Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 569 568 Kise Kuroko VS Fuji Gan Sadaharu!

Chapter 569 568. Kise Kuroko VS Fuji Gan Sadaharu!

"What happened to you?"


Looking at Kaibin who gradually calmed down, everyone else felt baffled.

Doing this all of a sudden after a game is like being poisoned.


Slowly accepting the memory from the future, Kaibin felt that his brain was in a mess.

(Ryoma. So that’s it.)

He now finally understood why Ryoma was so strong.

Techniques, training methods, moves.

After sorting out the memories in his brain, he also knew the reason.

If you can get a picture of the future in advance, then anyone can make changes.

(However, his alternate dimension has changed.)

In his memory, Ryoma's other dimension was not the white shadow at all, but a dark warrior.

(Have you made any changes in response to your predecessors?)

(Even the seamlessness has been abandoned.)

After thinking about a lot of things at once, Kaibin's frown relaxed.

He would have done the same in Ryoma's position.

After all, in the known future, it will be difficult for them to compete with their predecessors, so they have to try to get a better upper limit.

(Damn, luckily it’s not too late to get it.)

Thinking of this, Kaibin was a little lucky to have played against Ryoma today, otherwise he really wouldn't know the secret.

(However, I have already changed.)

Compared with the decadence of sitting on the bench in the national period in his memory, he is stronger now than then.

This may also be attributed to Ryoma's change, otherwise he might really continue on his original path.


But now something happened that made Kaibin very confused.

He has obtained the memory of "Future Kaibin", but this does not seem to be a patent.

Kaibin didn't know if Ryoma knew it, but he felt it was getting tricky.

That is, once Kaibin fights against a specific person now, the other person will also get the "due future memory".

Originally, this was a good thing, but looking at the seniors, Kaibin felt that everything was bad.

They were already on the weaker side, and it would be even worse if even the conditions of the prophet were equalized.

(How can it be the same as an infectious disease and still be transmitted through the mother’s body?)

It's really hard to complain about this kind of sequelae, and Kaibin's resentment towards Ryoma is even greater.

He preferred not to know such things at the moment.

Thinking about the scene after Kise and others got the future memory, he couldn't hold back any longer.

Ryoma! You're in trouble!

He wanted to scold the other party angrily, but he could only accept the fact.

(Sure enough, the best way is to try to change your original self like Ryoma.)

(Ah, what a troubled road.)

Sooner or later, everyone will have it. In this case, Kaibin can only find a way to make changes.

After all, it will definitely suffer in its future state.

He learned it perfectly in advance, which freed up more time to learn other things, which was a good thing.

"Please invite the second doubles player to come forward!"

The referee's urging sound also diverted people's attention.

"If there's any problem, just look at it first."

"I had sex with Xiao Heizi!"

Picking up the rackets, Kise and Kuroko walked towards the court, not caring about Kaibin's situation at this time.

"Is there anything unspeakable?"

Akashi glanced at Kise and Kuroko who were leaving, and finally asked Kaibin's troubled expression.

Kaibin's completely unconcealed expression couldn't be hidden from Akashi's eyes.

"Uh, what should I say?"

“It’s just too hard to explain and believable.”

It was not that he wanted to hide it intentionally. Kaibin knew that this would definitely be exposed in the end, so he simply wanted to say it out.

But being too mystical sounds like someone is crazy.


"Hey, it's such a pity, little Heizi."

"It seems I haven't met your old rivals."

Kise looked at the opponent on the stage, turned his head and said to Kuroko.

"It's okay, they are also very strong."

Kuroko didn't pay much attention to this, but instead spoke frankly.

"Haha, I feel like I haven't played doubles in a long time."

"Being temporarily taken over to fill the position may even delay him."

Fuji looked at the opponent in front of him with a smile, and then said weakly.

"I think it's unnecessary for you to pretend to be weak like this, Fuji."

Inui Sadaharu's eyelids twitched, but he still couldn't comment on Fuji's strange thinking.

Who doesn't know the name of genius? What's more, when facing Diguang, the opponent will not underestimate him.

"Hey, if Xiao Heizi wasn't here, I really want to ask you to play a singles match in doubles."

"I still want to take revenge."

Kise looked at Fuji, remembered what happened last year, and then spoke.

"That's really nerve-wracking, and I don't want to lose."

Fuji smiled, but his eyes had already opened, showing a serious expression.

"This one will be a fierce showdown again."

"Fuji and Kise are both players with extremely high ceilings."

"Agan hasn't been that simple in recent years. If he can formulate a plan to restrict Heizi, he might have a chance."

Oishi and Kikumaru watched this doubles match, feeling a little worried but also looking forward to it.

The reason why it wasn't his and Kikumaru's turn this time was because of Qingxue's formation.

In Longma's singles situation of three, they are confident that they can stick to the doubles number one.

In this way, it would have no impact on him and Kikumaru whether they hit him first or later.

In the battle with Heizi, they have always had the upper hand over the years.

It can only be said that the gap between them is still very obvious. It just so happens that this year's lineup is different, so they also changed the lineup to try.


When serving, Inui Sadaharu also noticed something unusual, that is, for their confrontation this time, the opponent's chosen starter turned out to be Kuroko.

(Instead of trying to hide directly, he strutted forward.)

(Aren’t you going to use Shadow’s strategy first?)

Realizing that the opponent's plan changed according to his own lineup, Inui Sadaharu also focused on it.

Although letting Kuroko serve first will maximize his presence, if they relax in this way, they will definitely suffer.


The ball was hit by Heizi. Compared with the powerful shots he was used to before, this move seemed a bit unpretentious.


Fuji was the first to move, and at the same time looked at Kise, who had not moved yet.

"The phoenix returns to its nest!"

"Just hit him right away."

Horio was surprised when he saw Fuji swinging his racket in that posture.

He was so aggressive on the first ball. It was hard to imagine that he was the slow-moving senior Fuji.


"That action is"


"Moves like thunder."


"I said, we are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to warm up."

Kise held the racket and looked at Fuji in front of him. He no longer had the previous playfulness and said seriously.

"It seems so."

Fuji looked back at the lightning that had just passed through quickly, and realized what Kise was thinking.

The other party is serious

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