The direct reason for the eight consecutive away games is that the local Texas Cowboy Festival is held at this time every year, occupying the AT\u0026T Arena. The San Antonio Spurs also have a crazy eight consecutive away games at this time every year, which is also called the "Cowboy Tour" by fans.

"When you come back, wait for the smell of cow dung. The floor will be lifted by them."

There is no way. The cowboy culture of Texas must be respected, but the bitter thing is that the Spurs players will smell a burst of cow dung from time to time when they come back to play at home.

"Haha, I really want to watch the cowboy festival."

"I want to watch it too, but I can't watch it every year, and Hank participates every year." Manu, who has always loved to play, said enviously.

(*Photo of Hank attending the Cowboy Festival in the Holy City)

Speaking of the devil, Hank saw Jiang Hao coming to the training hall so early and said directly:

"You have a day off today, you don't have to play, and you will fly directly to Los Angeles in two days."


Jiang Hao was surprised, but Manu looked as if he was used to it:

"You were 'rested', hahahahaha, this is your first time to experience this Spurs culture!"

Hank took out a tablet and showed Jiang Hao the official news released by the Spurs:

"Player Jiang Hao will miss tonight's game against the Pistons due to hip tightness. He will not appear on the team's roster, nor will he go to Detroit with the team."

"In vain."

Manu waved at Jiang Hao, and they would practice for a while and then fly directly to Los Angeles, leaving Jiang Hao alone to rest and "guard" the Holy City.

"Is this okay? I didn't even know I was exempt from the game."


"Just get used to it. Spurs players have adaptive hips, groins, and stomachs. They can get hurt if they want, and have diarrhea if they want."

"What if I don't want to get hurt?"

"You have to get hurt! That's a scientific way to protect you."

Jiang Hao knew about the Spurs' rest method. When he was a fan, he often heard that the Spurs had players resting, and the reasons were all kinds of weird, such as eating a stomach upset from a sandwich, not washing hands after eating, resulting in hand, foot and mouth disease bacterial infection, and riding a bicycle to the groin.

So they were severely punished later and became the team with the most fines for resting in the league.

But in fact, this is also the Spurs' only way. They don't want to rest, but if they don't rest, how can these old guys hold on to 82 regular season games?

The old Spurs, the old Spurs, are more prone to injury because they are too old, and they need more time to buffer, so GDP usually rests in rotation to ensure the record and physical condition.

Later, the Spurs team doctor also found that the rotation strategy was really useful, and it was also appropriately adopted for young players.

So other role players can also take 5-10 games a year, and the playoffs are basically full every year. The year before last, they were not full, and Manu was slightly injured and the Grizzlies eliminated him. Therefore, they paid more attention to protecting the old guys this year.

This behavior is not very friendly to the fans.

But it is too friendly to players like Jiang Hao. Not only can they take a paid rest, but they can also reduce their chances of injury and extend their career life.

Otherwise, playing back-to-back games for a long time is really easy to get injured. Sports medicine has long had research results: continuous high-intensity exercise must be separated by at least 24 hours.

It is because of the regular season rotation strategy in recent years that the Spurs have kept GDP at a high level and prevented players from suffering any career-destroying injuries. The players are protected very well.

And Jiang Hao knows more. Even if the three GDPs retired, they did not retire due to injuries. They all retired because they felt they were too old and didn’t want to play anymore.

On the other hand, the players who left the Spurs were injured and stopped playing without the Spurs' strategic playing time adjustment and proper rest.

Leonard never suffered a real basketball injury in the Spurs, but after leaving the Spurs, he was often written off for the season and got the title of "Card Never Play".

Let's look at the Rockets who also don't like rest and like to fuck stars in Texas. Yao Ming, who was only in his early 30s, was close to retirement because of a serious injury. If Yao Ming was in the Spurs, he would never be injured so early, and his career would be extended by at least 3 years.

Why did the Spurs, who didn't listen to advice, lead the entire league to popularize rest?

Isn't it because rest is really beneficial to playoff teams!

If stars rest a few games in unimportant games at the end of the season, then they will definitely perform explosively in the early stage of the playoffs! !

Jiang Hao doesn't object to rest.

But he really wants to play in this game.

First of all, this is his third game since joining the Spurs. It would be embarrassing not to play in the third game!

Secondly, the Pistons were his NBA debut and the team he cosplayed on Halloween. He played for 2 minutes against the Heat and scored 8 points. Prince and Monroe also played with the throne and were beaten up, so he wanted to see what they would say when they played against him. He could also rotate and beat up the completely weakened Pistons again.

He will play against Kobe in the next game, so it would be good to practice with the old prince of the Pistons first!

But there was no way, he was forcibly protected by RC Buford and Messina in this game.

The team's decision was related to Jiang Hao's own speech. After seeing Jiang Hao say yesterday that he didn't want to have any involvement with the Heat, RC Buford also planned to use time to dilute the things outside the game while the heat was still there. If he rested, he wouldn't have to play, and there would be no opportunity for media interviews.

