Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 174: 174 The Current Situation of Each School!

Chapter 174 174. The current situation of each school!

"not enough!!!"


Aomine squatted on the sidelines, looking at the Vulcan flying up in front of him with a mocking expression.

Ever since the high school student named Oni Jujiro was used as a training partner, their lives have been enriched too much.

I have to say that the power of ghosts is really terrifying.

In terms of physical ability alone, he may be stronger than Nash.

Therefore, the pictures that can be seen during daily training are very funny.

That is Vulcan Flying, Aomine Flying, Aomine Flying, Huang Laifei

It's like an infinite loop.

Oni's power is simply too strong, far beyond what Vulcan and Aomine can handle at this stage.

Once you go to pick up the jump kills that the ghost seriously hits, there is no need to doubt that it is either a flying shot or a person flying with it.

"Damn! If only the right hand wasn't hurt."

Zi Yuan pursed his lips, looked at his right hand very unhappily and said.

Although the doctor said that it will be removed in a few days, and after half a year of recuperation, there should be no major problems with the right hand.

Thanks to his strong physique, he can recover so smoothly.

But even so, Akashi still doesn't allow things like playing with ghosts with his left hand.

Regardless of the situation of the ghost, it would be hard to say if Ziyuan was playing off, so Akashi forbade him to play games and train with the ghost.

As a result, Murasakihara could only watch Aomine, Vulcan, and Kise go to play with Oni.

And he can only be rehabilitated by swinging the racket under the supervision of Momoi every day, which is of course very uncomfortable.

"Damn it, it's really like a monster."

Getting up from the ground, his hands almost felt numb, and Vulcan wiped his sweat and said in a low voice.

He had never met such a strong player before. In a pure strength contest, he didn't lose his temper at all when he was beaten.

The meteor smash with all his strength can be easily beaten back by the opponent. You must know that it is a must-kill move that even Qingfeng can't catch.

“They are so loud”

Midorima and Heizi were running, and glanced at the noisy people on the field.

"Having a strong opponent is a good thing for Aomine-kun and the others."

As Heizi who can only play doubles, he hardly intends to practice one-on-one with ghosts.

"So they're a bunch of hot-blooded idiots"

Instead of talking to those freaks, Midorima just insisted on exercising every day.

His own skills are based on foundation and physical fitness.

Now there is no need for too many other things, as long as the physical fitness is improved and luck is sufficient, then he has no possibility of defeat.

"It's roaring like always."

Heizi turned his head and looked to the other side, not knowing how many duels it was, Heizi said.


Midorima did not make any comments on the duel there.


"Uncle, it's already the eighth day, why are you still like this?"

"I've said it all, don't call me uncle, I'm still a young high school student!"

Today's Byodoin Institute is far from being as vicissitudes and old as the follow-up, he refuted it quite concerned.

"Yes Yes Yes"

"You're leaving soon, aren't you?"

"But it turns out that until today, you don't seem to call at all?"

Maintaining Kaio Fist, I don't know how many times He Byodoin has fought against each other, Bai Jin said while holding the racket.

During these eight days, he played one-on-one matches at the Peace and Ethics Court almost the entire time.

In order for Byodoin to experience the power of Kaio Fist, he took great pains.

If it is said that the previous normal state could not fight a protracted war with Byodoin, but Kaijie Wangquan is different.

The huge physical gap narrowed a lot in an instant, so that he was able to handle some balls that he could not catch before.

However, it is a pity that for so many days, Byodoin seems to have not grasped the elements of Kaiohken.

Although he really wanted to help him, it was a pity that Bai Jin himself didn't know how to learn the Kaiwangquan.

After all, this thing is just like "transformation", sometimes it will come out just by shouting its name with full momentum.

(Really, it should be a state produced by the mobilization of qi, right?)

I don't know what's going on in the original world, but there is also "Qi" here in Wangwang.

That's right, there is a concept of "Qi" in Wang Wang's world. For example, many people in the Clark organization in the UK will use "Qi".

It is even possible to use Qi to "battle" in tennis.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about that much"

"Just let the horse come over."

Byodoin shook his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Bai Jin and said.

He did not get the point, but he was not in a hurry.

He has passed all the trials of Asura Shinto, and he will not feel anxious.

He believed that he would learn it sometime.


"Too slow, Yukimura!"

"You can make me wait a long time."

"Sorry, the assembly was delayed for a while."


Atobe led the selected personnel of Ice Emperor here, and they were greeted by a group of personnel from Lihai University.

"The national competition will start in about 20 days"

"Can this time's cohabitation allow you and me to go one step further?"

After telling their reason for coming, Atobe raised his head and said.

In addition to training himself, the Ice Empress also lacks corresponding opponents to fight against.

Ever since, Atobe thought of the co-squat exchange match.

After much deliberation, only Lihai University is more suitable.

Neither Teiguang nor Qingxue seem to have free time

In this way, after getting in touch with Yukimura, the two schools set up a location for the co-ed.

They take the national competition very seriously.

It is impossible to neglect anything.

It is precisely because the opponent's strength is beyond imagination that they want to defeat each other even more.

It's like a racing car that has already started, except for a breakdown, there is no point in stopping it.

The tide of the times has begun to roll, if you can't keep up, you will be thrown into the deep sea forever.


In Kansai, the school headed by Sitianbaosi has launched joint training.

A coalition that gathers students from various schools in Kansai.

They try to improve themselves as much as possible by contacting each other and competing with each other.

Just to fight for a good spot for my school in the national competition.

It is precisely because they know the group of monsters in Kanto that some of them want to chase after them even more.

"That guy Shiraishi, has your training volume increased again today?"

"Hasn't he always been like this?"

"And what about that wooden hand in Higa?"

"What Shiraishi is doing, he will follow suit"

"Obviously the national competition has nothing to do with him."

"Hush, don't let him hear what you said, otherwise he will definitely teach you on the court."

Although there is also a phenomenon of looking down on each other, it is generally beneficial to the progress of both parties.

In such an environment, time began to pass, until the arrival of the critical day

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