Old Nelson looked at Su Lang dumbfounded.

Fuck it! Is this still your own team!

Su Lang came to his staff last year, and old Nelson thought that he already knew Su Lang very well.

In addition to the fact that Su Lang usually likes to scare people, he is actually a worry-free player.

But what did he see just now.

The Matrix? 007? James bond? Hulk?

Old Nelson was in a state of confusion for a moment.

He really didn't expect Su Lang to behave so crazy.

At this time, the home court of the Spurs was also boiling.

Although they didn't like Pachuria's soft eggs, Su Lang beat Pachulia like this in front of them.

That's the city of San Antonio in the face of madness.

Spurs fans can't accept that this is happening.

"Get out!"

“fuck! You executioner! "

“fuck! Bichi! Get out of the field! "


The audience was instantly filled with unbelievable angry scolding.

Su Lang pursed his lips disdainfully.

At this time, the referee also made a decision.

Su Lang committed a second-degree malicious foul and was directly expelled from the court.

As for Pachuria, he was also awarded a first-degree malicious foul.

Pachulia was still quibbling, but what he did did not escape the eyes of the judges.

There are so many people in the audience, why didn't Su Lang beat others, he had to beat you, you must have done something wrong!

As for whether Su Lang's side will be banned after the game, it depends on the decision of the alliance.

However, Su Lang should not be able to escape the punishment of the ban.

Although Su Lang's season penalty points have not yet reached the line of ban, Su Lang's performance on the field this time is too bad.

Facing the ridicule of the fans, Su Langyun walked lightly to the players' tunnel.

But before that, Su Lang pointed to the scoreboard on the field.


The Warriors are now 22 points.

The game is basically out of suspense.

Then Su Lang bent down gently and made a very gentlemanly move.

After bending down and thanking the Spurs fans, Su Lang got up and walked to the players' tunnel without looking back.


The Spurs' home stadium exploded in an instant.

Killing them didn't expect Su Lang to provoke them like this in the end.

“fuck! Don't go! "

Damn it! How dare he do that! "

San Antonio doesn't allow you to be so insulting!"


Su Lang's system space was already frying at this time.

It's completely unclear who is providing the negative sentiment value.

Although he was expelled, Su Lang had no regrets in this game.

I saw the stone Buddha in an explosive state.

Death seizes the scum.

Saved Curry and contributed to the first eviction of his own league.

provoked the away fans.

Gained a large amount of negative sentiment points.

Some players have never seen Su Lang in their lives, and this game is exciting.

Su Lang was comfortable, and Old Nelson did have a wry smile on his face.

He knew he was busy after this game.

I guess it's Chris Mullin's guy who has more headaches now.

Mr. Stern's phone must have reached his office.

As Nelson Sr. thought, Chris Mullin was now facing Stern's furious scolding on the other end of the phone.

After Su Lang returned to the locker room, he quietly waited for the game to end.

About half an hour or forty minutes later, there was a loud noise outside the locker room door.

Then the door to the locker room was pushed open.

Curry bore the brunt of Su Lang's face.

"The game is lost!"

Curry said to Su Lang.

"Rely on your uncle! How to do it! Lao Tzu was expelled for you, and you actually lost?

Su Lang was not calm in an instant.

The corners of Curry's mouth twitched, and then he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Hahaha! You've got it today!

Curry crossed his waist and looked at Su Lang with a laugh.

At the same time, the Warriors players, who had just been disgraced, all burst out laughing.

Su Lang still didn't understand, the game must have been won, but Curry actually put him along.

Grandma's! The cute god is getting worse and worse!

Su Lang didn't say a word, he rushed over with an arrow step, and directly clamped Curry's head under his armpit.

"Good boy! Deceive Lao Tzu's feelings! The ability has become bigger!

Curry hurriedly raised his hand in surrender.

Su Lang ignored Curry's raised hands, and then looked at the others.

"Well done! It seems that you have a part in this matter! Wait for me, don't even think about running!

Su Lang looked at everyone threateningly.

"Boss! It's nothing to do with me! It was Stephen's idea! I don't want to do that, but I can't convince him!

Gibson defected instantly and sold Curry to the ground.

Curry, who was caught in the armpit by Su Lang, instantly turned black.

Grandma's! I know that this group of dogs is unreliable!

That's selling me!

When Lao Tzu came up with this idea, didn't you dance quite happily!

How did you end up with Lao Tzu's back!

O Madan! Curry looked at everyone without love.

Everyone looked at Curry's sad expression, and instantly smiled even more happily.

After the hilarity, the atmosphere in the locker room calmed down.

Curry walked in front of Su Lang this time and looked at Su Lang seriously.

"Thank you!"

Curry said with a serious expression.

After Su Lang was expelled, the big screen on the field replayed what had happened before.

Curry found out at the first time, if there was no Su Lang's appearance.

It is estimated that Pachuria's weight of more than 300 catties will be smashed on his knees.

If it does happen, Curry feels that his lifelong dream, just getting started, will become a dream bubble.

Curry couldn't imagine that ending.

"Thanks what! It would be nice to train with me a few more times!

Su Lang waved his hand lightly.

"Damn! Just know how to abuse me!

Curry looked at Su Lang speechlessly, but his heart was really warm.

Although Su Lang has been bullying him, Su Lang is really on it when he encounters something!

Curry kept Su Lang's kindness in his heart.


The door of the locker room was pushed open, and old Nelson with a painful expression appeared in the locker room.

"Stephen! Let's go, come with me to the press conference! Old

Nelson automatically ignored this guy Su Lang.

If he really took Su Lang with him, it is estimated that the press conference site would explode directly.

"Hey! Old Don! Why didn't you take me with you!

After hearing Old Nelson's words, Su Lang was not happy.

A few meanings! Am I transparent!

My performance in this game was so explosive that it didn't let me show off.

"You'd better forget it! If you show up, you'll probably be frying!

Old Nelson glanced at Su Lang.

"Don't! I still want to join in the fun! Feel relieved! I'm sure I'll listen to you this time!

Su Lang looked like a good baby.

The main reason is that Su Lang doesn't want to give up this opportunity to harvest negative emotional value.

Since the old Nelson told him about his lewd development last year, Su Lang has not fired in front of the media for a long time.

"Don't mess around! It's enough of a headache now!

Old Nelson looked at Su Lang in disbelief.

"An-la! Ann! Rest assured!

Su Lang waved his hand, looking relieved.

However, a smile flowed from the depths of Su Lang's eyes.

Old Don! Excuse me! I'm so poor!

There is also an eight-fold mirror waiting for me to upgrade at home!


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