Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 333: 332 Future Communications!

Chapter 333 332. Future Communications!

Even if the ball is stopped, it is meaningless if it cannot be hit back.

What Akutsu said was quite accurate.

Neither Shiratsu's "The World" nor Atobe's "Ice Time and Space" have any counterattack nature.

Their only function is to stop the ball or the opponent's movement.

And whether you can hit back the stopped ball depends on your own ability.

Just like Baijin, he developed the "Burst Rush" specifically to crack the light hit ball.

But Atobe has no similar means.

Because of this, Yakujin's move "No Unconsciousness Nine-headed Dragon Flash (light hitting the ball)" is quite tricky for him.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!!"


Barely returned three balls, but the racket had already exploded, and the remaining balls bombarded the sidelines, forming a pitted rock plate.

It looks like it has been bitten by something, very scary.

"Tell the truth, Neon's junior high school student."

"Is it too strong?"

Can Retrou's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he watched the game in disbelief, thinking it was magical.

Even judging from his many years of coaching experience, the level of strength of this group of people can be ranked high even in the world.

"I remember that they are all students of the second year of junior high school?"

"In this case, we in Germany need to prepare for the war in advance."

"They won't be able to participate next year, but if we don't have the corresponding players next year, once we meet the intact Neon team, we will definitely suffer a crushing defeat."

Polk crossed his arms and stood in the stands to continue watching. He also felt the delicate mood of the coach.

Unknowingly, there are a lot of masters that they don't know about, and there are a lot of them. This group of people will definitely threaten their status as kings in the future.

When you think about it carefully, it seems extremely absurd.

Without him, this group of junior high school students are too supermodels in terms of strength and talent.

Even against some of their high school students, there will be no inferiority.

Take this junior high school player named "Akutsu Ren" in front of me, that Wuwuju Nine-headed Dragon Flash (light hitting the ball) can be said to be the strongest besides the "blue giant" I have seen before. Offensive ball.


"Ryoma? Ryoma?"

While hesitating, Ryoma heard Kaibin's call, and he recovered his senses and looked over.

"What are you doing? Have you been in a daze since just now?"

"I yelled for a long time and there was no response."

"Did you get scared?"

Looking at Ryoma's dazed look in surprise, Kebin asked strangely.


"I just remembered a strange memory, and my mind was distracted."

Lowering the brim of his hat, Ryoma unscrewed the drink bottle in his hand, and said in a low voice.


Unable to understand the meaning of Ryoma's words, Kebin was stunned.

What does it mean to be distracted when you think of a strange memory?

In front of such a wonderful game, it is no longer a "legend" to keep your eyes peeled.

Kebin believes that in his many years of life, he has never seen such an intense confrontational atmosphere except in professional games.

Even if he hadn't been exposed to neon for a few days, he was "conquered" by the environment here.

Thinking about it this way, the junior competitions in the United States are really no different from children playing in mud.

It's no wonder that Ryoma disdains to continue playing in that abusive environment

With this kind of high-end games to watch, he wants to see what kind of bicycle he wants to pay for.


Ryoma stared at Atobe and Akutsu who were playing incessantly on the field, but the memory fragments he had seen when he was a child flashed through his mind.

It was a relatively distant picture, but at this moment he remembered it very clearly.

I vaguely remember that Papa Nanjiro was playing with a junior high school student named "Ryoma" before he retired.

(What was that trick?)

(Nine-headed dragon flash · light hits the ball.)

(Quite an exaggerated move, where did you learn it?)

(See through at a glance?)

(Nonsense, such starting moves and skills are completely different from mine, and the skills contained in it are not something you, a brat, can easily deduce.)

(The nine-headed dragon flash is learned from a certain senior, and the combination technique I see in light hitting is also learned from a certain senior)

(It looks like there are a lot of interesting guys on your side)

(Yeah, far more interesting than your current environment)

(Tsk, are you trying to make me envious? Not even close! Brat.)

(And why don't you have a perfect fit? I can feel you're reaching that level.)

(Sure enough, I can’t hide it, I just don’t want to disrupt some progress, if I show you here, there may be some terrible changes, for example, you will be reluctant to retire)

(Is that so? Hahahaha, yes, if I see too many interesting things, maybe I will really give up my original idea and continue to stay here.)

(Okay, let’s not say anything else, you exist here now, which is against common sense.)

(But seeing you grow so much)

(I'm very happy. Ryoma.)


(I just learned it in the confrontation with many powerful predecessors.)

(I will surpass them one by one and become stronger!)

Fragments of childhood memories flashed, and finally froze in the stare between him and "Ryoma".

In my impression, the "Ryoma" at that time even shook his hand with a white light, left a few words, and then disappeared.

(Hope you don't miss the best times when you think back)

(Take a different path and become stronger than me.)

Some of the remaining memories at that time even flashed the mature faces of "Shiratsu", "Tezuka", "Akashi", "Yukimura", "Atobe", "Akutsu", "Sanada", "Fuji" and others And the picture of the game with it.

Young Ryoma didn't know who they were then.

(Still a long way to go)

(Now you are not enough.)

(Your ability is far stronger than I imagined. You are the second player I have seen with such amazing potential, and the first one is Bai Jin.)

(The experience of extinguishing the five senses allows you to open up seamless, but that is far from enough. Children.)

(Huh? You still have a lot of time, but you came too late, Echizen.)

(Hey, kid, what are you here for?)

(Echizen Ryoma, it's too early to surpass me!)

(If it's you, maybe I can do my best too?)

Their faces and words flashed by, and their signature skills and styles of play also corresponded one by one.

(Little one, do you think there is a limit to being seamless?)

(Ryoma, I have long wanted to "repay" Kise-senpai fiercely in the competition.)

Among them are Longya and Kaibin who are wearing the American team uniform...

(Echizen, if you feel confused, you can go to Minister Tezuka...)

Senior Taocheng from Qingxue...

(Yo, ahead of the game! It’s so fun to compete with you!)

Toyama Kintaro of Shitenpoji...

"Why would I forget?"

When this dusty memory was recalled, Ryoma didn't know why he would forget it for a while.

But after seeing Akutsu's "No Unconsciousness Nine-headed Dragon Flash (light hitting)", he remembered everything.

So much so that when Kebin was calling him just now, he had been distracted

Only now did he understand

That's a message from "the future"

It's nothing more than that he will be stunned, because when he saw "Wuwuju Nine-headed Dragon Flash (light hitting the ball)", he subconsciously wanted to make a counterattack.

(As you get in touch with more, the corresponding will follow)

As if someone reminded me in my ear, the lingering sound lingered in my mind.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

But with a series of roars, his thinking was pulled back to reality.

"This round was won by Yamabuki Akutsu!"



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