Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 270 269 A duel of fate!

Chapter 270 269. The Showdown of Fate!

"This is.?"

Seeing the ball being hit back, Rijiruo was completely stunned.

He didn't even know how the ball came back.


Feng opened his eyes wide and calmly looked at the other side.

(Sure enough, this is Senior Heizi's tennis ball)

(As rumored, he's on the field, but invisible.)

After knowing what state he and Rijiruo are in, he is inevitably a little anxious.

In the past, he had only heard the legends of many seniors, but he had never actually confronted them, but now that he encountered them, he was really at a loss.

"Be careful, we are induced by sight."

Reminding Rijiruo to the side who hadn't recovered yet, Feng stared straight ahead.


Hearing this, with a startled expression, Rijiruo came back to reality from a daze.

"really invisible"

Knowing what kind of mistake he made, he murmured under his breath while forcing himself to calm down.

After observing for a period of time and still not finding any sign of Heizi, Rijiruo could only choose to serve again.




But Ziyuan swung the racket head-on and hit the bouncing ball back. Although Feng rushed to the position in time to try to fight back, the racket was knocked and flew out.

"Good weight."

Feng looked at the racket that fell to the ground in surprise, but felt troubled.

(That way there's no pushback at all.)

(It still looks like a random hit.)

It is precisely because of catching the ball with my own hands that I know what kind of gap exists between myself and the opponent.

"It can't go on like this"

Although Rijiruo didn't catch the ball, it can be seen from Feng's performance that it must not be an easy counterattack.

But he is full of spirit and will never back down.

The following gram is his endorsement!

No matter who the other party is, he must persevere.





As expected by the onlookers, Facing Teiko's second-year students, the two first-year students of Hyodi were completely one-sided.

Whether it is the cooperation in doubles or personal strength, they are all suppressed and there is no room for maneuver.

"For them, it is very reluctant."

Shido Ryo grasped the guardrail tightly with both hands, and could understand his mood.

Last year, they lived in the "shadow" of this group of people most of the time.

The suffocating sense of oppression is unforgettable even now.

There is no strongest, only stronger

This is the state of the country today

But now Feng and Riji have experienced its brutal high pressure when they first arrived.

"Isn't that kid good at hitting a fast serve?"

"Do you think the ball speed of only 180km is fast for them?"


Facing Yue Ren's words, Shishido Ryo didn't mind responding in the slightest.


Against ordinary players, it might still be a good shot, but for Ziyuan and Heizi, it might not even be an appetizer.


Just as Yue Ren thought, Feng hit his newly honed serve.

But Zi Yuan easily intercepted and beat him back.




"This round is won by Teiko Murasakihara and Heizi!"



In the blink of an eye, the score was widened, and they lost two serve games in a row, which can be said to have completely cut off their thoughts.

"It's cruel."

Guan Yue stood outside the iron net, watching the battle situation inside and couldn't help but commented.

Beside him stood a group of candidates from Yamabuki.

Except for Yajiujin who didn't show up, everyone else came to watch the finals of this competition.


On the other side, the first graders watching the battle at Qingxue were all nervous.

Although they would occasionally fight against their seniors, they hadn't seen the situation outside the school yet.

But here today I saw the strength of the national champion's main doubles, and they were full of urgency.

The style of play that suppresses the opponent in a calm manner is really impressive.

"So, it's not so exaggerated to bring a newcomer."

Seeing that the opponent was crushed all the way and couldn't even fight back to grab points, Huang Lai felt that the opponent was a little pitiful.

I don't know why the doubles No. 1 suddenly wanted to line up Ziyuan and Heizi together.

"I don't plan to play with a lineup that is too high in strength."

"But Tetsuya hasn't played for a long time recently, so it's a rare arrangement."

Akashi directly explained his approach. Although he had discussed the formation this time with Shirazu and Momoi, he was the one who finalized the formation.

"Sounds like it is"

"Since the start of the regional competition, Xiao Heizi has not been able to play at all."

"This seems to be Heizi's first competition this year, right?"

The few people who came back to their senses also noticed the problem.

It's nothing more than that they didn't pay attention at ordinary times, because the previous games were all in the pattern of one belt and one, so they didn't notice it.

And one belt one in doubles

Heizi doesn't seem to be suitable for this kind of operation.

After all, he is a player who needs to rely on his teammates to perform.

Once a first-year freshman is allowed to be the subject, what Heizi can do is quite limited, and maybe the subject will be reversed, limiting Heizi's level.

Therefore, Akashi never arranged a doubles match between Kuroko and Kasamatsu.

But the result of this is that Heizi basically hasn't played since the regional competition.

Considering that Kuroko must be played once anyway, Akashi simply let him appear in this match with Ice Empress.

It happened that he and Ziyuan hadn't played together for a long time, so it was arranged like this.

Coincidentally bumped into the double rookie combination of Bingdi, so it can only be said that the other party's luck is really bad.

"This game is won by Diguang!"



It was a crushing game with a big score, and Ziyuan and Heizi couldn't even let them score any points.

Looking at Hikichiwaka and Hochotaro who were sweating profusely on the field, many people felt that their experiences were too sympathetic.

"However, in this way, Diguang will directly win two consecutive victories."

"If you win three times in the next singles match."

"The game is over."

The onlookers also realized that Bingdi was in a dangerous situation.

After losing two consecutive doubles matches, they have no way out. As long as they lose three times in singles, it will be the end of the competition.

This is a crucial game!


"It's my turn to appear next!"

Regardless of the formation situation on Bingdi's side, Vulcan rushed towards the court excitedly holding the racket.

"He, he really looks bad."

Momoi couldn't help laughing as he looked at Kagami who was heading towards the venue with great interest.

"However, in the future, he may not smile so happily."

Akashi witnessed the appearance of Vulcan, and then glanced at Atobe not far away.

"Who are you.!!?"

In the arena, Vulcan looked at the people who came up on the stage, and his eyes opened wide.

"meet as planned."

"I am coming."

"Big I."

Ice Room held the racket and stood opposite him, speaking softly.


Your monthly pass is a bit fierce. I suspect that you are all hiding something.

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