Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 477 476 Are you awake? The game is already

Chapter 477 476. Are you awake? The game is already


As his consciousness gradually became clearer, Akutsu sat up, covering his somewhat confused head.

"What am I?"

As if he couldn't recall what he was doing before for a while, he looked around with confusion.


The familiar waves lapped on the shore as always, and Akutsu immediately knew where this place was.



Standing up, the traces of my struggle can be faintly reflected through the sea.

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a revolving door in life.


"Did you get hit here by a blow?"

After twisting his neck and feeling the comfortable posture all over his body, Akutsu complained dissatisfiedly.

this is not reality

It is the realm of divine consciousness.

As the saying goes, it is the land behind the path of spiritual exploration.

Akutsu has been staying here for who knows how long.

He has been pursuing a power stronger than Wuwuji.

alaya consciousness

But it won't go smoothly every time, because Zone will stop him.

The endless ocean in front is the "obstacle" embodied by Zone.

When Akutsu tried to travel through this ocean, the end result was that he was exhausted in the waves, sank in the deep sea, and was later sent back here.

This led him to yell at Zone on more than one occasion as a bastard who "brings bad things to bad".

"No matter how you stop me."

"I want to get that power!"

"Ignorance is not enough!"

Thinking carefully about what he had done just now, Akutsu's desire for Alaya consciousness became stronger.

Will he be sunk by a mere blow?

What a joke.

He Yakutsuren did not admit defeat.

The reason why he dared to confront Wu Yue even when he saw him was because of his unruly nature.

There was no move that would allow him to bypass Akutsu.

Even if he had to do it all over again, he would still choose to pick it up.

Even if the consequence is to be thrown into the spiritual world and sink.

This time, Akutsu was convinced that Wuwuji's power was far from enough to deal with those guys.

The seemingly invincible Kuzuryuu Flash and Light Strike can become the strongest offensive method.

But it’s not like the opponent doesn’t have unspecified moves to deal with it.

Even that guy Atobe was able to rely on the Eye of Ice to interrupt his "casting" last year.

Be it Akashi, Tezuka, or Yukimura.

Including Fuji and Sanada, they are all opponents he wants to compete with.

The battle with Bai Jin also strengthened his belief.

"This is not enough."

Since omniscience is not strong enough, then go and seize the power of Alaya consciousness!

"I definitely want to win!"

With such a declaration, Akutsu charged forward again, regardless of the obstacles of the waves.


His body jumped into the sea and swam toward the endless road. His monster-like physique was enough to keep him going for a long time.

Even if the end point is covered by the Zone, Akutsu can still know where the road is.

"Wait for me!"

The time in the spiritual world and the outside world are not consistent. As a person who has been practicing spiritual medicine, Akutsu knows this very well.

He didn't know much about the current situation in the outside world, but he believed that it hadn't been too long since he fell to the ground and passed out.

Since I have come here all the time, I naturally have to go for a walk before waking up.

Otherwise, relying on his previous skills, he would not be Bai Jin's opponent at all.


The seawater is obviously a spiritual entity, but at this moment, there is a bone-chilling coldness eroding the body.

He knew that this was Zone acting as a monster, and it was constantly materializing to stop it.

So I didn't take it seriously at all.

Before he gets the power of Alaya Consciousness, no matter what kind of blow and destruction this body suffers, he, Akutsu, will never stop.

As long as you keep going, you will see the end one day.

Zone can't stop him.

I don’t know how long I have been wandering in this sea area, and my body also feels tired.

Even the spirit is too depressed


The parallel sea surface was not very calm at the moment, but instead shook into waves.


"If you can stop me, then try it!"

A huge tsunami formed from the front, heading here as if it was going to overturn everything.

Akujin frowned, showing no fear at all. While shouting angrily, he mustered up all his strength and charged forward.


"Gulu gulu."

His tiny figure was swallowed up by the waves like a mantis blocking a car.

In the end, it was sunk into the deep sea as usual.

Although his consciousness has not completely exited here, he still looks upward with his eyes wide open.

Suffocating pressure came from all directions, and the body was under a heavy pressure that seemed to be crushed.

At this time, he was unusually able to feel real pain.

Akutsu is already familiar with this process.

(I don’t know what the so-called guy is.)

(No matter how many times you come, it’s useless.)

(Do you think pain alone can stop me here?)

The familiar pain spread throughout his body, and Akutsu endured it with disdain.

I unilaterally believe that Zone deliberately created it to scare him. No matter what happens, Akutsu will not give in.

Even though he endured pain like his body being torn apart, he endured mental torture.

This will not make Akutsu fearful, but will arouse his ferocity and resistance.

You don't want me to do it? Then I have to do it!

I have the final say on my code of conduct, not you!


"No matter how many times you stop me"

"I will eventually cross over to show you!!"


"Senior!! Akutsu-senpai wakes up!!"

"It seems like everything is really okay."

"Tsk, wouldn't it be better to just die?"

There were complicated sounds in his ears, and the familiar voice made Akutsu feel very unhappy.

The first moment he opened his eyes, he spotted the familiar ceiling.

The pungent smell of medicine came from the surroundings, making him frown.

"Yo Akutsu."

"you're awake?"

Qianshi stood by the bed, looking at Akutsu who opened his eyes with his usual smile.

Haizaki and Tan Taichi standing next to him looked at him with different eyes.

"What about the competition?"

Looking at the current situation in confusion, Akutsu should remember that he was lying on the field.

There is no reason for me to be thrown into the spiritual world, only to have my world changed when I come out.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

"The guy lying unconscious on the ground covered in blood."

"Are you embarrassed to mention the competition?"

Haizaki looked at him with great disgust and finally said his usual harsh words.

"Although I know that's your character"

"But it's too reckless."

Qianshi could only smile bitterly at this, but he knew that he could not persuade the other party.

That game was ended forcibly because Akutsu was injured and lost consciousness.

Then Akutsu was carried into the hospital, which was really unexpected.

No one expected this outcome.

What was supposed to be a high-intensity fight ended as soon as it started.


He didn't expect it to be like this, and Akutsu was really angry.

Logically speaking, shouldn't he stand up again from his disability and continue playing?

How did it become like this?

Regardless of his weak body, he tried to move.

"You'd better stop."

"The physical injuries were more severe than imagined."

"Don't mess around!"

"If you insist on going out, Haizaki and I will stop you no matter what you say."

“That’s what it means for me and him to be here.”

Looking at Akutsu, Qianshi changed his previous gentle attitude and said seriously.

(He still doesn’t know what happened to him, right?)

(Lying in the hospital, the breath of life is constantly weakening.)

(The body’s functions are collapsing.)

(Wu Yue alone couldn’t beat him like this)

(What on earth is he doing? Squeezing himself like this?)

The words that he had come to check on the situation rang in his ears, and the opinions of Akashi and Shirazu also made Sengoku pay attention to the usual problems.

That is.

This guy Akutsu

Why can we unconsciously "destroy" ourselves? Can you emerge in a healthier state afterwards?

He was totally different from before when he was lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

At that time, Akutsu's breathing was so weak that he was about to disappear, and even his heart rate seemed to be stopping.

Those who didn’t know thought he had experienced some catastrophe...

But now that Akutsu has awakened, even though his body is still weak, he is full of activity.

It's surprising that such a "low-pressure" environment failed to kill him.

Although I don’t understand what happened, it is my duty as a friend and teammate to stop him from continuing to act randomly!

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