The atmosphere in the dressing room on the Celtic side is not very good.

Pierce and Ray Allen were a little unhappy with Garnett's dominance in the second quarter.

None of the three spoke, and the locker room was unusually quiet, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

At this time, Doug Rivers rubbed his cheek vigorously outside the door, pushed the door and walked in.

It's time to start pouring chicken soup for the soul again.


It's been three years! Others envy him for having three big guys, but who knows that for three years, Firth has been pouring chicken soup for the soul every day.

That's what brought the three of them to a balance,

and now the balance feels like it's going to be disrupted.

It's time to test Rivers' incorruptible tongue again.

More than ten minutes later, under the impetus of Rivers, the relationship between the three bigwigs has obviously eased a lot.

Rivers secretly wiped a handful of sweat.

Grandma's! This manager is really not human!

Rivers laid out the next tactics.

At the end, Rivers pulls Eddie House, who seems to have been forgotten in the corner.

Walked aside.

"Hey! In the second half, the three of them, one assist at a time, don't lean too much towards one person"

Rivers patted Eddie House on the shoulder.

"But the manager, they are all asking me for the ball, I don't dare not give it!"

Eddie House said without tears.

"Don't be so nervous, you're my favorite point guard, I'm sure you can handle it,"

Rivers said with a smile.

The manager thinks so highly of me!

If I do well, will I be able to steal the place of that guy in Rondo?

Eddie House instantly fell into a beautiful fantasy.

Rivers pursed his lips and said nothing himself, it was all his own imagination anyway.

But I still need to calm him down for a while!

Rondo is estimated to be back on the pitch for a while.

Rivers looked at Rondo's injury report in his hand.

Broken rib on the left!

That's Curry's gift to Rondo.

It is estimated that now Rondo is about to regret bullying Curry.

If Rondo was given another chance, Rondo vowed never to bully the Warriors' rookie.



At halftime, players from both sides returned to the pitch.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry controlled the ball past half court and handed the basketball directly to Su Lang.

Then start running quickly.

Su Lang holds the ball at the top of the arc and observes the Celtics' defensive position.

After observing, Su Lang broke through with the ball and shot directly to the basket from the top of the arc.

At this time, Pierce also gave up Brewer and came directly to report to help defend Su Lang.

That's what they did last season.

Su Lang instantly caught up with Pierce and Ray Allen's bag.

However, Su Lang did not panic.

Su Lang waved his arm, and the basketball flew to Brewer in the bottom corner.

Brewer carried the basketball directly and plunged headlong into the basket.

Garnett under the basket has been waiting for a long time.

Brewer confronted Garnett directly and threw the basketball into the air.

Garnett already had a premonition of what was going to happen.

Without thinking about it, Garnett slapped his head behind him.

That's right! Garnett guessed that Gibson would definitely want to block him again this time.

But he was wrong!

What a mistake!

Instead of jumping to complete the air relay, Gibson took a few steps back.

Because Gibson had already seen another figure kill inside.

The basketball slammed into the back edge of the basket and bounced off again.

Perkins jumped to pick the rebound off.

But someone lifted off faster than him.

This person is none other than Su Lang.

Su Lang was like a bolt of lightning, and he hit the basket directly. Then

he flew into the air and pressed the basketball into the hoop.


Why me again!

Garnett under the basket instantly burned with rage.

He's been shut down twice in this match.

This is simply to slap his wolf king's face to shreds.

The most important thing is that after Su Lang was separated, he didn't even take him into account at all.

Instead, he shook his shoulders with Curry in celebration.

Grandma's! It's too much of a bully!

Garnett's eyes became fierce.

Doug Rivers off the court secretly said that something was wrong, he knew that Garnett, who had been calmed down with great difficulty, was about to explode again.

If the ball doesn't go to Garnett's hands in the next round, this product will definitely change from the wolf king to Erha.

Let's hope Eddie House can see this!

Doug Rivers prayed secretly in his heart.

Celtic's offensive round.

Garnett directly squeezed Gibson to the inside line.

Although confrontation has never been Garnett's best weapon.

But as the league's super power forward, Garnett's side is not afraid of confrontation.

Gibson was crushed all the way to the inside line.

Garnett reached directly for the ball from Eddie House on the outside.

Then Garnett saw with tears in his eyes that Eddie House actually passed the basketball to Pierce.

Grandma's! Didn't you see that my location was so good!

Lao Tzu worked so hard to get stuck in the air?

Garnett stared at Eddie House, if his eyes could kill.

Eddie House has been split up by Garnett.

Pierce was surprised when he received the pass.

It stands to reason that Garnett was dunked in the last round, and it is best to give the basketball to Garnett to vent in this round.

He didn't expect Eddie House to pass the basketball to him.

After thinking about it for a while, Pierce felt that he still needed to consider Garnett's idea.

At halftime, Rivers had already done a lot of mental construction. At the moment, it seems to be working.

Pierce felt it would be better to leave the offense to Garnett.

"Hey! Kevin! Pierce

threw the basketball directly at Garnett. At

this time, Garnett was staring at Eddie House,

who made him unhappy.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling out to him, and Garnett turned his head to look at him.


Garnett only felt as if his little Garnett had been hit hard.

In the next second, Garnett directly bent over and hunched over, like a cooked prawn, curled up.


Garnett scolded directly.

Pierce did a bad thing with good intentions, and came directly with a cut off pass.

Poor Garnett felt like the whole world was against him at this moment.

Su Lang, who was outside the three-point line, saw this scene, and the green tendons on his forehead burst out.

I'll it! Is this helping Garnett practice Xi advanced martial arts?

I want to practice this skill! Must first come from the palace?

There is a kind of pain that hurts to look at!

is talking about the current Garnett, and Pierce also knows that he is doing bad things with good intentions at this time.

Pierce hurried to Garnett's side.

"Hey! Kevin, are you alright! I think you're in a better position, that's why I'm giving you the ball,"

Pierce looked at Garnett worriedly.

Thank you! Where is this passing! Did you have an eight-fold mirror?

The precision strikes of missiles are not so accurate!

Garnett looked at Pierce without tears.


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