Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 172: Long Ya's

Chapter 172: Long Ya's "Revenge"!

"Coach! Brat! We're playing again!"

Kikumaru showed no restraint, jumped onto the wall and shouted loudly.

"Hey, really"

Seeing his partner jump over the wall and enter, Dashi is already unable to educate.

"Isn't this Eiji's character?"

Smiling, Fuji opened his mouth and said, they have long been used to Kikumaru's lively attitude.

"There's a 100% chance that the coach will yell next"

Pushing his glasses, Gan Sadaharu analyzed calmly.

"Little ghosts, what time is it, you are very noisy!"

Sure enough, as Gan Sadaharu said, Nanjiro's lazy voice came out.


At the same time, the door was opened, and a young girl stood at the door and said with a smile.

Echizen Nanako, Ryoma's cousin.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Compared with Oishi's troubles, Tezuka and the others walked in skillfully.

It wasn't the first time they had come to Nanjiro's house like this since the youth trials ended.

Because of Ryuzaki Sumire's return, Nanjiro also removed the position of coach.

But for Sumire Ryuzaki's return, they don't have any hope, what to do or what to do.

After such a long time, they can still feel the gap between Ryuzaki Sumire and Minamijiro's education.

It is also a stocking-like training method, but Nanjiro can make them feel solid and progress.

So, every once in a while, they would go to Nanjiro's home to practice.

In addition to coming to play, it is also for Nanjiro to watch their confrontation, so that he can give pointers.

It happened that there was a tennis court in the courtyard behind Nanjiro's house.

Just enough for a few of them to use.

"Is the kid not here today? Sister Nanako."

Kikumaru slipped into the hall without seeing Ryoma, and immediately asked Echizen Nanako.

"He seems to be called out by his brother today."

Nanako replied with a smile.

"Well, I said I still want to play with him."

A little bored, Kikumaru said while putting his head in his hands.

"Aunt Lunzi, we are bothering you again today."

"Ah, it's you guys, it's okay, it's much more lively when you come here, and it can also make him move more normally."

"Ah Choo."

"Who, who is nagging me behind my back!"

Nanjiro sneezed at the back temple platform, and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Little devil, left-handers don't work that way."

Others were playing on the court, but Kawamura was the only one who wrapped his right hand and swung the racket with his left.

But his actions were corrected by Nanjiro.

"Thank you coach."

Hearing this, Takashi Kawamura thanked him.

"I've said it all, I'm no longer your coach, alas"

I can't remember how many times I mentioned this matter, but he also regrets it a bit.

When he was about to leave, why did he just say something for the sake of their pity?

(If you don't understand anything, you can come to me.)

It's very troublesome for this group of people to run to his house when they have nothing to do.

The main reason was that Sumire Ryuzaki didn't care about their coming, but wished that this group of people could learn more.

In addition, Ryoma had a lot of fun with them recently, and Rinko was also happy, but Nanjiro couldn't say anything.


"Not bad at all."

Looking at these young people full of vigor, Nanjiro didn't dislike them, it was much better than ringing the clock boringly all day long with nothing to do.

"Little one, come on! Haha!"

"I have more balls than you."

In the huge shopping mall, Longya and Longma were playing with the batting machine, and they were comparing who could hit more balls.


Muttering, Ryoma was very upset, he obviously tried his best, but he was still not as good as Long Ya.

(It’s okay if he has more balls than me, and he hits faster)

Looking at Long Ya's relaxed posture, even though Long Ma was not convinced, he knew that the gap between the two sides was too obvious.

It can only be said that Long Ya does have more experience and training than him.

"What's the matter, little one, stop playing?"

At the end of the set, the gap was close to more than 20 goals, which made Long Ma turn his head.

"Come again!"

But it is absolutely impossible for him to admit defeat.

"That's right, come on!"

Long Ya hadn't been this happy for a long time, and there was a smile on his face.

I'm very sorry for Nash and the others in the trials. Even if the Shinkansen failed to catch up, it was not entirely due to his personal factors, but he was still responsible for it.

Long Ya also tried to apologize, and Nash didn't blame him for anything.

But Long Ya always felt guilty about her

Anyway, if he hadn't been late, Jabberwock wouldn't have been in that situation.

Afterwards, Jabberwock was disintegrated because of this game.

The departure of sponsors and advertisers has prevented the team from continuing in the usual way.

To say who bears the most, it is undoubtedly Nash

The responsibility of the team and the doubts from the media and abuse from fans.

Just thinking about it made Long Ya feel uncomfortable.

But helpless, he really had no choice, so that he was so preoccupied for those few days, even if he found Longma, he couldn't be happy.

Anyway, Jabberwock helped him at the beginning anyway, and many of the members in it are actually quite interesting.

But now that it has lost all kinds of sponsorship, Jabberwock can no longer arrange the game operation and profit as before, which has also led to the resignation and departure of many of its staff.

Even if it hasn't been completely disbanded, it's just a name for now.

Except that these members are still alive, there is no support.

(There will be no more team competitions and coaching competitions in the future.)

(Guys who want to leave are welcome)

Those were the words Nash told members around the world.

Although some people left from here, most of them stayed.

Noah and Gorgias in Australia

Keith and Lin Xiu from the UK, etc.

Long Ya is one of them

They don't think the Jabberwock team is "dead".

"You are slow!"

Taking the lead by one goal, Ryoma said.

"Still a long way to go!"

But only in the next moment, Long Ya hit back three balls in an instant, and said that line to Long Ma.


The two of them continued to confront each other until the afternoon break.

"Are you planning to stay in Neon forever?"

During the break, Ryoma looked at Long Ya and asked suddenly.

"Huh? Why do you think so?"

Hearing this, Long Ya grinned at the corner of her mouth and asked back.

"Because I saw that you went to ask Dad."

"Tsk, why haven't you fallen asleep at night?"

Being pointed out by the dragon horse, Long Ya said very depressed.

"It won't be too long, about two months, at least let me take revenge."

"Otherwise, it will be considered timid and unable to fight. I don't want Jabberwock to suffer too much injustice."

In his heart, he still cares too much about that team.

PS: Reward chapter +1

Combined with the monthly ticket chapter, the current progress is (1/6)

There should be another chapter tonight.

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