Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 119: 119 Mistake in the new move!

Chapter 119 119. The new move made a mistake!



The next two balls still didn't go over the net, no matter whether Akashi tried to play seriously or hit a lob, they still hung on the net, which seemed so unreal.

"about there."

After roughly understanding the principle of the opponent's move, Akashi continued to send the ball calmly.


"Here we go again, that move!"

Fuji still hit the Swiss guard of Hetonk, and the sharply rubbed tennis ball flew towards Akashi's court.

"It is indeed a very powerful move, but"

Colorful streamers shrouded his arms, and Akashi slammed back at the incoming ball.



(It was noticed by him.)

Seeing that he was hit back twice, Bu Er froze, and his expression became serious.

Tried and tested

That unreasonable double return is simply the natural nemesis of many balls.

Tezuka, who was in training, once used one trick to break his Hetongke Swiss guard.


Suddenly, Fuji felt that the match against Akashi was like facing another Tezuka with a different playing style.



"Teiko Akashi leads!"


When the moves were completely seen through, Fuji once again fell into the dilemma of having no moves available.





"It seems that there is nowhere to go, Fuji."

Atobe sat in the auditorium with his legs crossed, and commented after seeing that he had hit the last four Phoenix serves.

It seems that the score is in the lead, but if it is not for the particularity of Phoenix's serve, it must be him who is suppressed now.

"If he doesn't come up with something new to attack, it's pretty much over."

Sanada silently watched the situation in the arena. With Fenglin Volcano, he knew very well the consequences of the moves being deciphered.

"But he still hasn't given up."

Yukimura looked at Fuji who was still moving with his eyes closed, knowing that he was struggling to resist.





The score was completely evened, and Phoenix could not be used to serve again.

Bu Er held the ball and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, just concentrating and closing your eyes to play is already very difficult, and you also have to face the situation where your moves are cracked.

"Isn't this the only way to continue to think of a way?"

Suddenly, he laughed, this is not the first time he has encountered such a dangerous situation.

Whether it was facing Baijin at the beginning, or later fighting against Atobe and Tezuka, and now Akashi.

They are not players that can be easily dealt with.

Now that the inherent moves are broken, we can only create new ones

Although this is a fantasy idea for other players, it is not impossible for Fuji.


Akashi won another round, and now Fuji has come to the edge of the cliff.

"Not two."

Tezuka outside the court looked at Fuji who was silently suppressed, and read aloud softly.

It was really too much for Fuji to face such an opponent.

The ministers of the four major universities in the Kanto region all have a strong foundation of strength.

Apart from not having fought against Yukimura, Fuji had never faced Atobe before, and it was only a draw.

In every training match, his moves are always refreshing, but when they are deciphered, they will appear so "helpless".

So Tezuka is also very aware of the advantages and disadvantages of Fuji.

The advantage is that he can endlessly create those unconstrained moves

The disadvantage is that once the moves he created are deciphered, he will fall into crisis when he cannot beat the opponent in basic confrontation.

Many times, Bu Er lost to him in this way, and even if he won, he occasionally won by the surprise of the new moves.



Gradually approaching the end point, Fuji panted, opened his eyes and stared ahead.

Akashi, possessed by the streamer, is still ready to serve.

"Your potential is great."

"But I'm not going to let it go any further."

Akashi has been able to see through a person's potential since before.

What is hidden in Fuer Zhou's assistant is the foundation not to lose to them.

When hitting the ball, the only choice is to close your eyes and continue to avoid the influence of your brilliance.

At the last moment of the ball bouncing off the ground, he finally moved.




Like the spread of stars in the sky, it moved many people into astonishment.

"Did there be a star just now?"

"Isn't it broad daylight?"

"This is."

Akashi recalled the situation just now, with relief on his face.

(Using the power of the wind?)

Then he looked at Bu Er who was standing upright, he was holding the racket high.

"The sixth type of return is completed."


As if he finally breathed a sigh of relief, Bu Er spoke with difficulty.


After the second serve, Fuji once again raised the racket and hit "Xinghuahuo".

(Essentially just a lob)

(However, using the power of the wind to make the falling trajectory unpredictable, the ball will bounce far away when it hits the ground)

Almost seeing through the essence of this move, Akashi tried to find the trajectory of the ball.


"it's a pity"

Although the score was scored, Nanjiro, who was watching, made a sound.

Of course Fuji has worked hard enough, but Akashi almost came into contact with Star Fire just now.

Judging from this condition, I'm afraid that Xinghuahuo will be cracked in the next ball.



Sure enough, as Nanjiro expected, Akashi counterattacked after only hitting Star Fire three times.

Panting, Fuji waited for the final serve.



"It's over!"

The serve was returned, and Akashi found the right position and hit it back with his tried and tested strength.

"not yet!!"

Seeing the ball bouncing inside, Fuji opened his eyes and tried to catch up.


"This is.!"

At that moment, Akashi's eyes of brilliance activated, and he saw a new future.


He almost jumped out sideways and swung vigorously in the air.

The ball bypassed the side post and flew to the backcourt in a circular arc.

Immediately a trackless slide occurs.

"Out of bounds!"

"The match is over!! This set is won by Teiko Akashi!"

"The score is 6-4!!"

The hard-fought blow was just out of bounds, and the goal that seemed to be quite threatening failed to score.

(He even combined Phoenix Returning Nest with White Dragon)

In the rehearsal of Brilliant Eyes, Akashi knew that the ball would go out of bounds, so he didn't intend to catch it at all.

But what surprised him was Fujina Rinku's creativity

If the last ball hadn't gone out of bounds, it would have been very tricky.

"It's really close"

The new move seems to be under unstable control, and because of this, possible opportunities have been lost.

After both sides retired, only the last game remained.

Singles number one.

Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Teiguang Baijin Zhixing!

"Please enter the contestants from both sides!!"

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