Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 146: Jason Xibo VS Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Chapter 146 146. Jason Xibo VS Tezuka Kunimitsu!

"He can also be seamless?"

Kikumaru wiped his eyes, looked at Gorgias shrouded in brilliance in disbelief and said in surprise.

"Did you force the opponent's full strength until the end?"

Yukimura looked at the fallen Atobe and Kuroko and said in a deep voice.

In this match, in his opinion, Atobe and Kuroko had done a perfect job.

Whether it was mutual cover or Atobe's lure, Kuroko's defeat of Noah proved that their efforts were meaningful.

Even Gorgias was still suppressed without using most of his strength.

The final successful "connection" should have been the hope of a comeback, but it never occurred to Gorgias to hide such power.


It was because Yukimura had personally fought against that kind of state that he understood how powerful it was.

Just a normal swing back shatters the power of "Connect 3"

This is the true level of the opponent!

"As expected of a team of masters who have traveled the world."

"It's not for nothing."

Although the defeat of Aaron and Zach is surprising, it is more of the special features of Kise and Nioh here.

The strength shown by Gorgias is a genuine world-class high school student.

Both Atobe and Kuroko were clearly trying their best, but Gorgias still had spare energy in the end.

He is physically strong enough to even play another set.

From here, you can see how huge the physical gap between the two sides is.

The accumulation of three years is not so easy to catch up.

"Although the process was a bit tortuous, it's still a good win."

"By the way, when did you master the light of restraint?"

Xibo glanced at Noah and Gorgias who were walking back, and then said.

As the second in command of the team, he didn't know when Gorgias was surrounded by the light of restraint.

"Half a year ago."

Gorgias turned his gaze to Nash, and then replied in a natural tone.

"No wonder it has become so powerful"

"Nash, you already knew that, didn't you?"

Xibo was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then turned to Nash and asked.

"Of course, because I practiced with him."

Speaking of this incident, Nash felt lucky, obviously he just wanted to compete with Gorgias normally, but who knew that he awakened the light of restraint.

However, thanks to his awakening, Nash got the chance to compete with the German team leader Polk.

But the price is that Gorgias needs to have a match with the German team's staff QP.

That competition ended in a fiasco for the two of them.

It was also that match that made Nash aware of Polk's bottomless and terrifying strength.

"It seems that the Australian team will have very difficult opponents in the future."

Du Du looked at the two brothers and congratulated them with a smiling face. Although the two were not members of the US team, it did not prevent him from congratulating each other.

Deeply influenced by Reinhardt, Du Du's character is very upright.

"Next, it's my turn."

"I hope that there will also be an interesting player over there."

Du Dugang was about to pick up the racket and walk onto the field.

"Wait. Dudu, this time it's Xibo."

Nash looked at his back and thought for a while and suddenly spoke.



Hearing this, Xibo and Du Du were stunned, not knowing what Nash meant by changing his mind temporarily.

What about giving him the agreed singles three?

"Before the game, Long Ya called me and said he wanted to come back to play."

"He's on his way."

"I'm sorry to say that, but he seems very eager to play."

"So I changed the roster before the game..."

After being silent for a while, Nash finally explained the reason.

If it was the case of not submitting the list for the competition, he could push Du Du to a single one as a guarantee, so as to avoid the situation that Long Ya could not catch up.

But this guidance competition needs to submit the competition list in advance, after all, advertisers and sponsors need to arrange corresponding procedures.

Therefore, before the start of the game, Long Ya changed the list after repeatedly guaranteeing that he would be able to catch up with the last game.

"Longya? Didn't he ask for leave to visit relatives in the United States?"

"Why did you suddenly rush back to participate in the competition?"

Xibo didn't understand what kind of brain circuit this person was in. He was obviously the one who asked not to play at the beginning, but now he asked to come back to play again.

Isn't this asking Reinhardt to borrow someone for nothing?

"Haha, is that so? I don't care, just arrange it."

Hearing that reason, Du Du was not dissatisfied, but sat back in his seat and waited quietly.

"I'm sorry to let you go for nothing."

Although it was Long Ya's problem, Nash made a special apology to Du Du for Reinhardt's sake.

"It's nothing, I saw a lot of interesting things during my visit this time."

"It just makes me happier."

After waving his hand, Du Du didn't care about this kind of thing, but looked at the other party and said.

"Ah, although I don't know what happened to Long Ya."

"But for now, I'll be on top of it."

Picking up the racket, taking off his coat, and moving his body slightly, Xibo took off his sunglasses and put them away and said.

"It's Jason Seaber!!"

"The Angry Dragon Xibo!!"


As soon as he came on stage, there was a huge cheer

As Jabberwock's second-in-command, his reputation is second only to Nash's.

"Single No. 3 will become No. 2?"

It's very strange about the other party's arrangement, and the middle school students are all in a daze.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this kind of character be placed at number two in singles?

Why is it specially placed on the number three of the singles?

"Jason Seaber."

"Traveling the world with the devil Nash, I have challenged many masters..."

"It is known as the "Raging Dragon" in the world."

Coach Sakaki looked at the puzzled crowd, then slowly got up and spoke.

"He is not an easy player to deal with. If you still insist on winning, my recommendation will always be only two people."

He looked serious and spoke without the slightest emotion.

The direction of the gaze, even if the other middle school students did not get the follow-up names, they knew who they were.

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Shiratsu Tomosei.

This time, no one made unnecessary noises.

After watching Gorgia's powerful strength, they also realized the gap between themselves and high school students.

As the second-in-command of Jabberwock, Jason Seaber is not likely to be weaker than Gorgias, who opened the perfect suit.

Therefore, if you really want to fight, then only Tezuka or Baijin can fight.

"I go."

As soon as the words fell, Tezuka came out with the racket.

Since the opponent's strongest person has not yet played, it is natural to leave it to the general of one's own side.

He will go meet the second in command to see how far the two sides are.

"Be careful, Tezuka"

"That guy is a super-enhanced version of Aomine and Vulcan at least."

Looking at Tezuka who was about to appear on stage, Bai Jin reminded him cautiously.

Judging from the information of the black basket, Jason Xibo has a bounce that surpasses Vulcan and a speed that surpasses Aomine, plus a defensive ability that is not weaker than Murasakihara, and his skills are not weak.

It can be said to be quite versatile...

If it is replaced by tennis balls, it is estimated that it will have a similar ability

It's hard to say whether Tezuka can win this match.

Although the seamless force is very high, there are still ways to crack it in the world-class confrontation.

PS: Wanshou is looking for an opportunity today to see if we can make up a chapter.

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