Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 528 527 is a little more serious!

Chapter 528 527. Be a little more serious!


Looking at the charging avatar, Qingfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, showing an interesting expression.


The surrounding area seemed to have turned into a wasteland, with nothing but dry rock walls.

And the knight filled with a chilling atmosphere had already raised his sword to attack.


The body jumped to avoid the blow, but it also caused a chain reaction.



When he returned to reality, he found that the ball had landed on the ground, exactly where he had avoided it before.

(It turns out that in addition to improving physical abilities, it also has a different kind of interference ability.)

(That means confronting that incarnation and knocking it out.)

This illusion-like dominance is undoubtedly the strength of the incarnation of another dimension.

This was not the first time Qingfeng was exposed to similar moves, so he made a corresponding decision.

That is to fight it head-on!

"Qingfeng is here again"

Sighing, Bai Jin knew what to do when he looked at his expression.

"This isn't the first time for him. He always tests recklessly first, isn't he?"

She was very familiar with Aomine's death-seeking character, but Momoi didn't pay attention.

The two had just finished their exchange, and this time they faced the incarnation of a charge, but Aomine did not dodge, but took advantage of the force and tried to counterattack with the racket in his hand.

"Does that guy have any common sense?"

Midorima raised his glasses, noticed his movements and behavior, and asked.

"How can a racket compete with a sword?"



Sure enough, in just a moment of fighting, he was defeated directly.

"A little too direct."

"If the incarnation of another dimension can be defeated like that, it won't be another dimension."

As a being with a different dimension of a holy beast, Vulcan knows exactly what kind of power it is.

The knight used by this French player is special in a sense.

"Normally speaking, we should use the same extra-dimensional power to compete with it."

"Instead of the players themselves going there, they would be at a disadvantage from the beginning."

Seeing Aomine still trying to fight, Akashi opened his mouth to explain slowly and softly.



Once again, he was caught in a flaw and was forced to retreat. As a result, he failed to block and lost points.

"Quite capable."

But even so, Qingfeng didn't have any dissatisfaction, but was actually very happy.

He slowly concentrated and waited for his opponent's next attack.

"It's useless. No matter what, I am definitely stronger."

Although Prons didn't know what the other party wanted to do, he was confident in the different dimensions and knew that this was the power that would definitely allow him to win.


The moment the ball was played, the Cavaliers charged again.

(The sword is the ball.)

(How to counterattack correctly is the key.)

We have just tested it, blindly using the racket to fight head-on will only end up being shot through.

Not only must you dodge charges and sword attacks, but you must also find opportunities to counterattack.

It's not that difficult for the players themselves...

This is why Prons is so confident, because in his opinion, there is no possibility for the players themselves to win.

The incarnation of another dimension is a real existence, how can it be easily defeated?

And at the moment when he thought so, he witnessed Qingfeng's amazing brain circuitry.

Facing a ball (sword) that could not be avoided directly, he grabbed the racket with his right hand, and then used the armpit of his left hand to clamp the middle of the piercing sword.


He leaned forward slightly, then swung the racket behind him, ignoring the scars on the inside of his left arm, and hit back for the first time.

"is that a lie?"

"He actually used his body to fight back?"

"How could this be?"

I have to say that Qingfeng's bold move really caused a stir.

"What a mess!"

"There is such a player"

Even Berti was stunned. He avoided the sword on his head, forcibly clamped the midsection with his armpits, and then used the racket that he grabbed in advance to hit the ball behind him.

A true counterattack was completed.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Although he was shocked for a moment, Plance reacted immediately and mobilized the power of another dimension to hit the ball again.


"This round is won by Nagoya Prons!"



This time, Qingfeng did not block it as usual, and the method just now could only be used once.

It is impossible to reproduce it a second time.

"But even if it's just once, this man has proved it."

"It is possible for the players themselves to defeat the incarnation of another dimension."

But there is no doubt that the impact just brought was shocking.

"I'm afraid he's the only one who would be so messy, right?"

"Be bold and add another Akutsu."


This level of iron head cannot be imitated by ordinary players.

Only guys like Qingfeng would think of relying on "brute force" to get through.

"Ah, as expected, it would be very difficult to do in a normal state."

After glancing at the inside of his left arm and noticing the bruises and scratches there, Aomine didn't mind.

An injury of this magnitude is nothing.

He just experienced an extreme confrontation.

To be honest, I'm very happy.

This "pleasure", which is like being triggered by body hormones, is simply extremely interesting.

"That guy is actually enjoying fighting with the incarnation of another dimension?"

Seeing that Qingfeng didn't have any fear, just an expression of recollection and enjoyment, it made others feel unbelievable.

No, when a normal person encounters an opponent's extra-dimensional power, who is not a formidable enemy? How come it becomes a "good thing" when it comes to you?


Throwing the ball to the ground and bouncing it a few times, Qingfeng really attracted the attention of the whole audience.

"Then be a little more serious."

With a puzzling smile, he said this.


Hearing this, Plance felt an astonishing sense of oppression before he could say anything.


A low roar sounded in his ears. He opened his eyes suddenly and found that a ferocious cheetah began to appear in the wilderness instead of Qingfeng.


That special power is no longer a secret, but this is the first time Prance has encountered it.

"Xiao Qingfeng just used his wild and selfless nature."

"The power of different dimensions is worthy of attention."

"Well, this is in line with what he said, just be a little more serious."

"That's really all."

Teammates who are very familiar with Qingfeng will naturally not be unfamiliar with his state.

Before, it was a contest between myself and the incarnation of another dimension, but this time it was different.

Facing the alert knight, the purple cheetah has already let out a hunting cry.


(So ​​fast!!)



Completely beyond his previous expectations, Plance was attacked just in the blink of an eye.

The cheetah ignored the horse's defense and knocked the "man" on its back to the ground.

"Now there's something good to watch."


I saw someone posted the latest information on comics.

Atobe has a new serve "Absolute Zero World".

We'll see what it is when it actually comes out.

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