It was the next day.

Su Lang looked at the upgraded system in surprise.

System your uncle, you give Lao Tzu out, I will never kill you!

You're so foolish!

[Negative sentiment value from Su Lang +1]

The reason why Su Lang was a little angry was very simple. Because after the system was upgraded, Su Lang studied for half an hour, only to find that the upgrade of the system only added a plus sign to the back of the skill.

Su Lang originally thought that after the system was upgraded, it would become a crazy and cool hanging bomb.

I didn't expect it to be an extra plus.

After cursing the system for more than ten minutes, Su Lang provided a hundred negative emotions on his side.

The system, as always, looked down on Su Lang.

Everyone else has started with a base of 1,000, but the base number on Su Lang's side is still one.

After venting, Su Lang put his gaze back on the panel of the system.

Su Lang tentatively clicked on the plus sign behind the eightfold mirror on the court.

[Whether to upgrade this skill!] I've

got a big grass!

Su Lang was instantly shocked, and his skills could still be upgraded!

I originally learned to get the hands on the ultimate version.,If you upgrade again,,It's really every day!

Without thinking about it, Su Lang clicked directly.

But in the next second, Su Lang's wail came.

The ten skill points obtained by breaking down the zombie jumper before were all consumed.

Then there is a progress bar directly below the eight-fold mirror skill on the field.

The show is one-twentieth complete.

This meant that Su Lang needed to decompose at least twenty A-level skills in order to upgrade the eight-fold mirror on the court.

Su Lang also found in the mall that he could exchange negative sentiment points for skill points.

But the exchange ratio is really scary, 20000:1

This is equivalent to 200,000 negative sentiment points for every click on the upgrade.

If you upgrade the eight-fold mirror of the court, you need four million negative sentiment points.

This means that if you use negative sentiment value, it saves time, but consumes a lot of negative sentiment value. Su Lang didn't have so many negative emotions at all.

If you use a skill to break down skill points, the cost is saved a lot, but it will take a long time.

The system blocked Su Lang's two roads! Don't give Su Lang a chance to speculate at all!

Choosing efficiency requires a huge amount of negative sentiment, and choosing cost-effectiveness requires wasting more time.

In this way, it seems that neither one is the best choice.

At the beginning, Su Lang thought he was going to take off.

Now it seems that the system is as bad as ever!

Su Lang directly locked the system in the small black room, and simply didn't look at it.

The more I look at it, the more sad I feel!

After turning off the system, Su Lang directly pointed his middle finger at the void.

The system naturally accepted Su Lang's gift again without mercy.

[Negative sentiment value from Su Lang +1]


Time passed slowly.

Now Harden off the training ground has become a sight to behold.

To be honest, Su Lang taught Harden this trick to the master of the rules.

In order to practice this kung fu, Harden simply became obsessed.

In addition to being stable and head-to-head with Su Lang, he provides Su Lang with negative emotional value.

The rest of Harden's time is spent figuring out holes in the rules.

The more I watched Harden, the more obsessed I became.

Harden was immersed in the rules of basketball.

Su Lang who watched such a Harden scratched his head a little.

I didn't expect Harden, a guy to become so focused after he began to think about the rules.

The beard that carried the rules at four o'clock in the morning was really not covered!

It's August.

Su Lang finally ushered in a good news here.

Scarlett, who left because of the schedule, returned to Su Lang's side.

Scarlett's announcement outside seems to be complete.

After Scarlett arrived, Su Lang naturally returned to their secret cabin with Scarlett.

As for Curry, he was mercilessly thrown in the original villa by Su Lang.

It's not the first time Curry has said to Su Lang that he has forgotten his friends.

However, the answer Curry got was Su Lang's merciless abuse on the training ground.

On this day, Su Lang carried a backpack and slowly came to the training camp.

I have to say that after Scarlett came, Su Lang came to the training camp more and more late.

Su Lang walked into the court while thinking about Scarlett's crazy performance yesterday.

As soon as he came to the court, Su Lang felt a beam of complaining eyes fall on him.

Su Lang raised his head and looked over.

Curry was looking at Su Lang with a bitter face.

When I think of Su Lang, this guy can not only abuse them on the court every day, but also enjoy the gentle township every day.

Thinking about what he just experienced, Curry exploded directly.

"Your uncle's Su Lang! I can't live this day! [

Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +1000]

Curry directly threw the basketball in his hand to Su Lang.

Su Lang took it with some surprise.

What kind of situation is this, I haven't helped Curry practice Xi masochism today.

Why is Curry's anger so big?

Su Lang's gaze looked at the others who were training around him.

Harden was rubbing his head with an embarrassed expression and smiled at Su Lang.


Su Lang knows it, and it must have something to do with Harden.

"Hey! Stephen! Is it so angry early in the morning!

Su Lang smiled and walked to Curry's side.

"Is it early in the morning! If you come later, you'll probably be in time for lunch with us!

Curry looked at Su Lang angrily.

Su Lang was a little embarrassed, during this time Scarlett came here, Su Lang did come to the training camp a little late every day.

"Alas~ No way! I'd like to come early, and my waist won't allow it!

Su Lang said with a smile on his face.

Curry gave Su Lang a blank look.

"Your uncle's Su Lang, you are really shameless! Be careful which day you really get squeezed dry! [

Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]

"Hahaha! What's wrong, envy?

Su Lang looked at Curry playfully.

"Humph! The devil envy you!

After saying that,

Curry turned his head and went to practice Xi on the other side.

Looking at Curry's jealous face, Su Lang couldn't help but smile.

casually walked over to Harden.

"Hey! Buddy! What the hell is going on,"

Su Lang asked in a low voice.


Harden scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Stephen and I just had a couple of heads-up games, so he might not be in a good mood,"

Harden said with some embarrassment.

I had been fighting with Su Lang before, and Su Lang came to the training hall relatively late during this time.

So Harden had a whim and directly invited Curry to go head-to-head.

Both of them are people who are abused by Su Lang every day.

Faced with Harden's invitation, Curry agreed without thinking about it.

In fact, Curry also wanted to try what it was like to abuse others on the court.

But Curry miscalculated, and he lost heads-up.

And it seems that Harden still has some energy left,

which is the reason why Curry is unhappy.

What Harden looked like when he first arrived at training camp, Curry knows all too well.

At that time, Curry felt that he didn't need Su Lang to make a shot, and he could beat Harden out of by himself.

But how long has passed, and Harden seems to be a completely different person.

The same training, the same abuse, why Harden can get stronger.

Curry asked Harden a little curiously.

Harden told Curry that the reason he got stronger was because of Su Lang.

Su Lang helped him find a new path.

When he said this, Harden had an adoring look on his face.

Seeing Curry explode directly.

Su Lang, this dog thing, actually opened a small stove for Harden!

And as the brother he personally admitted, there was nothing but being beaten out of every day!

There is no reason for this!

After learning what happened from Harden, Su Lang smiled in surprise, and then walked to Curry.

"Hey! Stephen! It's time to go heads-up!

"No, don't go! Go play your own fart!

Curry said without looking up.

Depend on! It's a lot bolder!

Su Lang glared at Curry.

"You said it yourself! Don't regret it!

Su Lang turned around and left directly.

"Hey! Here's a little video of Harden for you to see, come and rate it!

Su Lang raised his phone and shouted at Harden.

"Su Lang, your uncle! You're really not human! Didn't you say there was no backup!

The next second, Curry smashed at Su Lang with a basketball.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +5000]


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