Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 165 165 Follow!

Chapter 165 165. Attention!

Junior tryouts are over

It ended with the victory of the junior high school students, which was unexpected to many people.

"Well, so... someone lost a bet?"

In a facility, three men of different shapes were sitting upright, and one of the tall men looked at the information sent and said.

Saito to.

"How could this group of middle school students defeat the Jabberwock?"

Another middle-aged man wearing a vest and combing his hair back said in surprise.

Tuozhi Ryuji


The remaining man in a white suit crossed his legs, watched the result of the battle carefully and did not speak.

Yukio Kurobe.

All three are the coaches of the U17 training camp, using advanced technological equipment and professional knowledge to train the "leaders" of the players.

Training players is also to make them grow better and shine in the world.

They've been doing this for a long time.

But there's never been a more "surprise" than this one.

The middle school students in their own family overturned the well-known wandering team Jabberwock (Blowing Neck Dragon).

Among them, they tied with an amazing record of 2:2, and the rest lost the guidance match because of the absence of personnel from their team.

To be honest, this kind of development was not at all expected by the three of them.

In their view, there is no possibility of winning for junior high school students, and even a disastrous defeat is a matter of course.

It is precisely because they have trained many players that they know how huge the gap between junior high school students and high school students is.

Not to mention a bunch of kids who just graduated from junior high school

To fight against the Jabberwock (Jabberwock) who is challenging all over the world, isn't this the end of being easily crushed?

"Have you brought back all the videos of the battle?"

The man named Kurobe was silent for a while, then suddenly spoke.

"Oh, are you actually interested in something other than results?"

Saito looked at him in surprise, and couldn't believe what he heard.

You must know that Yukio Kurobe is a coach who is only interested in the result. His ruthlessness is that no matter how beautiful and difficult your process is, he always only looks at the result.

"Except for the last moment of the game, which seemed to be due to a malfunction and was not recorded, everything else is here."

Tuozhi Longer took some of the CDs, and then clicked on the big screen in the facility.

"Teiko Middle School, Kise Ryota, 12 years old, only started playing tennis when he entered school, has an excellent ability to imitate other players, has mastered the realm of selflessness and has a mysterious "Zone", height and weight are respectively "

"The High School Affiliated to Lihai University, Nioh Masaharu, 12 years old."

While looking at the people on stage, Saito Zhi also slowly introduced the materials in his hand.

"A combination of imitation and phantom?"

"These two are fantastic doubles players."

"They don't seem to be from the same school, do they?"

Until the end of the game, Tuozhi Ryuji also spoke highly of their performance.

"It's like this, and Kise Ryota's talent is even more amazing. He has only been in contact with tennis for a short time, but he is comparable to other players who have been training for a long time. It is said that his imitation ability is not limited to one person. It seems that he can Imitate the tone of the two contestants."

Saito Zhi took a lot of information about previous players and put it on the table, picked one of them and continued.

"The future is really promising."

"What's the name of this electric eye move?"

"It seems to be called "Zone" among the middle school students. The effect is different from the selfless state. It seems to be the effect of maintaining the player's ability value at 100%."

"I haven't seen this kind of scene in my coaching for so many years, and the times have changed."

"But who was the last phantom of that kid named Nioh? He can play such a skill that even high school students of Jabberwock (Blasterwock) can't cope with?"

"Well, I think it's better to say it at the end, because he will definitely become a vital member of us in the future."

"Beyond ghosts shouldn't be a problem"

Along with the exchange, Saito Zhi pulled out one of the many materials at once, but did not read it out, but changed his mouth.


Hearing this sentence, Kurobe Yukio and Tuo Zhilong frowned.

This evaluation is a bit scary.

You must know that the current ghost just defeated Byodoin not long ago and became the No. 1 in the training camp.

And this kind of junior high school student who has just entered school has such potential and evaluation?

They continued to play the follow-up game to check.

"Next is Keigo Atobe."

"Ice Emperor's new first-year minister, who once led the Ice Emperor Zhengxuan to go abroad for training, has excellent dynamic ability and commanding ability."

"You have also seen that he completely suppressed the well-known Australian star Noah Gorgias in the game."

"Tetsuya Kuroko, Teiko's student, has the ability to induce gaze, and he also has the characteristics of low presence, and he is the one who developed a double attack that is comparable to synchronism."

The more he explained, the more Yukio Kurobe and Ryuji Takuzhi could feel the incredibleness of this group of people.

"Are you connected?"

"What's the principle?"

Kurobe interrupted Saitozhi for the first time and asked.

"I don't know yet, but I only know that it is a move that can only be used with Kuroko Tetsuya as the core."


Hearing this, Kurobe's frowning brows also relaxed. It would be best if there is no clear way to use this new type of move.

Otherwise, once it is thoroughly studied by doubles players from other countries, it will also become a sharp weapon against their own people.

"Gorgias of Australia? The mastery is flawless. No wonder this one will lose."

When he saw the ending at the end, Tuozhi Ryuji also understood why the doubles had been controlled by Atobe, but he still lost.

In his view, Keigo Atobe and his partner have played so well, but the opponent is really superior, and there is no way.

"Single No. 3, Tezuka Kunimitsu Youth Academy's first-year headmaster"

"It's only natural that the opponent is Xibo, the angry dragon, and lose."

Even though the game hadn't been finished yet, Tuozhi Ryuji and Kurobe already knew the result.

But seeing the follow-up, their faces gradually became astonished.

They have seen the particularity of the zero serve before, and they will not pay too much attention to it, but the subsequent display of the field, selflessness, sweet spot technology, seamlessness, and light hitting really "scare" them a lot.

These moves of the tortoise can be learned by a student of Gang Guoyi?

If no one teaches this, they will not believe it.

There are several moves here, out of five, four are at least world-class skills.

"I heard that Echizen Nanjiro has been teaching at Seigaku for nearly two months"

"That rascal?"

"How could he teach this student these skills? Although he did perform so well, I have to sigh his vicious vision and excellent coaching."

The words of Saito Zhizhi made the other two somewhat puzzled. This guy Nanjiro is obviously not such a good "person in charge". rice bowl.

"Sure enough, junior high school students are always much weaker, and the gap in physical strength makes it impossible for him to continue fighting."

When he saw that Tezuka's return ball was unable to pass the net and lost, Takuzhi Ryuji was somewhat regretful.

As long as this junior high school student has a stronger foundation, he will definitely win this game.


"The head of Teiko Middle School, Akashi Seijuro"

"Akashi? Is that Akashi?"

"Yes, and Akashi Seijuro is still the heir of his family."

"What a troublesome surname. How could their family allow their heirs to engage in this kind of movement? They are not so easy to relax in the Atobe family."

"One bad one, and we'll get ourselves into big trouble."

"So you take good care of him, don't you worry about it?"



Thank you "Basketball G Shark" for the rewards, continue to +1 logically, and make up for it tomorrow depending on the situation.

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