Soon the news of Bowen's injured career was spread throughout the league.

For a while, the whole Twitter went crazy.

"That damn guy finally left the league!" said

Nash, who has always been personable, also tweeted.

"He deserves it!A player like this should have been punished a long time ago!"

Xiao Si followed with a comment.

"I've seen the video, Bowen is completely rushing to hurt Su Lang, I hope the alliance will investigate this matter strictly"

Maddie is also uneasy about the current situation.

"That damn guy has finally been punished, I just want to say that Su Lang did a great job, he did what I always wanted to do!" Carter

even happily opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate after commenting on Twitter.

Of these, Carter was the one who was hurt the most by Bowen.

The three stepping steps almost ruined Carter's career, which made Carter want to kill Bowen.

Now that Bowen's career is out, Carter wants the world to know the news.

A few hours later, a number of stars took to Twitter to make remarks against Bowen.

For a while, the whole alliance celebrated, and everyone was celebrating that Bowen, the butcher, had received the punishment he deserved.

Bowen is now completely a street rat and everyone shouts and beats.

The Spurs, for their part, were the first to stand up and make a statement.

Everything Bowen does is on his own behalf and has nothing to do with the Spurs.

The Spurs even denounced the footsteps at the end of their statement.

Some teams saw the Spurs after the statement.

Just know that the Spurs gave up on Bowen.

This hand abandons the car and Bao Shuai is really shameless.

No one in the league is stupid, and they all know that without the Spurs' instructions, Bowen would dare to hurt other players again and again.

This time, Bowen kicked the iron plate, and finally returned the league to a blue sky.

"Hey, Boss! Look!" Jackson

came to Su Lang with his phone.

Su Lang looked at the phone screen.

It's all tweets from NBA players thanking Su Lang.

For a moment, Su Lang felt that he was a lot taller.

They are all thanking Su Lang for eliminating harm for the people.

Even Paul, the player who clashed with Su Lang in the regular season, and Big Ben publicly thanked Su Lang.

Only then did Su Lang understand how much these people hated Bowen in their hearts.

Compared with Bowen, some of Su Lang's usual death-making behaviors are simply playing tricks.

Although Su Lang mocks others in every game, Su Lang plays cleanly and has the strength there.

Therefore, although the people who have been in the opposite position with Su Lang are unhappy, they will not say anything.

At most, it's just that the skills are not as good as others.

But Bowen is different, and every time Bowen is on the field, these players have to play with the danger of career reimbursement.

No one will like this feeling.

Now Bowen can be said to be completely finished.

However, just when everyone was crusading against Bowen, Bowen directly exposed the inside story of the matter through the media.

Bowen tragically revealed in the media that most of the hurtful behaviors in his career were signaled by the Spurs behind his back.

As soon as the news came out, the alliance was shocked.

As a giant, the Spurs were directly pulled down by Bowen's words.

Although none of the people who had been hurt by Bowen before spoke up, the alliance was nervous.

Stern held a special meeting and studied for 7 hours, and finally made a judgment to expand the investigation team below to investigate the matter clearly.

The Spurs are completely out of order.

Duncan had a helpless expression on his face, he had known that there would be such a day, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

The league's investigative team began to interview each Spurs player individually.

Paper can't contain fire, and soon Stern receives a report from the investigative team below.

Although there is no definite evidence, through investigation, there should be a shadow of the Spurs behind these things.

Stern was shocked, he didn't expect such a scandal in his career.

With a black face, Stern dialed the Spurs' general manager, Buford, and dialed the phone.

The two men talked for more than an hour.

The next day, Bowen spoke again in the media.

Everything before that was his personal behavior, and the initial remarks were his gibberish caused by a bad mood due to career reimbursement.

Spurs' Buford breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Bowen's statement.

Finally settled the matter. Stern only gave him one day to settle the matter, and in order to make Bowen change his words, they directly paid 10 million meters of gold.

even promised Bowen to seek a position in the Spurs' subordinate league for him, so that Bowen would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life, which allowed Bowen to take on all the responsibilities.

After Bowen clarified the incident, all reports about the incident went silent for two days.

A lot of smart people know that this is the alliance shot.

However, they are not surprised, after all, the alliance is unlikely to allow such a scandal to continue to expand.

Now this situation is very happy. It's

acceptable to all.

Of course, while everyone was paying attention to the Bowen incident, the league quietly fired a referee.

That referee was the same referee who officiated the first game between the Warriors and the Spurs.

As for the reason for the dismissal, it was also suppressed by the alliance.

This can be regarded as an explanation to Don Nelson.


Soon the Warriors had their second series against the Spurs.

It's still the home of the Spurs.

As long as they win this game, it means that the Warriors can return to Oracle Arena with a big score of 2:0.

A 4-0 win over the Spurs will no longer be a dream at that time.

Affected by the Bowen incident, the Spurs' form has collectively declined significantly.

In the second game, all the players were sleepwalking.

Relying on Duncan alone, he struggled to support himself.

Popovich's whole person seems to have aged more than ten years in a short period of time.

The whole game was staring at Su Lang with resentful eyes.

In the end, the Warriors relied on their collective excellent play to win the second series.

The overall score was fixed at 2:0, and

Jackson played well in this game,

beating the opposite Mason Jr. violently.

He finished with 31 points and 7 rebounds.

Su Lang recorded a double-double of 22 points and 11 assists in this game.

After the game, Su Lang counted it, Popovich's eyes were full of resentment, and the whole game actually provided Su Lang with a negative selling sentiment value of 50,000.

It can be seen how much Popovich hates Su Lang in his heart.

In addition to Popovich, there is another big producer, and that is Bowen.

After Bowen's direct career reimbursement.

kept cursing Su Lang in his heart, if it weren't for Su Lang, Bowen would not have been reimbursed for his career at all.

So Bowen's resentment is the greatest.

In just a few days, Bowen has provided Su Lang with 100,000 negative sentiment points.

It can be seen that Bowen hates Su Lang all the time in his heart.

Su Lang looked at the system that had become rich again, and his heart couldn't help but become active.


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