whispered.

"How do I know,"

Jackson gave Margety a dismayed look.

"Why don't you go ask the boss?" said

Margety as he looked at Jackson with a wicked smile on his face.

"Damn! why don't you ask!"

Jackson said with a speechless expression.

"You have the best relationship with the boss, and it's the right place for you to go,"

Margeti said with a smile.

"I still want to live a few more days, I want to go to you, I won't go anyway!" Jackson

had a look on his face that he couldn't go.

When the team lost in a row some time ago, Su Lang's scaring skills during that time made Jackson remember deeply.

Several times, Jackson felt like he had been wounded internally.

Now as soon as he saw Su Lang, Jackson couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

"What are you two talking about!" Su

Lang noticed that Margety and Jackson were whispering behind him, so he turned to look at them.

"Nothing! nothing!" Margety

saw that Su Lang noticed him and hurriedly waved his hand.

After looking at the two people, Su Lang shook his head speechlessly, then turned around and walked to the front of his wardrobe.

Margeti breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Lang leave.

"Coward!" Jackson

said with a sneaky smile.

Margeti gave Jackson a blank look and turned to change his jersey.

After the All-Star, Su Lang's status in the team's locker room became more and more obvious and more and more deterrent.

It can be seen from the names of the team members that everyone has begun to call Su Lang the boss by default.

Obviously, they have completely recognized Su Lang as the boss.

You must know that these are all old fritters, and it is indeed a bit incredible that Su Lang can make them all surrender in such a short period of time.

At 9 a.m., the game officially began.

Players from both sides enter.

The Lakers and Warriors still maintain the starting lineup from the last matchup.

As soon as he entered the stadium, Su Lang felt the pressure from the fans at the Staples Center.

Exhaling heavily, Su Lang's eyes became sharp.

[Negative Sentiment from Phil Jackson +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Phil Jackson +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Phil Jackson +



directly started with three consecutive hits, and before the game started, Su Lang gained 3,000 negative sentiment points.

Su Lang looked in the direction of the Zen master.

Zen master Phil Jackson was on crutches, standing on the sidelines staring at Su Lang.

In the past month, the Zen master's sprained neck has been almost fine, but the broken calf is still in a thick cast.

The Zen master can't wait to eat Su Lang now, if it weren't for Su Lang giving him a meat bullet impact, he wouldn't be so embarrassed now.

The moment he looked at Su Lang, a sneer appeared on the Zen master's face.

This game is when you pay the price.

Prepare to accept my gift to you!

While in the locker room,

the Zen master had already assigned a task to the Lakers players.

That is, this game will give Su Lang a confrontation, so that Su Lang's score cannot exceed 20 points.

Su Lang didn't know that the Zen master wanted to him.

Otherwise, I will definitely make another note for him in the small notebook.


As the referee's whistle blew, the Warriors' rematch against the Lakers officially began.

Su Lang was bound to win this game, and without thinking much about it, as soon as the game began, Su Lang directly threw four heart rhino cards out.

In an instant, the invisible silk thread connected Su Lang and the other teammates on the field.

This time, Su Lang not only wants to win the showdown with Kobe, but also wins.

For this reason, Su Lang even used plug-ins! It is enough to see Su Lang's determination.

In the next second, the Warriors players felt a warm current flowing through their bodies at the same time.

It's as if everyone on the field has become a whole now.

The Lakers, for their part, still won the first offensive possession, and Gasol won the jump ball.

Fisher controlled the basketball through the half.

The beginning was still a normal matchup, and Su Lang did not deliberately look for Kobe.

Fisher looked at Su Lang vigilantly.

The task assigned by the Zen master in the locker room put a lot of pressure on Fisher.

He didn't want to drop the chain at this time.

On the other side, Martial Saint Jackson and Kobe Bryant have become entangled together.

There is only one reason why Jackson spared no physical strength and gave Kobe Bryant a confrontation at the beginning.

That's what head coach Don Nelson laid out before the start of the game.

The Zen master was able to arrange tactics to limit Su Lang, and Don Nelson naturally prepared tactics for Kobe.

Jackson has only one task in this game, and that is to pester Kobe.

Jackson's defensive pressure on Kobe Bryant has reached playoff level.

However, the experienced Kobe Bryant still found an opportunity.

An arrow catapulted out.

Fisher accurately threw the basketball to Kobe.

After Kobe Bryant received the ball, he made a feint, shook off Jackson, and went straight to the inside.

But in the next second, the Warriors' defensive position shrank instantly.

Everyone shrank to the three-point line.

A line of defense was directly established.

Bryant instantly fell into an embarrassing situation, with Jackson chasing behind him and Brandon White and Margetty in front of him.

However, Kobe Bryant did not hesitate and made a step-back jumper.

At the moment when Bryant jumped, Margetty and Brandon White blocked up.

Four arms appeared in Kobe's line of sight.

Kobe Bryant forced his shot.

The basketball flew past Margetty and Brandon White's fingertips and towards the basket.

The basketball bounced straight out.

The Warriors' defense still took a toll on Bryant.

In order to evade Margeti and Brandon White's blockade, Bryant's shot ended in failure.

Andris under the basket fought hard and single-handedly carried Gasol and Odom.

At this time, Su Lang also killed under the basket.


next second,

Su Lang directly launched a fast attack.


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