The third quarter ended.

The Mavericks didn't escape the Warriors' three-quarter clock-out.

To be precise, it took the Warriors two and a half quarters to break down the Mavericks.

After Jackson and Su Lang beat Quinton Rose with a trick.

The Mavericks surrendered.

Of course, Jackson was directly punished for a first-degree malicious foul, and Quinton Rose did not escape.

On the contrary, it was Su Lang, who once again escaped punishment with his superb acting skills.

Looking at Su Lang's smug appearance, Curry couldn't help grinning on the side.

Old coins!

Curry suddenly didn't want to provoke Su Lang.

What turned over the serfs put the singing! It doesn't make sense anymore!

The main reason is that Curry is afraid of being knocked out by Su Lang's old coin.

At that time, maybe Su Lang can still stand on the moral high ground.

This time, Su Lang not only beat up Quinton Rose, but the Mavericks players even had a little gratitude to him.

It can only be said that Su Lang is hiding too deeply.


Curry sighed slightly.

Everyone in the world is drunk, and I am sober!

Maybe only I know what kind of person Su Lang is!

However, there is also bad news for the Warriors.

That's Jackson's malicious foul this time plus a second-degree malicious foul last time.

The season's points have reached three points, and according to the league's rules, Jackson will automatically suspend one game for the next game. That

means Jackson will miss the game against the Spurs.

Without the escort of Martial Saint Jackson, old Nelson was a little bottomless in his heart.

Now we can only take one step at a time.


The boring rookies pecked each other to the end, and the main players of both sides went off the court at the end of the third quarter.

It was left that the substitutes were pecking each other on the field.

This continued until the end of the fourth quarter.

Carlisle is actually a smart man.

Nelson Sr. is clearly saving face for them, and Carlisle is going to keep his main players on the pitch if he continues to put his main players on the field.

Maybe the difference in this game will go to more than 50 points.

This is obviously not a very good thing.

Carlisle was interested, and old Nelson didn't make a dead move.

After all, there is no deep hatred between the two sides.

The final score was fixed at 131:109

Su Lang scored 31 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assists and 3 steals.

Curry scored a game-high 48 points. Interestingly, Curry shot 10 of 15 three-pointers in this game, just barely breaking the single-game three-point record held by Su Lang.

The Warriors' victory over the Dallas Mavericks extended their season-winning streak to 12.


The Warriors have shown that they are strong enough.

Many teams in the league have begun to study the Warriors in secret.

It is said that there is no way to win the championship.

But now it looks like old Nelson's running is a bit strong!


After the game with the Mavericks.

Bills, the agent that Su Lang hadn't seen for a long time, appeared in Su Lang's apartment.

The reason is that the NCAA side of the league has begun.

This means that Su Lang's brokerage company is about to start panning for gold again.

The player who was signed by Beers last year is now doing well in the league.

Although it has only been a long time since the start of the competition, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Su Lang's brokerage company has something.

Bills has also become a sought-after agent.

Of course, after Beers became popular, someone must have come to dig him.

Bills declined these invitations without even thinking about it.

Nonsense! Following others is a part-time job.

Follow Su Lang to do it, he is the boss.

Now in addition to bowing his head in front of Su Lang, Bills is the boss in the company.

And Su Lang also gave 20% of the shares of Beers' brokerage company.

Su Lang doesn't often appear in the company, and Bills is the boss.

Bills is now looking forward to Su Lang's golden finger, last year, Su Lang's golden finger was a little bit, and Bills signed so many players.

This is also because of the late start last year, and many players already have an agency.

So this year, Bills came to look for Su Lang early.

I hope Su Lang will give some advice, and Beers is confident that he can sign more good players.

Su Lang looked at Bills in front of him, and kept recalling the players in the 2010 draft in his previous life.

There didn't seem to be any memorable players in the first-round pick other than Pickle Pepper George and John Wall and Cousins.

But in the previous life, it seemed that there were two great gods in the second round of the show.

One is the big white-edged Hassan Whiteside, and the other is the younger brother Stephenson.

These two guys were arguably the most underrated players of that draft.

I don't know what those scouts were doing in the first place.

Such a player was reduced to a second-round pick.

Su Lang thought about it and wrote down the names of several people after leaving, and then circled the names of Hassan Whiteside and his junior brother.

"These two people should pay attention, it is best to sign a contract with our company, the problem should not be big, you can try it"

Su Lang handed the note in his hand to Bills

, after getting the treasure, he looked at it a few times, gently folded the note, and put it in the pocket of his jacket.

"Don't worry! I was late last year, and I'm sure I'll catch them all this year!

Bills said confidently.

Su Lang couldn't help but smile.

If Beers had done it, he would have become the enemy of all agencies.

Then this year's draft will be interesting.

Other economic companies haven't even drunk the soup, and they will definitely not give up when the time comes.

"The boss! Is your bootcamp still running this year?

Bills looked at Su Lang.

"What's wrong! The season has just begun, what are you anxious about, it's never too late to prepare then"

Su Lang looked at Bills puzzled.

"Hey, hey! It's such a boss! If your camp is still going on this year, I'll have an extra leverage when talking about the players, and you don't know the place of your camp in the hearts of some of the young people trying to get their foot in the NBA,"

Beals explained.

Su Lang was secretly speechless, in fact, at the beginning, Su Lang created the training camp, but it was just to have a stable source of negative emotions in the offseason.

Now I didn't expect it to become a pedal for some people's dreams.

If you think about it carefully, when you go to Su Lang's training camp, the worst one is Danny Green.

Curry has become the league's hottest backcourt duo, Gibson has become a stable starter, and Harden is also thriving with the Thunder.

These people all came out of Su Lang's training camp.

Therefore, if they can participate in Su Lang's training camp, it is very likely to increase their chances of gaining a foothold in the NBA.

After Su Lang figured out the key inside, he looked at Bills.

"They can be promised! This year's training camp is still the same!

Su Lang made a decision.

Anyway, there are a few more sources of negative sentiment value, so why not!

Alas~ Today's young people are rushing to send negative emotional values.

Sue Lang Versailles thought.

After all, Su Lang, the guy who opened the plug-in, would not understand the thoughts of those young people who can give everything for a chance to gain a foothold in the alliance.


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