According to Jamison's thoughts, Su Lang jumped at this time, it was too late, and he completely lost the opportunity to defend.

But Su Lang just created the impossible.

When Jamison received the ball, Su Lang had just jumped.

However, this time Su Lang's jump time was really late, so Su Lang's blocking choice did not choose to block Jamison at the highest point.

No matter how Jamison operates, in the end, Jamison's offensive position can only be the basket.

So Su Lang's defense this time chose to be near the basket.

In this way, Su Lang made up for the defect of the late start time.

But the other point is that Jamison's dunk power this time is definitely very strong.

After all, Jamison had been charging for so long without being disturbed.

If Su Lang's strength was not enough to compete when he touched the basketball, Su Lang might even be overturned.

However, Su Lang did not give Jamison this chance.


A loud bang came, and Su Lang's right hand fiercely covered the basketball in Jamison's hand.

The two collided, making a dull thud.

Su Lang's strength did not fall into the downwind, so the basketball was directly shot out by Su Lang.

At this time, Kaloon Butler also came to the basket.

directly found the opportunity to grab the rebound, and the next second Caron Butler jumped directly and dunked with one hand.

After landing, Su Lang didn't have time to shake his finger when he saw that Kalombbutler had also come to challenge him.

How could Su Lang get used to him!

I didn't even think that Su Lang would jump the big hat again!

As soon as Kaloon Butler took off, his dream was shattered.

This time they didn't have a chance, Su Lang's cap was not small, and Azubuke in the distance grabbed the ball and quickly pushed the counterattack.

At this time, Arenas was still under the basket.

So Azubuk scored an easy layup as if he was in no man's land.

Su Lang shook his finger at the three people at this time.

"Hey! Your dunks aren't good! If you want to block me, you still need to practice!

Su Lang said with a smile.

[Negative Sentiment from Kaloon Butler +

5000] [Negative Sentiment from Jamison +5000] [

Negative Sentiment from Arenas +5000]


The three of them were directly humiliated by Su Lang's finger shake.

Sanders, who was on the field, looked at the referee with a calm expression, and he was angry.

Shaking your fingers so openly, can't you see it!


Be sure to appeal to the league after the game!

Sanders stared at the referee on the field.

The successive blocks in this round made the home fans enthusiastic.

They really didn't expect Su Lang to stage a hot pot feast for them.

"Even-bought Karma! It's so exciting! "

Hahaha! This is the iron wall! "

Shake your fingers! I guess Arenas is going to be! "


Old Nelson also watched Su Lang's performance dumbfounded.

It's getting stronger again!

Fortunately, the current old Nelson is also Xi to it, and Su Lang's side suddenly becomes stronger at every turn.

Curry looked at Su Lang lovelessly off the court.


That's an animal!

Do you have to make me despair! Wouldn't it be nice to give me some hope that you're chasing you!

[Negative Sentiment Value from Stephen Curry +10000]

Su Lang on the court suddenly received Curry's Negative Sentiment Value.

Su Lang looked at Arenas and the three of them with some unhappiness.

Grandma's! Curry gave me 10,000 negative sentiment points.

The three of you combined, I was tired and half dead before I was given 15,000.

Who to look down on!

It's not so easy to pass today!

Su Lang stared at Arenas.

Arenas looked at Su Lang's somewhat terrifying eyes, and looked back not to be outdone.

The three of them challenged Su Lang in a row, wanting to separate Su Lang.

Although Su Lang wanted to bully him back.

However, for the rest of the first quarter, the Wizards obviously strengthened their defense against Su Lang.

Three-person bags, four-person bags all appeared.

Anyway, he didn't give Su Lang a chance to attack easily.

If Curry had been on the floor at this time, the situation might have changed a little bit better.

Azubuuk is still just a substitute after all.


At the end of the first quarter, the score between the two sides was fixed at 31:35

The Warriors have a four-point lead at home.

During the break, Arenas conspires again with Jamison and Caron Butler.

Su Lang's finger shaking just now made them lose face, and the best way was to find a way back from Su Lang.

Heywood glanced at the three men who were plotting and smiled.

At present, it seems that there is a high probability of winning this bet!

Su Lang was really powerful, and directly overturned the three of them.

I knew that I would have gambled with them a little bigger.

Soon the second quarter of the game began.

When Curry was not on the court, Su Lang completely became the object of care.

The game went two minutes into the second quarter.

Nelson Sr. called a timeout again and swapped Curry back on the court.

In fact, according to the old Nelson's idea, Su Lang let Curry lead the team alone for a period of time at this time.

At the end of the second quarter, Su Lang continued to play.

However, Su Lang seemed to guess Old Nelson's thoughts, and waved his hand directly.

Old Nelson immediately gave up the idea of replacing Su Lang from the field.

Anyway, Su Lang is also an individual who can be blamed, if he plays the whole game, according to the current intensity of confrontation, it is not a problem for Su Lang.

In fact, Curry couldn't sit still off the court for a long time.

Azubuk's performance on the court almost drove Curry to death.

The Wizards wrapped Su Lang, and Azubuike only needed one acceleration to rush to the basket.

Then throw the basketball into the air!

Su Langdu has already signaled so many times.

If he was on the court, he would have passed the basketball a long time ago.

If you don't see it, you are about to suffocate Su Lang to death.

So Curry's first round after coming on the court was to find Su Lang.

After Curry came on the court, the Wizards didn't dare to continue to wrap Su Lang too much.

After all, Curry's three-point threat isn't covered.

Curry observes from his position at the top of the arc.

Su Lang ran back and shook off Nick Yang beside him.

Then go straight to the basket.

Curry had an idea and threw the basketball straight away.

After seeing this scene, Su Lang almost burst into tears.

Madan! It has to be Curry!

Su Lang was directly not far from the basket, jumped high and grabbed Curry's pass in his hand.

Grandma's! Aren't you going to lock Lao Tzu!

Let me give you a taste of what it is like to be shut-in. ,

Su Lang directly slashed Huashan with a blow, and smashed the basketball to the basket with all his might.

After Jamison under the basket saw this scene, he thought that the opportunity to get back to the court had come.

is going to give Su Lang a slap back. ,

but the fact is that Su Lang educated him ruthlessly.

Jamison took a chance to be lonely.


After a loud bang, Su Lang directly completed a slap.

As for Jamison, he naturally became Su Lang's background board.


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