"Hey, you know Bird? Impossible."

"I just mentioned that I should go to the Pacers. I know Bird, so why would I come to the Heat? I went to the Pacers directly!"

"Yeah, if you know Bird, I don't need to show up at all."

Jiang Hao hugged his old friend, and the two famous scouts Hank and Jaylen also hugged each other.

However, Jiang Hao was surprised that Jaylen Williams did not show the excitement of seeing his idol, but greeted him in a normal way. Could he be lying to me?

Come to think of it, he was unfamiliar with the Spurs at that time. I guess Jaylen Williams wanted him to believe that Hank, who looked like a prodigal but very reliable cowboy, was so awesome.

"Sit down, sit down, sit down~"

The three of them chatted with each other while holding a cup of sugar-free Coke.

"Brother, you are really awesome. You became a James hater in front of the national live broadcast. If you don't want to mix it, there will still be many James diehards in the teams you face in the future." Jaylen Williams is still as carefree as before.

"Imperial father?? Where did you want this title? I dare not even think about it."

"Hehe, there will always be someone who wants it."

Jiang Hao knew that this remark would increase his number of fans by 100 million in the future and his number of haters by XXX. It is right for people to live in the present, but they should also look forward to the future. There are really not so many James fans at this stage.

Most of them are just his "ball skills" fans, pseudo fans attracted by his violent dunks.

"He has never won a championship, so there are no real diehard fans."

"You are right." Jaylen Williams wanted to say that the Heat is actually more powerful this year.

But he didn't say it in front of Jiang Hao. Now it seems that Jiang Hao really has the taste of the Heat's nemesis.

Hank: "But what but? It's normal for young people to be a little arrogant. When I was his age, I had been in the government for several years because I opposed the behemoths in the eyes of ordinary people. But I never regretted it."

"You are the best!"

Then they didn't talk about tonight's game. After a brief chat about each other's recent situation, they were ready to separate. Both sides had things to do.

"I sent you a box of Maozi by international mail. I will meet you for a drink next time I go to Miami!"

Jiang Hao is really grateful to Jaylen Williams.

The Chinese people pay attention to gratitude. Without him, there would be no Jiang Hao who is shining now.

That's why Jiang Hao respects Jaylen Williams so much every time. The main reason is that he really helps himself. Without him giving him that pinhole camera, he might still be in the Spurs, but he would never be able to play in this game.

So before this game, he asked his father to send a box of Maozi to Jaylen Williams, who loves to drink, by international mail. He has a lot of money now and can't spend it at all.

"Okay, it's best this year, I'll be waiting for you at the American Airlines Arena in the finals, hehehe!"

Chapter 99: Chen Duoling

Chapter 99 98: Chen Duoling

Jaylen Williams may not know what Maozi is yet, he patted Jiang Hao on the shoulder, his eyes full of praise.

The more internal employees of the Heat know how awesome it is for Jiang Hao and Bojan to shine at the same time.

Just like what they just talked about.

Jiang Hao is a rare player who can be even more awesome after leaving the Heat.

The Heat usually fucks rookie undrafted players to perform well, then gives them civilian contracts and trades them with big markets or weak teams.

Before the trade, they fuck undrafted players to get the Heat's record and player data. After the trade, the players go to the next club to recover with salary, and their abilities are greatly reduced after recovery.

If their abilities are reduced, they will definitely be cut. After being cut, the Heat will sign them back with a minimum salary, and then take drugs to train hard. When their abilities are back, they can force other teams to give them big contracts, thus completing the one-stop fraud.

The Heat's one-stop service is a rare model that both players and teams are satisfied with. Jiang Hao and Bojan would have been involved in this "one-stop fraud" in a year.

Who knew that these two people would directly rebel against the Heat because of LeBron and get rid of the Heat's devilish shackles in advance.

Jaylen's words were from the heart, but Jiang Hao was unexpectedly calm:

"I knew it a long time ago, don't say it anymore, you will lose your job if you say it again."

Jiang Hao hid the next sentence in his stomach, he knew it because he had seen it.

Later Nunn, Vincent, and even Wade, who was abandoned by Riley and signed back before retiring, all felt a bit like a Heat fraudster.

