That night against the Pacers.

Curry felt a lot of malice.

The Pacers crazy bag clip Curry.

As a result, Curry played very hard in the first half of the game.

The score was led by the Pacers.

But after the second half, Curry once again woke up to his daily form.

Begin the crazy show.

One person was stunned and beat the Pacers' defense to the point of collapse.

In the end, the Warriors were 113-107 at home

The five-point margin narrowly outpaced the Pacers.

Curry fought hard and finally won the game.

In the whole game, Curry scored 39 points, 9 assists and 3 steals.

It can be said that it shines on the entire home field.

The day after the game, Da Yao came to the arena.

Start doing some adaptability testing.

It is mainly up to the team doctor to judge whether Da Yao can play.

The most prominent change on Da Yao's side is that he has lost a lot of weight.

It is enough to see that Da Yao was not idle during this time.

He has already started his weight-loss program.

In the end, the team doctor came to the conclusion that if Da Yao played, it would not be a big problem.

However, after old Nelson carefully read Da Yao's report.

made a decision directly, Da Yao still needs to continue to recuperate.

From the last time Da Yao was injured to now, it has not been half a year.

Old Nelson wasn't willing to take risks.

In fact, it seems that the team really needs Da Yao very much.

But if this is based on the fact that Da Yao's career is a bet, Nelson Sr. is still unwilling.

Just like Nowitzki, the team is betting on Nowitzki's career health.

Nelson Sr. went straight to the crowd and kept Nowitzki, but in the end he lost the championship.

That's what allowed the Mavericks to get rid of Nelson Sr.

Seeing Da Yao is like seeing Nowitzki back then.

It turns out that if Nelson Sr. was given another chance, he would still have chosen it.

The health of the players is paramount in Nelson Sr's heart.

Although Da Yao kept saying that he could play, Nelson Sr. still refused.

However, old Nelson also gave a plan, and Da Yao's focus during this time was on weight loss, if the plan went well.

Da Yao can make a comeback before and after the All-Star break.

Seeing Old Nelson's merciless refusal, Da Yao was also helpless.

Team Rocket's side is ruthless enough, covering up the illness and squeezing wildly.

On the Warriors' side, the elder Nelson was serious enough to let Da Yao recuperate.

The injury is not completely recuperated, and it will definitely not be allowed to come back.

Maybe God saw that Da Yao was pitted too badly by Team Rocket in the first half of his life, so he sent him to old Nelson, who regarded talents as his life.

Although Da Yao feels that he has no big problem, he has been.

However, Old Nelson still has some deterrent power on this issue, and Su Lang has no way to intercede at this time.

That night, Su Lang called Curry and Da Yao to come to his house together.

It's a formal introduction to the two of them.

"Hey! Stephen, why did you come so late"

Su Lang pushed open the door and greeted Curry in.

"There's a bit of a delay!"

Curry made a casual excuse.

In fact, before coming to Su Lang's house, Curry was a little hesitant.

Curry was more afraid that Su Lang would take out their Dragon Kingdom drink again.

In the end, after Curry struggled for more than an hour, he decided to give Su Lang a chance.

After all, there is Da Yao here today, and Su Lang shouldn't mess around.

After Curry and Da Yao sat down, Su Lang took out a box from the kitchen with a mysterious expression.

When Curry saw the clear glass bottle inside the box.

Without even thinking about it, Curry ran away.

"Su Lang! Your uncle's! Do you want to me again!

Curry scolded Su Lang angrily after running.

But how could Su Lang run away from Curry.

A few minutes later, Curry sat back on the couch with a look of lovelessness on his face. ,

Da Yao looked at Curry and Su Lang with a smile on the sofa.

Obviously, Curry and Su Lang have a good relationship in private.

"Hey! Stephen, what the hell is going on? I'm completely confused right now,"

Da Yao smiled and looked at Curry.

"Brother Yao! You don't know! Su Lang used this thing last time, I drank a little bit, and then I became unconscious, and finally took a small video of me, and then I always threatened me with a small video, do you mean lack of morality? Curry

directly confronted Da Yao with a wave of complaints.

Da Yao looked at Su Lang a little speechlessly.

It's really lacking in morality.

Boy! I originally thought that Su Lang was very good, but I didn't expect Su Lang to do such a thing.

It seems that you need to guard against some Su Lang in the future.

Su Lang looked at Curry with a smile.

Yes! I've learned to sue!

There was a shrewd look in Curry's eyes.

He did this on purpose just now, in order to let Da Yao see Su Lang clearly.

Da Yao is not the same as the previous Warriors players, and he has not completely surnamed Sue.

It's definitely someone for Curry to woo.

Several of Su Lang's fanatical brothers were all traded to the Rockets.

Now Da Yao must not be allowed to become Su Lang's fanatical little brother.

Curry thinks that Da Yao has a chance to stand on the same front with him and resist Su Lang.

"Come on! It's been a long time since I've drunk the liquor from my hometown, and I'm a little hungry!

Da Yao said with a smile and Su Lang.

Su Lang directly took out a bottle and opened it casually.

With the experience of drinking with Curry last time, Su Lang is not willing to do that anymore now.

So this time, Su Lang has prepared a lot of good things.

It's all some snacks in the Dragon Country.

In order to prepare these things, Su Lang went to Chinatown and worked for an afternoon.

Da Yao looked at the food that Su Lang kept taking out from the kitchen, and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

"Ah Lang! Have a heart! Don't say much, it's all in the wine,"

Da Yao directly picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

Su Lang smiled and took a sullen sip after that.

Curry's face on the side instantly showed an expression of lovelessness.

It's all over the calf! Has it fallen so soon!

Su Lang, this guy's means of buying people's hearts are too powerful!

"Hey! Stephen, first time meeting, have a drink together?

Da Yao raised his glass and looked at Curry.

Curry instantly turned into a bitter gourd face,

damn! It seems that my united front is gone!

It's obvious that Da Yao has now been captured by Su Lang's sugar-coated cannonballs.

Curry smiled wryly and took a drink with Da Yao.


More than half an hour later, Da Yao hid behind the sofa and looked at Su Lang in surprise.

"Was he like that last time?"


Su Lang smiled speechlessly.

Then he looked at Curry.

Moe God! Don't blame me! The material you gave is so good, I'm sorry for you if you don't take pictures!

Curry was shirtless, with one foot on the coffee table and the other on the floor, his right hand on his waist.

Left finger pointed to the light bulb above his head and shouted loudly.

"Sun thief! You're Paul, aren't you? Don't go, I'll blow you up today! "

Kidd? What are you running, you're afraid of grandpa's three-point shot! "

Hahaha! Can't stop me! I'm just that strong! "

You're a monster, aren't you? It's you who cut the strap! Hahaha! "


Su Lang looked at Curry like this and blew up the players in the league.

He really didn't expect Curry's heart to be so second-in-class.

This time, Curry personally sent the black information to Su Lang's hands.


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