Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 144: 144 The Strength of High School Students!

Chapter 144: The Strength of High School Students!

what happened?

Noah is hard to judge...

He always felt that his thinking was blocked by something, missing key information.

It's a doubles...

Keigo Atobe has another teammate...

Yes, he has a teammate...

But who are his teammates?

What is your name?

Appearance is...?

What type of player...?

At this moment, Noah just felt that his brain couldn't function. He clearly still vaguely remembered that Atobu had a doubles teammate, but he couldn't remember all the information about the other party.

Consciousness induces...

A move sublimated from the flowering of Heizi's mental power.

The moment the opponent ignores his own existence, Heizi can completely disappear from the opponent's vision, senses, and thinking.

After a period of time, even if the opponent realizes something is wrong, he can no longer recall any memories of Heizi.

This is the net that Atobe casts with himself as bait.

It seems that Atobe is blocked, but after realizing that Noah is the chess player, Atobe has only one real purpose.

That is to drag him into the chessboard and "assassinate" him.

Ambushes have already appeared... The empty camp is not heavily guarded, and if the command center is destroyed, no matter how many troops there are, they will be nothing but mobs.

To deal with this kind of thinking player, there is no more suitable "assassin" than Heizi.

Silently, sneaking in the darkness that no one can detect...

"This round was won by the junior selection team... the score..."


"It's reversed again! It's amazing!"

When the game reversed, people were amazed.

"What happened?"

"Why is Noah so stiff?"

"What is he doing?"

On the field, it was almost Gorgias' resistance alone, but Noah's situation was more like being shut down, unable to give correct instructions and tactics.

"Because the opponent disappeared from the consciousness level, his thinking became chaotic."

"He has always relied on observing the opponent to arrange offensive and defensive plans, and that detached perspective from the game has also made him invincible."

"And now it's all in his way..."

"The player who couldn't be observed and disappeared completely, and the excessive psychological pressure made him unable to make correct judgments and instructions."

Heizi is simply invincible to such players...

Even if a data player encounters it, it may directly crash.

There is still a way to solve it just by having a low sense of existence, but it is quite terrifying to disappear from the opponent's senses and thinking.

The opponent will deny and doubt himself because of the missing memory and information... thus affecting the judgment of physical movements and thinking.

"Maybe he didn't even think that there would be such a day?"

"The skills I rely on will become the time to hold back."

That look looks too embarrassing...

"Kego Atobe... really played Kuroko Tetsuya to the fullest."

The first is to increase the attention of oneself at the beginning, and test the adaptability of the opponent Yu Heizi.

After confirming that the gaze induction was not effective, he immediately took out the Ice World to divert the opponent's attention to himself.

In the process, Noah and Gorgias' attention to Sunspot was greatly reduced.

The purpose is to make Heizi's consciousness induction work at critical moments...

It doesn't matter even if he is defeated by Gorgias. After defeating Noah, there is nothing to worry about.

If the command tower collapses, the army will be defeated like a mountain.

Atobe, not only has extremely high insight, but also is very clever in using his partners.

Like a real "king"...


During the break between venues, Gorgias looked at the silent Noah and called out.

"Brother, I'm fine..."

"It's just that I may not be able to help you in this game anymore."

Because of the lack of memory and information, the confusion in thinking has continued, and Noah also knows that he can no longer give correct instructions now.


Sighing, Gorgias closed his eyes and did not speak again.

", you don't have to worry about me... just let go and make a scene."

"I will……"


"It looks like the winning ticket is in my hands..."

Kise shook his hand and laughed at Heizi.

"The game is not over yet..."

Heizi didn't agree with this. Although he banned Noah, Gorgias was not so easy to deal with.

"Ha... hoo..."

Atobe on the side gasped, but turned his eyes to the opposite.

He faintly had a bad premonition.

"I hope it's just my illusion..."

Time is up, the two sides began to exchange venues to enter.

Gorgias' serve...


Looking at Noah's back, Gorgias fell into deep thought.


He hit the ball. Although he was also induced by Heizi's consciousness, he didn't rely on observation and thought about playing, so he wouldn't be greatly affected.


Atobe took the ball stiffly, trying to see through the opponent's blind spot in his eyes.


(The dead ends are disappearing?)

The reflected icicles began to shatter one by one, Atobe was a bit unbelievable.



Gorgias scored with a smash in the next moment.

"This guy……"

Sensing something was wrong, Atobe was wary of the opponent's performance.

The second ball was hit, and he tried to fight back, launching the Ice World again.

But this time, he couldn't see the blind spot clearly or the opponent's blind spot disappeared the moment it appeared.


Forced to play an imperfect return.

"Ah ah!"


Gorgia quickly hit the ball back with a backhand, but Atobe failed to intercept it, and Heizi behind him quickly filled his position and tried to fight back.

(The power is stronger than before...)

It is more strenuous to catch it than before, so the ball bounces back.

"The lob!"




"Atobe and his teammates are strong..."

"It is true that I have been instructing my brother, but that is because I want to make it easier for my brother to win."

"If I can't perform well, then brother can only attack with all his strength..."

Like the rioting warriors, Gorgias' next performance was nothing short of valiant.

He suppressed Atobe and Kuroko with just one person.

Strong physical fitness is shown here.

"This round was won by the Jabberwock...the score..."


Neither the World of Ice nor the Illusion of Ice, which they relied on to attack, had any effect, and the original leading score was once again pulled away.

"It's so strong?"

Vulcan looked at Gorgias' performance in surprise and said in surprise.

"At this moment, his running speed and counterattack strength are both more than before. It's unbelievable..."

"Didn't you use all your strength before?"

Although Aaron and Zach also showed them great strength, they didn't experience it well under the special combination of Kise and Nioh.

But the combat ability displayed by Gorgias alone is simply terrifying.

Is this the strength of high school students?

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