"Okay, let's go. Finally, congratulations on your beautiful work tonight and revenge for yourself." Jaylen glanced at Hank and didn't say much. Only Jiang Hao and him understood this.

Jiang Hao fought back all the injustices he encountered in the Heat with just this one game.

"But you can't slack off. I can assure you that next time you meet our team, Spo and Riley will definitely target you to death, really. You must always believe in the revenge of the greasy Riley. Rich Paul is targeting you openly, but Riley is doing it in secret."

"I understand, it must be."

Jiang Hao naturally knew what Jaylen's hint meant. If he played against the Heat again, it would not be as simple as on the court. Off the court, all kinds of tricks would be used.

Having come into contact with the old fox Riley, he knew with his toes how angry Riley would be tonight.

A sophisticated egoist like him would definitely spare no effort to get back at him.

"Where are you two? Come over quickly."

Messina called Hank.

"I'll be there soon."

Thinking of eating barbecue, Hank's eyes lit up.

Jiang Hao was the same. After a night of powerful output, he was already hungry.

As the saying goes, the small clay oven in the Northeast is

Texas charcoal barbecue.

He hasn't had Texas barbecue since he came to the Holy City.

There are two cities in the United States selected as UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy, and San Antonio is one of them.

The food here is a mixture of Spanish, Mexican, German and Texas flavors, conquering tourists from all over with its unique charm.

As a melting pot of gourmet food, San Antonio has many delicious local specialties, such as Texas quail and Spanish ham.

That's what they're eating tonight.

After arriving at the barbecue restaurant, dozens of quails were already cooked. The aroma of the meat was accompanied by the smell of charcoal fire. Not to mention how much enjoyment it was in this cold winter. Jiang Hao did not actually sit in the VIP seat prepared for him by Messina. I sat down at the empty seat and started eating.

Quail is rich in healthy protein and is as popular as chicken in Texas. There are many ways to cook it and there are many innovations. The grilled quail is particularly fragrant.

Jiang Hao's way of eating is very Chinese. Sprinkle some cumin and pepper, eat it with some green chili peppers, and then take a bite of lettuce leaves. This bite is so refreshing! !

The boss also came to have a late-night snack and gave everyone an envelope containing tonight's bonus.


"Although I am the poorest owner in the NBA, the joy of winning against the Heat must be rewarded. Let us raise our juices together and thank Messina for the late night snack tonight!"

"Thank you Messina!"

"The head coach is awesome!"

“The boss is also very generous!”

Everyone picked up the colorful juices and ate them up, then ate the meat. When they were in a good mood, everyone's appetite improved a lot.

"We haven't had such a late night celebration for a long time. It's also the first time this season that we don't have the nutritionist's food control requirements. We can finally eat to our fullest." Boris Dior, who was sitting next to Jiang Hao, had a mouthful of oil after eating. The team nutritionist next to me had itchy teeth:

"Don't blame me for getting fat."

After eating and drinking, no one left immediately. They chatted around the charcoal fire and played with their mobile phones. A group of old men found the purest happiness after winning tonight.

This surprised Jiang Hao, a native of the Celestial Dynasty. He knew that many people here had houses and families in the Holy City.

This is really "ignoring family".

If Jiang Hao had a wife and children, he would definitely go back early.

"It's just a little short of wine." Dior drank kiwi juice with an expression as if he had drunk whiskey.

Duncan: "You can drink as much as you want when you win the championship. We have worked hard this year and we will be here even after we win. I invite everyone to drink! I won't stop until I get drunk!"

Manu: "As promised, everyone has heard it, this old man is finally going to treat us."

Jiang Hao listened to the big guys talking about life with a blushing face, while taking out his mobile phone to read tonight's news.

The phone calls, WeChat, and QQ are all booming. I no longer read comments on Weibo. I have already accumulated 999+.

He just posted on QQ space and said:

"I don't want to deceive the young man into being poor, right?"

Compared with other platforms, he feels that QQ space has a more "modern feel", and he can't reply to other platforms, so QQ space is good for replying to some friends.

WeChat is now used by relatives, friends, teachers, coaches, etc., and they don’t understand when posting like this.

A few comments below

Brother Fa Xiaochen commented:

"One month in the east, one month in the west, don't bully young people into poverty!"

Jiang Hao replied to him:

"If you can't speak, speak less."

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