Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 544 543 Akutsu vs Yukimura!

Chapter 544 543. Akutsu vs Yukimura!

"Kise, you kid has known this for a long time, right? No wonder you are so calm."

Kagami turned to look at Kise, staring at him with a surprised expression.

Kaibin realized such a big thing that it was perfect, but this guy didn't even say anything about it.

"Well, I originally stayed at the competition to surprise everyone."

"It's so boring to say it in advance."

"And both Shirazu-chan and Akashi-chan know it."

Kise saw everyone looking over and quickly waved his hands and shook his head.

"It is neither the light of loneliness nor the light of love."

"But is it resolute and glorious?"

"You may not believe it, but he turned it on because of his excessive obsession with Echizen Ryoma."

During the exchange, many people found it incredible

After all, the condition for the light of perseverance is to "become stronger because of someone."

Generally speaking, this should only be born when facing a very important bond.

Just like Oni Jujiro and Gorgias

I have never heard of someone understanding it because of a strong enemy.

"This is the so-called bad fate."

When it comes to this kind of thing, many people present have a deep understanding of it.

Just like Kagami and Aomine in the past, they both competed with each other and did not want to lose to each other whether in singles, doubles or in normal training.

That is also a "bond".

There are only a few people who can correct this relationship and stick to it.

Because Kaibin came to Diguang, he learned true strength and mentality, and finally discovered the secret of seamlessness.

This is why he had the confidence to deal with Pruns before.

It is also a declaration of confidence for the next game against Ryoma.

"Although still tiny, the chicks are finally starting to take off."

Although it is strange to use this word to describe Kaibin, it is already the most appropriate.

Compared to the giant dragon soaring in the sky, Kaibin is a rising star.

Very weak, but also has the foundation to set foot in the "world".

"No wonder you agreed to him being so messy before. It turned out to be premeditated."

Speaking of this, Murasakibara suddenly understood why Shirazu and Akaashi were willing to let him participate in the Aogakus battle.

With a seamless guarantee, ordinary third-year players may not be opponents.

Looking at Atobe and Yukimura back then, they were still thinking of many ways before they found a way to fight.

"That's for sure. If you don't have the strength, everything you say is useless."

Shirazu and Akashi are not out of their wits, nor would they deliberately gamble on such illusory things.

If Kaibin hadn't proven that he indeed had that strength, they wouldn't necessarily have agreed to such a ridiculous thing.

Before the Kanto Competition, Echizen Ryoma had already reached the level of two-door competition. If Kaibin is still at this level in the National Competition, what qualifications does it have to challenge the opponent?

Unless there is a further level, it is impossible to pass the approval of Akashi and Shirazu.

After all, it’s impossible to let this kid compete in a national competition for nothing, right?

Opportunities are not wasted like this.

"Now, isn't the next scene very interesting?"

Compared to Teikou and Seigaku, who had already decided the winner, Rikkai Yama and Hyoutei were also having a fierce competition before.

"Ahem, Shiraishi."

"At the last moment of your three years in junior high school, let me bury you."

Atobe looked at the acquaintance standing in front of him, and then smiled in that high-profile manner.

"It's hard to say, maybe I'll be as successful as I was the first year."

"Let's talk in sleep while we're dreaming."

Shiraishi's response also triggered Atobe's bad memories.

Back then, he had no choice but to drag the Ice King forward alone, but this year was different.

No matter what happens, everyone in the Ice Emperor will not be so depressed that no one can beat them.

This year's 2:2 is the best result.

Did the Ice Emperor go further or did Shitenbao Temple rewrite history?

It all depends on the outcome of this singles match.

Those are all fought for by each other's team members.

"What a boring struggle."

Sanada looked at Akutsu who was confronting Yukimura on the field and said in a bad tone.

"Deputy Minister Sanada said that, but actually he really wanted to see it."

"Kirihara, I think it's best if you don't say it."


The noisy tone also stirred up the atmosphere.

"Akutsu, does this guy have a chance?"

"Who knows."

"No matter how much I tell him not to let him try, I'm afraid he will feel unhappy."

Their Yamabuki team had already been eliminated with a record of 1:3, and this last game was just a return to form.

It has no impact on the overall situation. It all depends on Akutsu himself who wants to have a showdown with Yukimura.

This will also be the most anticipated competition.

"This seems to be our first fight, right?"

Looking at Akutsu in front of him, Yukimura asked softly.

"Hey, after I knock you down, those guys will be the only ones left."

Carrying the racket, Akutsu is still the same as before, with no restraint in his flamboyant personality.

"It would be better to leave this conversation until after the game."

Yukimura smiled helplessly. Yukimura was used to Akutsu's "big words".

This player is very powerful, so powerful that even their manager has to take him seriously.

But this alone is not enough.

When Akutsu challenges the minister, he almost always ends up losing.

Never won.

Be it Tezuka or Atobe.

Yukimura had no intention of losing to Akutsu in front of him, no matter how strong he became at this time.

The two sides returned to the baseline, and Akutsu took the lead. He stunned many people watching with just one swing of the racket.




Because they can't see the ball at all


But Yukimura still caught the landing point, waited for the rebound and then hit back.




"Hey hey hey, what on earth are you fighting?"

"I couldn't see the ball at all."

"Did they actually serve?"

Compared to the pace of the two running in the field, many viewers were confused.

Sanada, Niou and others kept their eyes swaying from side to side.

This level of ball speed is not a problem for them.

“As expected of Yukimura Seishi”

"It actually keeps up with Akutsu's weird rhythm."

Qianshi stared at the fierce competition between the two and couldn't help but become nervous.

Every time I see a confrontation of this level, it really makes people feel like their breathing will be disturbed unconsciously.



"How long did they fight?"

"It's been eight minutes."


Marui turned to Yanagi Renji and asked, but received a surprising answer.

"It's too exaggerated."

"In such a fierce fight, it was only the first goal."

Kirihara felt his whole body tremble, and he could feel the huge difference even just by watching.



Compared to everyone's shock, Akutsu and Yukimura hit the ball steadily, and no one seemed to attack first.

Until the two of them fought for ten minutes

"Warm up. It's time to end."

"bring it on."


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