Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 518 517 Why did you choose to come back?

Chapter 518 517. Why did you choose to come back?

"Yo ho!!"

"I'm back!!"

Running to the familiar streets, Kintaro was speeding.

Returning to Kansai from Kanto, he felt very missed after being away for more than half a year.

"Shitenbao Temple."

"Shitenbao Temple."

Thinking of that name, Kintaro excitedly rushed to the place where he usually exercises, but found that no one was here.

"Ah, Shiraishi and the others aren't here?"

"The national competition obviously starts in three days."

Kintaro said boredly as his originally high-spirited mood dropped.


But a sudden sound made him turn around suddenly, skillfully taking out the racket from behind and swinging it.

The racket made contact with the tennis ball and rushed back at a strong speed.



A figure stretched out his racket to stop the ball, and smiled as he looked at the tennis ball that was caught on the racket and rolling.

"Who are you.?!"

Staring at the visitor, Kintaro became surprised. He didn't understand why the other party appeared here.

Eishiro Kite in Higa!

"What do you mean by making that face?"

"It's not my first time here."

He took off the tennis ball from the racket, glanced at the tiny hole, and said to him with his wooden hand.

"You can't scare him like this."

A familiar voice came from the room next to Kite, and then Kintaro saw the two people walking out of it.

"Oh, Shiraishi, Chitose!"

Although he didn't use the honorific title of senior, everyone was used to this kid's activity and didn't care about anything.

"Did you say goodbye to all the members of Li Hai properly? Xiao Jin."

Looking at Kintaro who still chose to come back, Shiraishi felt very complicated to be honest.

You must know that when Kintaro was sent to Kanto, although it was for his growth, he was somewhat worried.

Osamu Watanabe's idea is good, but the problem is that if Kintaro really gets high there and doesn't want to come back, it will be completely over.

Based on Kintaro's character, the possibility is very small, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

What's more, Kintaro's growth is far beyond imagination, and Tatekai Daiya also highlights his generosity, without any intention of embarrassment or hiding.

It can only be said that this time they, Tiantianbao Temple, owe a huge favor.

"Hahaha, of course."

"The seniors there are really great and friendly."

"In the end, I said goodbye to them politely!"

Holding his hands behind his head, Kintaro recalled the farewell ceremony and said happily.

"Hmph, just call me senior over there, and call me by your full name here."

"You kid is somewhat intentional."

Pushing up his glasses, Mu Shu looked at him condescendingly, his tone a bit unkind.

"Ah, I was discovered."

"But it's okay, right?"

Covering his mouth, as if he realized that he had missed something, Kintaro panicked at first, but then said calmly.

Most people really can't handle this kind of unrestrained and freewheeling attitude.

"Is there really any point in coming back here?"

"Maybe it would be better to stay over there."

Kute didn't wait for Chitose and Shiraishi to continue reminiscing with Kintaro, and suddenly asked.

His words can be regarded as a test.

As a believer who has always believed in strength and the strong, Kite wanted to know how the genius Kintaro felt when he returned here.

You must know that with Kintaro's talent, he can definitely be the main force in Kanto.

There is no need for him to cling to Tiantianbao Temple.

Even if I could only stay in Kanto for one semester, it would probably be far better than here.

What's more, he joined a school like Rikkai University.

That is a team that is expected to reach the top of the country this year.

If you think about it from his perspective, Mu Shou will definitely abandon the Shitenbao Temple without mercy.


But the greeting was not an answer, but a signal from Kintaro to wave his racket.

"Huh? You mean you won't tell me until you win?"

"Okay, I accept your provocation."

The reflective lenses flickered, and Mu Shu did not mind the other party's actions, but accepted it.

"Does that guy Xiao Jin really want to fight Mu Shou?"

Chitose murmured strangely as she saw that the situation suddenly developed a bit wrong.

"Mushou just misunderstood."

"He is proficient in cunning, but he failed to see through Xiao Jin's current attitude."

"It can only be said that a wise man will make mistakes after all his considerations."

Without any worries, Shiraishi laughed happily.

In his eyes, Kintaro is still the same Kintaro, and even if he becomes stronger, he still maintains his original intention.

My previous thoughts seemed a bit ridiculous in front of his substantive answer.




"Hmph, don't even think about who you learned the Shuchi method from."

Looking at Kintaro's twinkling figure, Kite said in a disdainful voice, and then hit the ball back to the corner with great force.

"Haha, it's really fast."

Not paying attention to Kite's words, Kintaro was enjoying the long-lost duel. He flashed across the field, moved to the corner, and hit the ball hard.

"You seem a little too carried away."

Witnessing the path of Kintaro's shot, Mujo had already reached the key position and then hit a cool shot.




"That was just now."

"big Bang?"

Unable to block the ball, the racket also came out of his hand. Kintaro looked at Kishou in surprise and shouted excitedly.

"You don't think that only the guys from Kanto are making progress, do you?"

Looking at Kintaro with ease, Kite responded with a relaxed attitude.

He wasn't bluffing when he said this.

Since the end of the national competition last year, both Shiraishi and Kute have been undergoing rigorous training.

It’s all leading up to this year’s national competition.

They never want to lose without any suspense like that.

Even though they knew they were starting later than the people in Kanto, they still didn't give up.

If you don't give it a try at the last moment, how can you know where your limit is?

With this idea in mind, they have been working hard.

"As expected, it's the same no matter where you are."

Kintaro was happy as he jogged over to pick up the racket.


After hearing this, Mu Shou frowned, as if he had realized something.


The cyan light began to wrap around the body, and even the originally stagnant hairstyle became erratic.



It can also be said that this is the first time he has faced a perfect match on the court, but Mu Hand is not afraid at all.

Instead, he paid attention to Kintaro's answer to the previous question.

Even if he didn't say it out loud, his every move already told the answer.

(It’s the same for this guy whether he’s in Kanto or Kansai.)

(As long as he can play tennis, that is the happiest thing for him.)

(This has nothing to do with whether he is at Rikkai University or Tentenhoji Temple. Kintaro Toyama’s pursuit has always been to play tennis from the bottom of his heart.)

Unexpectedly, Mu Shu felt a little unhappy when he was also negligent.

Fortunately, he was confused by his actions before and didn't realize the answer Kintaro had already given.

This is really

It damages the dignity of the seniors.

"As a price, let me knock you down!"

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