Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 562 561 Tianyi Kaibin!

Chapter 562 561. Tianyi Kaibin!

Zero Guard

When Ryoma read out the name of that move, everyone including Fuji looked very surprised.

Even Tezuka was surprised by what he did.

"Boss Tezuka and Fuji-senpai's special skills, he can actually use them together?"

Momojo really couldn't sit still. The level shown by Ryoma in this game was really incomparable to the training match.

"It seems like he really hid a lot of things from us."

Fuji opened his eyes, his beautiful eyes were shining with a strange light, and his tone seemed a little unnatural.

Ryoma's playing style undoubtedly made him notice something unusual.

You must know that the fusion between moves is not so easy to achieve.

In particular, the two moves Zero Short Ball and Hekatankris' Guard also have technical content.

Although one is chipping and the other is spinning, they are very similar in nature.

If you don't have in-depth research and usage skills on these two, it is absolutely impossible to combine them.

To put it a bit arrogantly, it is possible to do each other's moves only if they come in person.

In other words, unless Tezuka and Fuji are present at the same time, it is possible to perform this mixed move.

And Ryoma could do it alone, which is enough to prove that he is not simple.

This is why Fuji said Ryoma was hiding many things.

Because he could see that Ryoma definitely had a secret that they didn't know, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this level.


Compared with other people's concern, Ryoma, as the person involved, did not care.

For him who has the memory of his future self, he has an impression of the moves of most people in the world.

Especially the memories of "my family" are still fresh in my mind.

The "Zero Guard" used just now is also a combination technique developed by Tezuka and Fuji when they were playing doubles in the World Championship as the Neon team in the future memory.

That move was specially studied by his future self, so the current Ryoma also learned it through memory and experience.

There are still many such traceable combinations of moves in my memory.

After all, there is a guarantee of the future, and his information for the times is undoubtedly ahead of its time.

He even knows how to crack many of the moves or extra-dimensional powers that haven't been developed yet.

This is the greatest "treasure" that Ryoma will leave to him in the future.

This is also the confidence Ryoma now has in facing others.

He knows things that others don't know, and he understands things that others know better.

Even though it's such an exaggeration, there are still people he can't win at the moment.

"Look, I'm telling you there's definitely something wrong with this kid."

"Do you believe that one person can use that combination of moves?"

Pointing at Ryoma's performance, Shirazu was already convinced that something was wrong with him.

As a creator, Bai Jin has a lot of say in the combination of moves.

That is definitely not something that Ryoma can figure out by himself.

As for Tezuka and Fuji, they can do it themselves?

Bai Jin believed that it was possible, but it would never be now.

After all, this look was developed by the two during their doubles play.

You said you want Tezuka and Fuji to play doubles during this period?

How could there be such a heavyweight player to play doubles for them during the junior high school competition?

Even if they fight against Emperor Guang, it's impossible for these two to play doubles.

This is just like putting Shirazu and Akaashi, Yukimura and Sanada into a doubles team to play in the junior high school championships. It is purely to mess with people's mentality.

"Indeed, it would not be surprising if Tezuka and Fuji hit this shot on the court."

"But what he said seems a bit unbelievable."

There is no possibility that Tezuka and Fuji developed this possibility in private. After all, their expressions and stances are enough to prove it.

Therefore, it is doubtful that Ryoma could suddenly use this move.

"Perhaps only he himself knows the reason."

There is no way of knowing how he did it, but I believe he will be able to find out from someone afterwards.

(How many methods do you have that you haven’t used yet?)

While others were just shocked by the use of the moves, Kaibin was a little unwilling to do so.

Just the confrontation from the double gate was already exhausting for him.

And Ryoma seemed to have endless trump cards, one after another, making it very difficult for Kaibin to deal with it.

Light Strike, Nine-headed Dragon Flash, and Zero Guard.

These extremely simple moves made him feel the huge gap between his technical abilities.

"Of course I have a lot more"

"It depends on how much you can force me to use."

As if he had read Kaibin's thoughts, Ryoma pointed his racket at him and chuckled.


Although I knew he was provoking and I didn't know whether his words were true or false, I have to say that it aroused Kaibin's stubborn temper.

"This is the right thing to do."

Seeing Kaibin's appearance of not losing his fighting spirit, Ryoma murmured in a low voice.

What he just said could only be half-truth and half-false.

There are moves, but not many.

After all, even if he had the memories of Ryoma from the future, he couldn't master them all in a short period of time.

He's not a monster like Shirazu

But one thing is that both the future Ryoma and the current Ryoma recognize and respect the senior.

Because it was his appearance that drove everyone forward.

And that genius idea also brought different experiences to many people.

Putting aside the basic strength, the method of arming oneself to the teeth with moves is really difficult for anyone to replicate.

Sooner or later, he will challenge again with new strength.

And now.

Still a long way to go.

"Kebin, let go and fight."

"It seems that he is much stronger than you expected."

Kaibin was about to serve when he suddenly heard Kise's shout. He turned his head and looked over in confusion.

After looking at him, he immediately understood his senior's thoughts.

(That’s right, if I can’t even win the initial serve, I won’t be able to continue fighting with him.)

(No matter what, I can only hope in the power of seamlessness.)

After understanding his current situation, Kaibin also strengthened his determination.

He is really not like Ryoma, who can fight with enough powerful moves as a guarantee.

Admitting one's shortcomings is not a weak thing, on the contrary, it will give oneself more motivation to move forward.


At this moment, the white light on his body began to fade, and bright light spots began to flicker in the field.

Everyone suddenly noticed that the familiar cyan light was gradually shining.


A slightly surprised tone began to sound, and everyone looked at Kaibin in the field.

His cool hairstyle and unique temperament immediately attracted attention.


"What an incredible improvement."

Seeing this scene, even Ryoma, his opponent, praised him.

He also understood where Kaibin's confidence came from.

(If this is the case, then you do have the confidence to fight me.)

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