Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 176: 176 Changing fate against the sky!

Chapter 176

"call out!"

That day Duke saw the light


The red flash flashed away from the eyes, and when he regained consciousness, only the smoke and dust and waste piles were left on the ground.


He tried to yell, but he found that his sister was being hugged by a strange man not far away, very safe.


Still in shock, he couldn't understand what happened for the time being, but the performance of his sister Jie Yuhousheng made him run over excitedly.

The Court of Equality also released it at this time without saying anything.

"It's okay!! Chloe!!"

Kneeling down and looking at his younger sister in a panic, Duke hurriedly asked.

"Brother...I'm fine."

It was only after recovering from the danger that Chloe was in a daze for a while.

She thought that something was going to happen to her just now, but she didn't know what happened, so she came here all of a sudden.


Without any words, Byodoin turned around and left.


"Please tell me."

"Your name!! I will definitely repay your kindness!!"

Hearing the sound of walking, Duke was startled to realize that the man just now had saved his sister.

He stood up immediately, looked at the back of Byodoin, and shouted loudly.

"Is that important?"

"You have to be more serious to me in the next game."

Turning his head to look at Duke, the Byodoin Institute did not inform him of his name, but chose to leave.

He already recognized who this person was.

wrecking king of france

If there is no accident, he will compete with this guy.

He didn't want the opponent to release water because of kindness during the game, and he would be very upset.


Seeing Byodoin leaving directly, Duke was somewhat anxious.

It was impossible for him to remain silent when someone rescued his relatives.

"Thank you!! Big brother Byodoin!!"

Chloe watched the figure who was about to leave, and immediately ran a few steps forward, then opened her mouth and shouted.

"The House of Equality?"

Vaguely remembering this name somewhere, Duke was stunned.

"Brother, it's true, obviously I just showed you the magazine."

"Forgot so soon?"

Looking at Duke angrily, Chloe said dissatisfiedly.

"Byodoin Phoenix!!?"

After being taught such a lesson by his sister, Duke suddenly woke up.

(does that matter?)

(You have to be more serious to me in the next game.)

"I see."

In an instant, he understood what the Byodoin Institute had said before.

Unexpectedly, he and the Neon contestant met in this way.

"Chloe, let's go to the arena!"


"Byodo, what's the matter with you?"

"I said it all, I went out to relax."

"You kid, what if there is an accident!!?"

As soon as he returned to the arena, Byodoin received nagging from seniors.

He buckled his ears impatiently, and ignored the meaningless nonsense.

It's just going out for a while, and nothing will happen, so what's there to worry about?

"What's the matter? Looking forward to it?"

Taneshima stared at him, then asked strangely.

"It's nothing, I just can't wait to play."

With arms folded, Byodoin looked at the second singles team that was about to end and said.

"The opponent is the King of Destruction."

"I heard it's great."

Introducing the player who will definitely appear in the opponent's next match, Tanejima continued.

"It doesn't matter, I will make a move."

With absolute confidence, Byodoin didn't care who the opponent was at all.

Doesn't matter if he's the king of destruction or something

will not be his opponent

This is the self-confidence after becoming stronger!

Neon: Byodoin Temple Phoenix!

France: Duke Watanabe!

In the stalemate confrontation, just like the history of the drama, it came to the cliff edge of 2:2.

The one who will decide which side goes further is the current singles No. 1.

"thank you very much"

Closing his eyes in thanks, Duke stretched out his hand and said in a friendly manner.

"Hmph, don't let me play abnormally in the game because of this kind of thing."

Holding each other's hand, Byodoin gave him a special warning.

If the other party released the water because he saved the other party's sister, it would really make him furious.

"No, a game is a game, and a private matter is a private matter."

"I won't mix it up!"

An astonishing aura emanated from Duke, and his tone was so serious.

"now it's right!"

With a satisfactory answer, Byodoin grinned.

Shuangfa then walked back to each other near their bottom line.

In the stands, Chloe looked at the two people in the field with a little confusion.

Then she hesitated and said something.

"I seem to have forgotten to cast the magic of victory on my brother."

That's how the game started.

"Hey! Xiaobai, why are you here so late? The game is almost over!"

In the department room, a group of people sat in the expanded room and watched the picture displayed on the big screen in front of them. Momoi looked at Bai Jin who had just opened the door and walked in very dissatisfied and said.

"Ah? Anyway, that uncle at Byodoin is sure to lose. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later."

It wasn't that Bai Jin didn't want to watch it immediately, but that he really couldn't watch Byodoin play with that crippled body.

Even if such a body has learned the Kaiwangquan, it will not be able to exert much effect.

"What stupid things are you talking about?"

"Hmph, so you also have a day to watch people go."

"Isn't that a big advantage?"

But what greeted him was the surprised eyes and sarcastic words of his teammates.

"Big advantage?"

Hearing this, Bai Jin frowned, then walked over and turned his head to look at the picture inside.



The first round was won by the Byodoin, and the second round was also an almost overwhelming lead.


The history was different from what he knew, Bai Jin was stunned for a moment.

But when he saw clearly the figure wrapped in crimson arrogance galloping across the field, Bai Jin understood.

The Byodoin fellow was not injured.

And the other side.

Duke, who had already entered the state of bursting clothes, was tired of coping.

He hit every ball with all his strength and chased desperately, but he was still suppressed by Byodoin who used the king of the world.

(Duke's mentality doesn't seem to be a problem, either.)

(Keodoin was not injured either)

(Is there really a beautiful world line that everyone yearns for?)

After seeing the situation become like this, Bai Jin didn't understand what changed in it.

(Maybe his sister is not in danger.)

Thinking of that, Bai Jin also sat down and continued to watch the game.

Little did he care that his own inadvertent flapping of wings caused a change.

"What's wrong!"

"Have you reached the limit?"

He hit the ball back with a backhand, and that strong momentum even made it difficult for Duke to fight back.



"Oh oh oh!!"

Every time Byodoin hit the ball, it caused deafening cheers.

"here you go!!"

"Byodoin, this guy is really good!!"

"There are still three goals!!!"

"What destruction king!! Byodoin! Get rid of him!!"

Even the teammates are extremely excited.

"Ghost, is this the move learned by the Byodoin Institute?"

"It's too powerful!"

Facing such a powerful Byodoin Temple, Tanejima and others seem to have seen a brand new companion.

"Heh, it's all thanks to that little devil."

The ghost immediately lowered his head when he heard the words, a smile appeared on his old face, and he said.

"The game is over!! This round is won by the Neon Byodoin Phoenix!!"




History has been rewritten without the knowledge of others

Byodoin is no longer a defeated general, but leads Neon to a new position as a winner.

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