At eight o'clock in the evening.

The match between the two sides officially began.

The line-ups of both sides for this match.

The Warriors are Azubuike at No. 1, Sulang at No. 2, Jackson at No. 3, Gibson at No. 4, and Turiaf at No. 5.

The Nuggets lineup, No. 1 Billups, No. 2 Aaron Afralo, No. 3 Carmelo Anthony, No. 4 Kenyon Martin, No. 5 Nene Hilario.

The Warriors, for their part, didn't start Curry.

It was beyond the Nuggets' expectations.

Originally, they had prepared a big gift for Curry.

Now the league knows how to play the Warriors.

Let Su Lang score and lock up Curry and other positions.

In this way, no matter how strong Su Lang is, no matter how explosive the final data is, there is no way to lead the team to victory.

However, if Curry didn't play, it disrupted the rhythm of the Nuggets.

The game begins.

Nene crushed Turyaf and slapped the basketball to Billups.

Billups had the ball after half-time.

With his back to Azubuk, he began to direct tactics.

Kenyon Martin came to the outside to help Billups block the pick-and-roll.

Billups easily passed Azubuuk.

Billups accelerated his breakthrough and made his way inside.

Su Lang had no choice but to move his feet to help prevent the blockade.

Billups came to a jerk and suddenly retreated beyond the three-point line.

At this time, Kenyon Martin, who had completed the blocking, also came down.

Billups found Kenyon Martin with a flick of his wrist.

Kenyon Martin's side instantly captured all the attention of the Warriors.

It's all just an illusion.

Kenyon Martin threw the basketball straight into a forty-five-degree angle.

Anthony had been waiting for that place for a long time.

Anthony received the ball and went straight to a three-point shot.

The basketball makes a crisp sound in the hoop.

The score is 0:3

The Nuggets took the lead at home.

This offense is a microcosm of last year's playoffs.

Turn your head around the Warriors' offensive round.

Azubuuk had possession of the ball past halftime and Billups stepped forward to defend.

As for Su Lang's side, Afraro stuck to Su Lang's side.

Su Lang's off-ball running skills were activated, and he ran wildly with Aflaro.

After Su Lang struggled to shake off Avlalo, he did not receive a pass from Azubuk.

Because I don't know when Anthony's side and Billups formed a defensive line.

directly locked the connection between Azubuk and Su Lang.

As a last resort,

Azubuke had to pass the basketball to Gibson in the low post.

Gibson received the ball and started attacking in the low post.

In fact, Gibson's positional offensive skills are excellent. But he met Kenyon Martin.

Kenyon Martin doesn't actually have a height advantage at the power forward position.

But Kenyon Martin is very strong physically and has a great jump.

So Gibson's low-post offense doesn't take advantage.

Gibson didn't crush into the interior after a series of confrontations.

In the end, you can only choose to force a mid-range shot.

The results can be imagined.

The basketball is directly out of the hoop.

The defense of this round can be seen that the Nuggets did have some restraint on the Warriors.

Their defensive strategy is very targeted.

More than halfway through the first quarter.

The score came to 10:15

The Warriors trailed by 5 points, and Su Lang had an unusually difficult match.

"Hey!Sue!I'm going to take away the victory in this game!"

Anthony looked at Su Lang with a smile.

Su Lang glared at Anthony viciously.

What kind of ability is it for a few people to come together!

Su Lang's heart was a little annoyed, and he had a feeling that he couldn't use it.

Ma Dan! Lao Tzu doesn't believe in evil anymore!

Su Lang's temper also came up at this time.

You don't let Lao Tzu attack,

don't you!Then don't you play!

Su Lang looked at Anthony viciously.

The Nuggets' offensive round.

Billups passes the ball to Anthony.

Anthony's position near the baseline, a direct set of three threats, shook off Jackson.

Anthony turned around and shot inside, flicked his wrist slightly, and shot a basket.

The whole process is smooth and elegant.

But it's a pity that he was targeted by Su Lang.

When Anthony shook off Jackson, Su Lang rushed into the inside.

In fact, Anthony also noticed Su Lang's movements.

However, Anthony didn't care, after all, Su Lang was still far from his position.

When Su Lang came over, he had already completed the attack.

But Anthony still underestimated Su Lang's determination.

The moment Anthony made a move, the sky darkened

! A figure shot out of the air!

Directly slapped Anthony's basket fan out.

"Hey, Cameron, your offense can't do it either!" Su

Lang said with a shake of his finger at Anthony.

【Negative sentiment value from Anthony +2000】

Livestock!Are you an animal!

You can fly over from such a distant position!

Anthony looked at Su Lang and roared in his heart.

After sealing Anthony, Su Lang's mood was also a lot better.

"It's a pity that even if you block me, you won't be able to win the game,"

Anthony said with a smile after adjusting his mentality.

Ma Dan!

Su Lang glared at Anthony fiercely.

Even if you lose the game, this game won't make you feel better.

Towards the end of the first quarter.

The score came to 25:29

The Warriors are still four points behind.

Off the court, Nelson Sr. sat next to Curry.

As soon as the game began, Curry stared at the court. ,

there was a trace of unwilling emotion in his eyes.

saw Su Lang being surrounded and suppressed by the Nuggets on the court.

For a moment, Curry felt very useless.

If he could be on the court, the Nuggets would definitely not encircle Su Lang so recklessly.

"How's that! It's not comfortable!" said

Nelson Sr. smiled and looked at Curry.

Curry looked at Nelson Sr. and nodded.

"Do you see Su Lang! This situation is the epitome of his last year, last year he faced such defensive pressure, and led the Warriors to the playoffs.

We even beat the Spurs in the first round.

Old Nelson said slowly.

Curry nodded again.

He admitted that Su Lang was very strong.

"Su Lang is actually strong not only in his skills, but also in his heart

" "In fact, Su Lang is not a god! He also needs the help of his teammates! Just like the current situation, if Azubuke is a little more powerful, will they dare to block Su Lang without any scruples!"

Old Nelson continued.

"Do you know why Su Lang didn't meet the rookie wall!" Old

Nelson changed his voice and looked at Curry.

Curry shook his head silently.

"That's because his heart is strong enough! You shouldn't know that Su Lang's goal in his first season is to win the championship.

Hahaha! Don't you think it's a little funny

! The fact is that Su Lang really almost did it! And that's what you're missing!"

said Old Nelson with a


Curry nodded thoughtfully.

Is this the way to break through the rookie wall?

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