The reporters continued to ask a few questions, and Li Zhen answered them one by one.

Later, the reporter interviewed Carlisle:"Coach, what do you think of Li's performance tonight?"

Carlisle smiled and said:"I will make him a breakfast by myself as a reward for the best combo guard in the league!"

Carlisle gave Li Zhen the title of"the best combo guard in the league".

Then Nowitzki also praised Li Zhen in various ways!

Nowitzki is not the kind of superstar who likes the flash, he is willing to give the limelight and credit to his younger brother!......

After Li Zhen came out of the press conference, he went to the family waiting room to pick up Reba. He took her to the parking lot.

After getting in the car,

Li Zhen had just put on his seat belt when Reba jumped over from the passenger seat and gave Li Zhen a passionate and hot kiss!.....

After a full minute,

Reba finally let go of Li Zhen and returned to his co-pilot seat.

"Are you interested so suddenly?" Li Zhen recalled everything that had just happened. It was rare for Reba to be so proactive.

"You are so handsome!" Reba threw at Li Zhen.

Tonight's Li Zhen made Reba feel cool, especially when thousands of people shouted MVP.

In the past, she had heard that Li Zhen was famous, but the feeling of seeing him live was completely different.

Reba used a tissue to carefully wipe the corner of Li Zhen's mouth. Her lipstick rubbed against the corner of Li Zhen's mouth.

"I played so well because of you. Was this game good?"Li Zhen started his sports car.

"You're really sweet, um, the overall atmosphere is great, did you hear me calling you many times when you were on the court?"Reba said excitedly

"I can't hear it, it's too noisy."Li Zhen simply replied....

"Your acting skills are not bad. When I and the fans around us saw you two fall to the ground together, we all laughed. I knew you did it on purpose."Reba thought of the scene where Li Zhen and Ginobili competed in acting skills and found it very funny.

"...."It was the old guy who started it, and I had no choice but to fight back." Li Zhen said with a smile.

Reba kept chattering with Li Zhen about everything that happened during the game and off the court. She seemed very excited.

Li Zhen no longer had the same mentality towards Reba as he did in his previous life. Reba was now his girlfriend, a young girl who had just entered college.

This girl worked very hard, and of course, she was beautiful....

After returning home,

Reba continued to chat with Li Zhen in the room.

As they chatted, things became more natural.

When a girl is attracted to a man, she will give everything she has, and Reba is the same.

This night was a double joy for Li Zhen!!

When Li Zhen spent a wonderful night....

The first night of the NBA playoffs has passed.

Today, three NBA playoffs were played.

Kobe led the Lakers to a narrow victory over the young Thunder at home.

It seems that there is a big gap between the first and the eighth, but it is not.

The Thunder played well in Los Angeles, and it was not obvious that they were afraid of the Lakers, the first in the West.

Durant, Westbrook, and James Harden all played brilliantly. The Thunder once led by 5 points in the last two minutes. If it were not for Gasol and Kobe's consecutive successes and successful defense, the Lakers would have lost this home advantage.

Durant also scored 33 points and 8 rebounds in his first playoff game, Westbrook scored 22 points, 7 assists and 8 rebounds, and Harden scored 16 points, 5 assists and 5 rebounds.

The impact of the Thunder made the fans of Staples Center sweat.

In another game, the Magic won the Pacers in the last minute, and Howard scored 30+19!

The game between the Mavericks and the Spurs was not the most exciting in the playoffs, but Li Zhen's performance was undoubtedly the best among all the players today.

《Crazy rookie makes his debut in the playoffs, giving a perfect answer with 40+ triple-doubles!》

《45 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds in a single game. No Li Zhen, no victory!》

《Carlisle: He is the best combo guard in the league!》

《Li Zhen led the Mavericks to win Game 1, and Nowitzki made the final decision at the critical moment!!》..............

The next morning.

In Reba's room.

Li Zhen felt someone blowing air on his face.

He slowly opened his eyes and found that it was Reba. Reba was looking at Li Zhen with his eyes wide open. Reba had put on his clothes and tidied up his room.

""Why don't you take a rest?" Li Zhen asked.

Reba shook her head without answering. Her slightly curly long hair fell on the pillow, and her eyelashes moved, looking very cute.

Reba used her little hands to fiddle with Li Zhen's earlobes and cheeks.

Li Zhen could feel the unique sense of dependence of"this is her first man".

Li Zhen also knew what this meant.

In the future, he will do more for her.

"Li Zhen, you can't make friends with other girls from now on"


"Stop looking at those cheerleading girls"


"After I return to China, you must video chat or call me every day. You must not let me be unaware of your whereabouts."


"Come back to my country to accompany me during the off-season"

"no problem"

"I can't go to nightclubs or other messy places with my teammates."


Reba's nagging made Li Zhen feel her possessiveness and dominance over him.

"I'm hungry."Reba said

"I'll make you breakfast." Li Zhen sat up.

Reba nodded meekly.

She had not known Li Zhen for long.

She was a little impulsive last night, but she did not regret it.

Li Zhen was the best candidate for a spouse in every aspect!

She hoped that Li Zhen would belong to her only!

But Reba did not want to be just a vassal of Li Zhen.

She also wanted to have her own career.

She would also try to keep up with Li Zhen.

Looking at Li Zhen's back.

Reba felt that Li Zhen should be her future"husband".

This is a very wonderful psychology of women...............

Li Zhen accompanied Reba for the whole morning.

Reba paid more attention to Li Zhen's family affairs. She became more like a hostess than a guest. She directed Li Zhen to rearrange the layout of the house. She also planned whether to save money to buy a house....

Reba counted her income and found that she could only rely on Li Zhen to buy a house, so she gave up.

Li Zhen was also a little speechless at Reba's spirit. Is the state of a girl completely different after becoming a woman?

In the afternoon, Reba continued to work at home, and Li Zhen needed to start training with the team.

After G1, the two teams had two days of rest.

Yesterday's game was very exhausting, and there were no physical exercises in the training.

Everyone was adjusting their physical condition.

Carlisle disbanded the team early, and Li Zhen picked up Reba after returning home.

Li Zhen was going to take Reba to a dinner.

The dinner was held by UA, and UA executives invited Li Zhen and Pelinka.

This dinner was also Li Zhen's signing ceremony.

Li Zhen's sneaker endorsement brand was officially confirmed to be Under Armour.

After signing this name, Li Zhen officially became a star worth hundreds of millions.

Reba was very dependent on Li Zhen throughout the whole process, and she kept holding Li Zhen's hand and never separated.

Li Zhen also enjoyed the tenderness that Reba brought him!

This feeling is very good!!

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