Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 345 344 Winner! Fuji Shusuke!

Chapter 345 344. Winner! Fuji Shusuke!



I don't know how long the back and forth hitting the ball has lasted, and people have already looked a little numb


(will this happen?)

Kise had tried his best to pick out a strengthened combination to attack, but in that case, he still returned all the balls.

Nine-headed dragon flash

No ignorance.

Black Dragon One Slash


A series of moves with various people were resisted by Buer at this time.

Obviously, as long as he gets one more point, he will be able to unleash all the remaining ultimate moves, and then win the game.

(Won't. Make you score.)

Once again Fuji hits a spark and knocks the ball away, forcing Kise to move.

How could he not know that this is the most critical point, once he loses, he will face a total attack.

No matter if it is any two of Atobe, Tezuka, Akashi, Yukimura, Shiratsu.

Once Kise was asked to imitate the combination and sequence between them, Nabuer would not be able to fight back the first time.

Therefore, this ball.

(Must take it!)

(Definitely keep it!)

Kise and Fuji, the two had unknowingly tried their best to attack and counterattack.

"Huise, you're on top."

Qingfeng looked at his teammates who were gradually falling into a "strange" state, and said in a low voice.

"He was in a hurry"

"The idea of ​​too much pursuit of quick wins clouded his judgment."

Even Vulcan saw Kise's impatient thoughts, obviously he could play steadily and gradually find the perfect opening to score.

However, considering that he wanted to save enough energy to use a powerful combo technique, coupled with Fuji's hard struggle, Kise was unable to make a breakthrough for a long time.

"I hope Kise-kun can still remember my physical problems."

Heizi sighed, looking at Kise who didn't know it, he knew that the outcome of this match was hard to decide.

best winning moment

It has been dragged past.


Running on the field, Kise watched the ball fly again, and made a decision in his heart, ready to use Murasakihara's power to hit a thunderous shot.

But when his racket was about to touch the ball, he found that the racket could not touch the ball at all



Looking at the tennis ball that fell on the ground, Kise's eyes widened.

"Wind pressure bounced my racket?"

Aware of this astonishing fact, Kise realized that Fuji seemed to have played an unknown trick again.

"I haven't given up yet"

Sweating, even though his shoulders are sore and his feet are weak, Buer still has no idea of ​​losing.

Not for Qingxue and not for anyone

Just like Coach Minamijiro said.

(Try playing for yourselves, kids.)

No need to compare with anyone, no need to compare with anyone

In the true sense, play according to your own ideas.

"Fox Fireball"

Muttering the name in his mouth, Fuji showed his usual smile.

That is to use the force of the wind to wrap the tennis ball so that it will bounce off when the opponent tries to make contact with the racket.

It could be called "Wind Barrier"

"Those who play with wind, those who play with ice play with super powers."

Bai Jin counted the many players he had met so far, and couldn't help but lament the excellent environment.

Even he himself is an outlier

Like Tezuka, Fuji already possessed everything in the drama just in his second year of junior high school.

And what kind of changes he will have next is not what Bai Jin can predict.

Just like the current Tezuka and Yukimura who are hospitalized, they don't know what kind of future they will have.

Even Atobe has taken a road that has never been seen

The sooner they discover the abilities and moves of the drama, it means that they will make progress that even Bai Jin can't imagine in the future.


The appearance of Foxfire Ball means that Fuji began to score with a defensive counterattack posture.


"I knew it earlier, just like Akashi said."

"Just hit it with all my strength"


"5-5!! Even split!"

The stride became heavy, failing to maintain the perfect imitation of the double, Kise squeezed the racket tightly.

At that time, he thought that only using the moves and strength of Sanada and others to combine to grab points, and finally use all his strength to use the big move, he could still defeat Budu.

But it turns out that he underestimated Fuji's resilience and ability.

Being pulled into the confrontation, he failed to realize his physical state.

Double perfect imitation is strong. But not without cost.

"Have you reached the limit again?"

Holding the ball, it was his turn to serve, but Kise knew how powerless he was at the moment.

He wants to be more on that than the consumption of Fuji.

Great power often comes with great risk.


"It's over."

Nioh closed his eyes and didn't continue to watch the next game, and knew the result.

"Senior, the game is not over yet."

"It's not over."

Faced with Kirihara's puzzlement, Sanada spoke after a long absence.

"Ryota Kise, I can no longer maintain a double perfect imitation."

"It lasted a total of 34 minutes from when he started to when he finished."

"It was long enough, but unfortunately the opponent was too difficult to deal with, so it couldn't end."

The answers of Liu Lian'er and Nio also summed up the game.


"This game is won by Qingxue Buer!"



Another overtake means that Bu Er is close to the throne of victory.

"This game is really exciting!"

"Yeah, it's amazing to keep overtaking the score!"

"Both sides played so intensely. I have never seen such a game."

The voice of discussion continued to spread from the stands, and the audience began to support the two players.

"come on!!"

"come on!!"

They played so wonderfully in just the first game, which they never thought of.

"As expected of last year's champion and runner-up team"

"It's decided, let my younger brother apply for their school next year!"

"Are you an idiot? Do you think anyone can enter and be the main election?"

The sound of communication next to him made it impossible to be silent, and then interrupted some people's thoughts.

"Ryoma, I must come next year!"

Compared to the calm Ryoma, Kebin became more excited, his eyes lit up, full of yearning for this place.

The confrontation between Fuji and Kise is simply a visual feast.

It is full of gorgeous and special effects confrontation from beginning to end, which is a feast for the eyes.

All kinds of tricks emerge in endlessly.

(Echizen. Do you want to try to take that step?)

(Xiaolongma, you have become a lot stronger.)

There is a huge difference between the two of them at this time and the two seniors who fought in the world in their impression.

"Still a long way to go"

He knew that this was not the limit of the two of them.

These two will become even stronger in the future.

before that

"I have to become stronger"

The tone gradually became serious, Ryoma looked at the dragon and phoenix that appeared in front of him and said in a deep voice.


"The game is over! This set is won by Qingxue Buer!"



The first singles match between Qingxue and Teiko was announced by Fujisuke.

"Oh oh oh!!"


This game itself is a race, Kise wins if he is not delayed, and G if he is delayed.

After all, he still can't maintain the strongest state throughout the whole process.

Five or six minutes is the limit in basketball, and it is already quite good to last a few rounds here, not to mention that the intensity of this confrontation itself is high, and physical exhaustion is inevitable.

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