Parker threw the basketball straight to Duncan.

Brewer and Andris have discovered Gibson's predicament.

So the moment Duncan caught the ball, the two of them were sandwiched.

But Duncan didn't have the slightest idea of passing, and directly stood against the two people, stretched out his arm from the gap between the two people, and smashed the basketball into the basket arrogantly.

Spurs fans looked at Duncan on the court in shock.

Is this still the Duncan they knew!

Oh, my God! Duncan would have been so violent!


Duncan let out a roar of rage.

It wasn't Duncan's, but everyone was shocked by Duncan's momentum.

Su Lang saw this scene outside the three-point line, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Stone Buddha! It deserves to be the number one striker in history!

It's fucking strong!

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry had the ball through the half.

Su Lang frantically interspersed with runs inside the three-point line.

Duncan's eyes kept staring at Su Lang.

Suddenly, Su Lang ran backwards and directly shook off Mason who was following behind.

Instantly inserted into the basket, and at this time Curry's pass also came.

Su Lang grabbed Curry's pass in the air and smashed it into the basket.

Spurs fans can't bear to watch it anymore, can they repeat the same mistakes!

Do you want to be ravaged by Su Lang in the basket!

In the next second, an arm appeared in the air and stopped in front of Su Lang.


A dull crash rang out on the pitch.


Duncan lays down Su Lang's dunk.

The basketball flew out directly from Su Lang's hand directly under Duncan's cover.

But it didn't end there, because the basketball flew straight up and down in the air.

As soon as Su Lang landed, he flew up again.

This time, Su Lang's talent took the advantage.

Duncan's bounce was a little slower.

Seeing that Su Lang wanted to control the basketball, Duncan in the air gritted his teeth and directly used his fingertips to push the basketball fiercely.

Before Su Lang caught the basketball, he touched the basketball.


The basketball was directly flown out of bounds by Duncan's point.

Su Lang was still a step slower.

Su Lang fell from the sky with a little regret.

That's ruthless!

Su Lang clearly saw in the air that Duncan was using his fingertips to sabotage his attack.

Your fingers must be sore now!

Su Lang looked at Duncan.

Duncan still had an expression like facial paralysis, and no one knew how much pain Duncan had endured to sabotage Su Lang's attack just now.

Su Lang actually wanted to ask Duncan, was it worth taking such a big risk in order to sabotage his offense!

If Duncan's judgment was a little wrong just now, then Duncan's fingers would be at risk of breaking.

But Duncan did it anyway.

Dumbfounded! Stone Buddha! Real men!

At this moment, even Su Lang was full of dissatisfaction with the Spurs.

But he admires Duncan very much.

After seeing Duncan finally disrupt Su Lang's offense, Spurs fans went crazy.

That's it!

This is Tim in their hearts!

Curry was also secretly speechless on the outside, but he didn't expect to see Su Lang when he was deflated.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Gambling on a defense in his career, Su Lang admitted it!

Since the basketball was shot out of bounds by Duncan, the ball still belongs to the Warriors.

After the sideline ball was sent out and Curry received the basketball, the remaining offensive time was gone.

Curry faced Parker's defense directly outside the three-point line and forced a three-point shot.


Basketball hollow into the net!

The Warriors don't just have Su Lang alone!

Curry looked at Parker with sharp eyes.

The score came to 9:4


Olympic Tower, New York.

Stern, the president of the alliance, looked at the live broadcast on the computer, and the emotions in his heart kept surging.

For the first time, he had doubts about the 23vs24 league tag he had set up.

Stern feels that whether it is the Spurs or the Warriors, it will be the biggest variable in his history.

The 23vs24 plan could really be stillborn.

"Adam, these two teams may be the biggest spoilers in the league in the future, and maybe they will really upend my plans.

Of course, none of that matters! That's the beauty of basketball!

Stern said to a bald head beside him.

The bald head is the future alliance president Adam Xiaohua, and after hearing Stern's words, Adam Xiaohua's eyes showed a trace of disdain.

In his opinion, these are just toys for them!

What a bullshit plan! It's only real if you make money!

Of course, in order to inherit Stern's position, now Adam Xiaohua must pretend to be a good baby.

Let Stern think he is the best successor.


The scene returns to the court.

More than half of the first quarter of the game has passed.

The score came to 28-22 and the

Warriors led by six points.


Popovich called a timeout and prepared for a substitution.

It's time to put an end to this farce.

Popovich patted Zazapachulia beside him.

Pachuria's eyes showed excitement.

Is it finally time for him to make a name for himself!

At this time, Duncan looked at Popovich with a trace of pain in his eyes.

Do you have to do it!

I've gotten to this point, isn't it enough!

In fact, another reason for Duncan's outburst was that he didn't want Popovich to continue his plan.

Although Duncan ignores this bullshit.

But he is not stupid, and he has already seen the signs of many things.

It's clear that Duncan's outburst didn't change Popovich's decision.

As his mentor, Duncan really had no way to blame him for his actions.

Duncan's burning heart was overshadowed at this moment.

The momentum inexplicably decreased.

If it were usual, Popovich would definitely have noticed.

But now Popovich's attention is on Su Lang.

Revenge is right away!

The humiliation on him will be washed away in no time!

At the end of the timeout, players from both sides returned to the court.

Spurs' starting center, McDyce, was off the court, and Zzapachulia came on.

The Warriors also made a change, with Turyaf coming on to replace Andries.

Andris, who has broken out for most of the quarter, is obviously not physically fit enough now.

Su Lang looked at the Spurs' camp and immediately spotted Zazapachulia on the field.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

Is it finally coming!

At this time, Duncan passed by Su Lang's side.

"Be careful!"

Duncan whispered.

Su Lang looked at Duncan's back in surprise.

Duncan's heart is painful, with his mentor on one side and justice on the other.

That's all he can do.

I hope Su Lang can understand the meaning of his words.

Su Lang's sneer slowly disappeared. His eyes softened a little.

Dumbfounded! It's so cute!

Maybe his heart is tormented.

Rest assured! Good will always triumph over evil!


I'll give him nightmarish memories!


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