Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 187 Chapter 187 There is nothing that Master Atobe can't imagine!

Chapter 187

"what happened?"

Mu Shou hesitated for a while, recalling Renzu's movements, he said strangely.

He didn't see any movements of Ninjazu and the trajectory of the ball..

Including where the ball will fall is unknown.

"Did you see each other's actions just now?"

Shiraishi looked at Ren Zuzu in surprise, and then asked curiously to his teammates next to him.


But what greeted them was a unified answer.

"Try again and you'll know"

Since he couldn't figure it out, Mu Shou had no choice but to continue to attack and observe.

Throwing the ball high, he went on to hit a big bang serve.

"It's the same every time I come here."

Shinobuzu turned his body sideways, as if he didn't care about the bouncing serve, and said sternly.



This time the wooden hands are sure of one thing

He couldn't see Shinobu's swing at all.

In other words, Shinobu didn't even move his feet or raise his arms in sight.

It was like he was just standing there and the ball was hit back by something.

"Can't you see it at all?"

If it wasn't for Renzu still standing there, he would suspect that he was actually invisible.

"What kind of phantom move?"

The next time, the wooden hand chose to hit the ball elsewhere.



Unfortunately, Shinobu didn't move at all, as if another person was standing in the field, but the ball was hit back.

It doesn't matter just being hit back, the wooden hand can't even see the trajectory and landing point of the ball.

So much so that even the method of shrinking the ground became useless

"what happened?"

His heart was full of doubts, and during the exchange of venues, he was also thinking.


"Ahhhh, that's what makes sense."

Atobe looked at Shinobuzu, who was resting on a chair with his head down, and laughed.

"Of course, it's impossible for the king to fight alone, right?"

"I don't want to just be an ordinary person"

"Anyway, I used to be considered a genius."

Renzu looked back at him, his tone full of calm.

Although he doesn't care about the world's evaluation on the surface, but now that the Ice Emperor has won such an honor, he naturally wants to protect it.

Atobe has already created a new peak for Ice Empress, so as followers, they should not be so downcast as to let him go forward alone.

Ninjazu already understood this, so he started working hard.

as Atobe said

There is a huge gap with others, then use moves and talents to make up for it

Also in the daily exercise, Renzu found that he had practiced a unique move.

In the beginning, it was just a simple lock of the heart, sealing all the subtle movements of oneself, so that the opponent could not read the mind or pre-read.

At first he was able to avoid the blind corners of the Atobe Ice World.

But after Atobe became stronger, he couldn't do it.

After that, he tried to change again, and then achieved a stronger performance.

That is.

Locked up real!


When the game resumed, Ren Zuo gradually pulled back the score easily, but Mu Shou still had no clue about it.

How can he play when the opponent's movements, trajectory and landing point of the ball cannot be seen?

He doesn't have Fujisuke's mind or Tezuka's ability to play with his eyes closed.

Don't try to hit the big bang any more, the wooden hand knows that it has no effect on Ninjazu.

The only way he can do now is to see through Ninzu's moves as much as possible and find a way to crack them.





Seeing that the score was reversed, Atobe knew the end of the match.

It seemed to be much better than he expected.

Shinobu's lock is real, even Atobe may not be able to see through it.

This is a sublimation move that can block one's own movements and psychology.

To put it bluntly, no matter how Renzu moves, the opponent cannot see what he is doing.

It can be said to block the opponent's perception and visual information.

That is to say, in Mu Shou's eyes, Shinozu didn't move at all, but in fact he was already running or swinging his racket.

If it's just this point, it wouldn't be so difficult. What's even more frightening is that Ninja can block both the ball's trajectory and landing point.

Make it impossible for opponents to know where the ball is going and where it bounced off.

This makes it impossible for wooden hands with the ground shrinking method to fight back.

He doesn't even know where the ball is, so he can't even talk about chasing it.


Sweat gradually broke out on his forehead, and the wooden hand was panting.

Renzu's move really caught people off guard, and this move was not reflected in the intelligence.

"Too bad, it seems that the wooden hand boy can't handle it just like this."

Yuan Zhe also looked at the wooden hand who was at a disadvantage, and suddenly became worried.

"If you can't see your opponent's swing and the trajectory and landing point of the ball, it will have a great impact on the player's judgment."

"So that's it, is this the surprise soldier you ambushed here?"

"O king"

Osamu Watanabe realized something at this time

In the first two games, it seemed that they had the advantage, but Ren Zuzu's performance made him feel that something was wrong.

"Could it be...?"

Frowning slightly, Osamu Watanabe felt that it would be impossible for Atobe to see through this step, but he was still somewhat worried.

If the next doubles match is really what he thinks, it will prove that their Sitianbao Temple actually took a trip through the gate of hell.

"You are lucky, guys from Sitianbao Temple"

Atobe turned his head and glanced at them, and said as if he was sure of something.

"What's the meaning?"

"What is he talking about?"

"Ah! It's so disgusting, why are you talking in a cloud!"

Even Shiraishi didn't understand what Atobe was talking about, but Osamu Watanabe understood what it meant.

He turned his head to look at the people of Sitianbao Temple who were communicating, and then his eyes fell on Mori Kosaburo.

As if he had figured something out, Osamu Watanabe sighed inwardly.

(What a false alarm)



Swinging the racket wildly on the court, trying to hit the ball back without a trace, this is the weakest method that the wooden hand can think of.

But even so, he still had no room to fight back, and the point difference was pulled to an irreversible point.

"Let's end like this!"

The purple aura still covered Shinobu, he spoke slowly with a trace of indifference.


Latching Real + Disappearing Tee!



"How can you let it end like this!!!"

Mushou lost his composure once, he yelled angrily, and when Ninzuzu served the ball again, he began to flicker and swing his racket frantically on the court.

Yes, he can't see where the ball is.

That being the case, use the ground reduction method to run all over your court and keep swinging your racket!

It can only be said that the method of shrinking the ground with the speed of movement is indeed a good way, but it is a pity.

"You can't do it"

It is absolutely impossible for Shinobu to hit the kind of ball that he can easily touch.

Now that I know that you want to catch mice blindly, I will definitely play more tricky shots.


"This game was won by Ice Empress Shinobu! The score."


An unexpected result appeared, and the wooden hand, which he had given high hopes, was defeated by Renzu.

And the following doubles No. 1 also made Osamu Watanabe's ominous premonition come true.

"It was completely seen through"

Their doubles No. 1 at Sitianbaosi is

Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Shinozu Kenya

And on the side of the Ice Emperor.

Taki Oginosuke and.

Atobe Keigo!

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