Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 130 130 God's Punishment!

Chapter 130: God's Punishment!


It was only when the serve was lost that Mori roughly experienced the sense of "despair" that Tetsuya Hara, Yoshiyuki Hira and others had experienced before.

No matter how you hit the ball, the opponent can easily counterattack back

All his shots, movements, and moves are like jokes, easily seen through by his opponents.


In order to save the ball and fell to the ground, Mao Li looked very embarrassed at the moment.

"How can it be so powerful?"

With a sigh, he got up from the ground, looking at Yukimura's posture younger than himself, Maori couldn't understand.

Why can this person be so strong even though he is just in his early years?

Compared with himself, Yukimura is like a real genius.


The ball that had just been hit back was hit back by the opponent in the way of wiping the net. Maori, who failed to see through his intention, lost another point.


This time, Yukimura tricked him into a lob and scored a smash.


Even in the end, Yukimura directly served and scored, and he could only stand there staring blankly like a wooden stake.

"What. It's a rare genius, but it turned out like this."

That embarrassing posture was simply invisible to the eyes, with wooden hands crossed over his chest, muttering in a low voice.

Before the trials started, he had already heard of the name of Mori Kosaburo.

It is said that Kansai is a very talented and talented player, but his current performance is flashy.

Mu Shou is really envious of having such a good opportunity but gaining a false reputation.

Higazhong wants the environment they want, but they can't get it yet.

This kind of guy who has talent but doesn't do practical things is really annoying.

"The difference is too obvious"

Midorima pushed his glasses, glanced at the state of both parties, and said.

"They live in Kansai, don't they live too comfortably?"

Qingfeng was a little disappointed with the performance of this group of people. Compared with Kanto, this level is almost two grades worse.

Coming to Kanto at this level, I am afraid that the life of being beaten during the big competitions will not be able to take care of myself

"The coach was really overqualified and it turned out to be no big deal at all."

Huang Lai nodded, he has been playing tennis for less than half a year, and he is much better than this group of people.

Therefore, in his view, this group of people is somewhat funny

"Aren't we too strong?"

Heizi sat on the seat, watched his opponent's performance, and then spoke.

"That's right, it's not that they are too weak, but we are stronger."

Vulcan is very buoyant, and it is only in this comparative environment of Kansai and Kanto that he can truly appreciate the gap.

"Hmph, that's really negligent, Kansai."

Sanada took off his hat, glanced at the Kansai people not far away and commented.

Still want to compete with them at this level?

The national competition is waiting for a round of tour!

"It doesn't matter whether they are strong or weak, anyway, we are destined to win or lose, and the miscellaneous fish should go on one side."

Atobe still maintained his arrogant sitting posture, pointed with bent fingers, and said in a flat tone.

It's not that he looks down on Kansai, but that this kind of behavior is hard to catch.

Not to mention Nioh Kise, he and Akashi's doubles match, Yukimura didn't even show his five senses in this match, and the so-called genius opponent began to be overwhelmed.

Really disappointing.




Lost serve again, Mao Li was sweating profusely, panting wildly, as if he was so tired for the first time.


Holding the ball, Yukimura glanced at Mouri, but sighed slightly.

To deal with such "weak" players, taking out the five senses is really a big deal.

Before coming, Coach Sakaki didn't tell them the reason why there are players in Kansai, Yukimura seems to understand.

It's not that they don't tell them, but that there is no need to know at all.

The gap between the opponent and himself is simply unimaginable.

Then Yukimura also understood the reason for intentionally bringing out a super strong lineup to attack the opponent.


In the end, Yukimura still planned to use the five senses

Maybe Maori would be devastated after such a terrible "torture", but if he really wasted his talents and didn't work hard.

There is also a way to give up tennis early.


The first ball, the touch is gone.

Maori looked at his wrist in confusion, not understanding anything yet.

But the uneasiness in his heart made him a little scared.

Second ball, hearing gone.

Maori, who sensed something was wrong, began to panic

He didn't understand what was happening to him, but it was definitely not a good thing.

On the third ball, the vision is gone.

At this moment, the world is so quiet.

There was no scene, no sound, and I didn't even know if I was still holding the racket.


In the eyes of outsiders, everyone only saw Maoli who fell on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, which was a little strange, and they didn't know what was going on with him.

"Senior Maori...?"

Baishi looked suspiciously at Mao Li who hadn't stood up for a long time, and shouted.

But Mao Li didn't respond at all, his body trembled, as if he had experienced something terrible.

"He can't get up again"

Turning around, Yukimura turned his back, and asserted.

There are only a few people who can continue to play tennis after killing their five senses.

Akashi, Tezuka, Atobe, Sanada, Akutsu, Fuji.

Among them, there are many people who can defeat him, but most of them are players who are in a state of losing their five senses and lose.

Even these people are still like this, how can the lack of exercise and lazy Mori Jusaburo hold on?

"What's the meaning?"

Not understanding Yukimura's words, everyone in Kansai questioned him.

"Is it ips?"

Bupo Iron Man frowned, looked at Mao Li who fell to the ground and twitched, and said.

Maori was alone in the dark space, as if he was going crazy.


"Come someone!!"

Sounds that cannot be heard, scenery that cannot be seen, and real feelings that cannot be touched.

Only a dark space enveloped, this suffocating oppression made Maori unable to maintain his usual indifference.

In the endless darkness, he tried to run, looking for a ray of light.

But no matter what he did, there was no response

It's like a person was abandoned in a corner with no one.

Fear surfaced inside.

Is playing tennis such a scary sport?

He couldn't help asking himself that question.

He was obviously just playing tennis, why did he encounter such a terrible thing?

In the main drama, he almost gave up tennis just because he was hit by a mere injury. It can be seen that the will and spirit of Mori Kosaburo at this time are not as strong as in the follow-up.



In the dark environment, he fell to his knees on the ground, covering his face and crying.


Why exactly?

It was the first time he was so scared as if he wanted to get something.

Recalling Yukimura's figure, he stopped trembling, as if he knew the answer.

If he was strong enough, maybe he wouldn't be like this.

"This may be God's punishment for wasting my talents."


The monthly ticket is full again. Find a chance to make up for it.

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