The lineups for both sides in this match are:

On the Warriors' side, No. 1 Curry, No. 2 Su Lang, No. 3 Jackson, No. 4 Gibson, and No. 5 Turiaf.

The lineup on the Thunder's side is.

No. 1 Willis, No. 2 Sefrosa, No. 3 Sai Durant, No. 4 Jeff Green, No. 5 Nenad Kostic.

The Thunder's side is still a regular lineup and hasn't made any adjustments.

Harden, for his part, is still playing the role of the sixth man.

After the official entry of the players of both sides.

Su Lang's eyes saw the familiar figure on the sidelines at a glance.

That's right, it's Scarlett, who just finished the conflict yesterday.

Su Lang didn't expect Scarlett to come to the scene to watch the game.

In fact, after the two of them dating, Scarlett really didn't come to the scene to support Su Lang a few times.

After seeing Su Lang enter, Scarlett smiled and waved her hand in Su Lang's direction.

It was obvious that Scarlett had made concessions first, and if Su Lang continued to dwell on it, it would indeed be a bit excessive.

Su Lang smiled helplessly.

Durant also saw this scene, and his face couldn't help showing a little envy and jealousy.

Why can Su Lang have such a beautiful girlfriend, it's not fair!

[Negative sentiment value from Durant +2000]

Su Lang glanced at Durant suspiciously.

There is a secret path in the heart of the sick.

As soon as I looked at Durant's expression, I knew that this guy definitely didn't hold back his fart.


The whistle blew for the start of the game.

Turyaf's height really doesn't dominate the center forward position.

Lost the jump ball with Kostic.

But the Warriors are used to Xi it, too.

Anyway, before Andris, he didn't win a few jump shots in a season.

The Warriors players skillfully retreated to the backcourt to defend.

After Wei Shao received the basketball here, he controlled the ball outside the three-point line.

Pacing slowly, observing the Warriors' defensive position.

It didn't take long for Durant to find an opportunity and get rid of Jackson directly through the pick-and-roll.


Wei Shao, who was in control of the ball, suddenly threw the basketball out.

It's like a cannonball. Flew straight past Curry's cheek.

Curry was even shocked into a cold sweat.

Madan! This is murder!

Curry looked at Wei Shao angrily.

If the reaction was a little slower just now, it is estimated that the ball was directly shot in the head. ,

Wei Shao faced Curry's gaze and looked over without showing weakness.

He wouldn't admit that the pass he had just passed was almost out of his hands.

Durant received the basketball one step away from the three-second zone, then jumped up and raised his arms high. The

basketball swept across Jackson's fingertips and landed directly into the nets behind him.

The score came to 2:0

The Thunder went first.

Turning his head to the Warriors' offensive round, Wei Shao almost shot Curry in the last round.

So Curry was very unhappy.

Direct and continuous control of the ball changes direction, constantly adjusting the rhythm.

Although Wei Shao's physical talent is explosive, Curry's sense of rhythm is also very good.

It's also a gift.

Wei Shao can only constantly adjust his body's center of gravity to prevent Curry from getting rid of him.

After a change of direction, Curry jumped up and threw the basketball out there quickly.

Shoot without warning.

Although Wei Shao's side tried his best to pounce, he was still a step late.


Basketball goes to the net.

Curry smirked at Wei Shao.

Makes you want to blow my head! I can't kill you!

The pace of both sides was good at the beginning, but there were no surprises.

But halfway through the first quarter.

Su Lang made a change.

Jackson does have some pressure to defend a tall and skinny shooting monster like Durant.

After all, Jackson is more Xi to confrontation.

So Su Lang directly came to Jackson to switch defenses.

After seeing this scene, Durant exploded directly.

Grandma's! Again!

Last year, it was like this, at the beginning, Durant could score at will, and

then Su Lang switched to defend in front of him.

And then came the beginning of his nightmare.

Although there were conjectures before the game, this game should still be against Su Lang.

But after it really happened, Durant was still a little anxious.

However, I remembered the weakness of Su Lang that Harden told him before.

Durant's mood relaxed a little.

After receiving the basketball passed by Wei Shao.

Durant directly confronted Su Lang.

This time he's going to beat the nightmare in his heart.

"Hey! I'm going to blow you up in this game!

Durant looked at Su Lang and said.

Su Lang was surprised to be optimistic about this Durant.

What a childish trash talk!

Su Lang couldn't help but smile.

Durant's trash talk skills really need to be honed, and such trash talk is simply too powerless.

Seeing the smile on Su Lang's face, Durant was a little angry.

fuck! Is this looking down on him!

Thinking of this, Durant directly controlled the ball and changed direction with a grim reaper, and then quickly pulled up and shot.

But Durant seems to have forgotten that last year, this skill did not take advantage of Su Lang.


Su Lang's fingertips directly touched Durant's basketball.

After landing, Su Lang rushed directly to the blue bottom.

By this time, Turyaf and Kostic under the basket were already entangled.

Turyav died and the card owner Kostic.

Because he knew that Su Lang would definitely get the basketball.

But this time there seems to have been some surprises.

There was a figure that started one step ahead of Su Lang, and Su Lang was still one step late.

This person is none other than Wei Shao outside the three-point line.

Wei Shao was like a wild horse on the loose, and he rushed headlong to the inside line.

Even when it's not far from the basket, it's still accelerating. ,


Wei Shao directly grabbed the rebound.

After grabbing the rebound, Wei Shao's whole person also rushed out a long way because of inertia.

However, Wei Shao quickly adjusted his focus.

Before Curry's defense could come over, Wei Shao jumped up and threw the basketball to the basket.

However, Wei Shao was still a little anxious.

His body wasn't fully adjusted, and it still affected his shooting in the end.

The basketball bounced out again.

This time, Su Lang did not relent, and easily took off the rebound.

Su Lang looked at Wei Shao with some amusement.

Sometimes you don't have to run fast to win.

Such a reckless shot, if you can score, it will be luck.

Wei Shao looked at the basketball with some annoyance. I

thought I would add two points to my score, but I didn't expect to make a mistake.

Seeing Su Lang's back rushing quickly to the backcourt.

A wry smile appeared on Wei Shao's face.

At the beginning, he was the same opponent as Su Lang in the college league.

Now Su Lang has obviously pulled away from him.

Even a reckless man like Wei Shao was somewhat shaken in his heart.

But he's not going to throw in the towel!

Sooner or later, one day he will catch up with Su Lang!

Wei Shao's eyes only hesitated for a moment before becoming firm again.

If you can't now, then train harder and play harder.

Sooner or later, he could also reach the height of Su Lang.

This is his way of the Turtle!


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