In addition, Hank reported that Jaylen Williams had changed from a scout to an agent, so it was just right for him and Jiang Hao to adapt and run in the Holy City in the next two days.

The most amazing thing is that the team's injury report must be submitted to the league for review before it can be released. David Stern approved the Spurs' injury report so quickly for the first time. He passed it in seconds without any investigation or consultation. Is that okay?

David Stern, who was in the NBA headquarters building in New York, was not unaware that Jiang Hao was being rested. He saw RC Buford's purpose at a glance, but he was not trying to help the Spurs dilute the news about the Heat.

He also wanted to protect such a rare Chinese backcourt talent! The league will have to rely on him in the Chinese market in the future!

He understands the glass attributes of Chinese players better than the Spurs, so in the future, as long as the Spurs apply for Jiang Hao's injury rest, he will approve it. Didn't you see how much the popularity of the Rockets' games this season has decreased after YAO was reimbursed for the season!

And how popular is the Spurs, a team that created the lowest traffic in the finals, in the last two games after having Jiang Hao?

All of David Stern's decisions are supported by big data! ! !

After the Spurs' injury report was released on the entire network today, Jiang Hao's rest this time unexpectedly won the support of fans.

Too cool!

This is a rare occasion where the team, the league, and the fans all agree that the players should take turns to rest and recover from injuries, only the players themselves want to play.

The comments below are all clear understanding


"I understand! Jiang Shuai, take a good rest!"

"I suggest taking a year off and wait for the next time to fight the hand-spreading monster!"

"Haha, I agree! Only play against the Heat again, the heat will be directly pulled to explosion!"

"Don't joke, I think it's a real hip strain. In the last game, when blocking LeBron's dunk, his butt fell completely on the ground. It hurts just to look at it!!"

"Yeah! It can't be a real injury! Go away! Get well soon!"

"Master Jiang, take good care of your butt!"

"Hubby, take good care of your butt! Waiting for you to fight Kobe!"

"Jiang Hao protects his butt! Bless his butt! Bah, no, bless my father!!!"

Chapter 106: 3 consecutive games against Los Angeles teams!

Chapter 106 105: 3 consecutive games against Los Angeles teams!

"Brother, it's not that I don't believe you, but I believe in science more. You're too excited when you first come to the NBA, so you need to take it slow."

After RC Buford came to the arena, Jiang Hao "looked resentful" and went up to apply to play tonight.

Then RC Buford looked unmoved, but what he said was true. A player who had never played more than 20 minutes in a single game suddenly played for 29 minutes and played against a top team until the last minute.

This kind of game that went straight to the intensity after such a long break would take GDP a week to recover. If it weren't for the Cavaliers' cushion in the last game, the medical team even suggested that Jiang Hao take a week off.

For example, after Manu returned, the games were all 10, 15, 20 minutes of pyramid-like increasing playing time. The Spurs played mainly because they were desperate to win, otherwise they would not overuse Jiang Hao, a young man whose body was still growing.

RC Buford also told Jiang Hao what was in his heart:

"Now the season is about to end, we will only play the key games of the card battle. We will leave the Pistons to us. You will play against the Lakers at the beginning and slowly get used to the rhythm and intensity of long-term play by averaging 20+ minutes per game."

After seeing the extremely fragile glass body of YAO and YI, he was really afraid that Jiang Hao, who is also from China, would get injured. The treasure that the Spurs have finally found in recent years must not have any hidden dangers of injury.


Jiang Hao was helpless. In fact, if he said that in his previous life, he would definitely agree with it, because in his previous life, he did retire early due to injuries due to playing style problems. The physique of Asian players seems to be born not to be able to play violent forwards.

But in this life, he has a lot of physical bonuses, plus enough healthy and nutritious exercise and diet, at least he still has no discomfort now.

But since RC Buford has said it to him so sincerely, he will not force it.

He promised himself that after Jiang Hao fully adapts to the high-intensity game, Jiang Hao will never be easily rested in the regular season next season, and he will not leave the front line even if he is slightly injured.

In fact, Jiang Hao should focus on finding his form and feeling in the regular season this season.

Because the team's record is set, the Spurs are stable in the playoffs, and the ranking will not be forced for the Spurs. Isn't it just a matter of one more home game? The black eight incident has long proved that winning first does not count as winning.

As for Jiang Hao himself, because he has just started to play, he has not played enough times and can no longer catch up with any data this season. The best rookie, the second and third teams of the best rookie, etc. have nothing to do with him. It is better to fight again in the regular season next season. Now it is important to take care of your body and prepare for the best state to play in the playoffs.

"You can still watch the opening ceremony of the Cowboy Festival tomorrow and feel our Texas culture."

"Okay, then I will practice with peace of mind and meet up with the main team in Los Angeles in 3 days." Jiang Hao made an OK gesture.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about these. We will directly contact your agent in the future."

"I almost forgot that I already have an agent."

That night.

The Spurs beat the Pistons 108:85 without a single blow and won three straight games, officially starting their eight-game road trip.

"The Spurs are really good at bullying weak teams."

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