Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 573 572 The first and final duel! (4K)

Chapter 573 572. The first and final duel! (4K)



"It's really intense. Everyone is chasing after me."

Vulcan looked at the situation on the field and felt the persistence between the two sides.

After Inui Sadaharu came up with the so-called "AI mode", he did show a style of play that Kise and Kuroko had never seen before.

With a temporary burst and perfect cooperation, the score was successfully reached 4:4.

But after that, Kise and Kuroko became each other's pursuit.

Don't give in to anyone.

"Of course, it's a really crucial game."

"Whoever can take the lead will be closer to victory, and the other side will be under greater pressure."

Midorima didn't care about the current situation. In his opinion, this balance of power was nothing more than flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

"However, they are the only ones who can defend Kuroko to that extent, right?"

Aomine looked at Kuroko who still couldn't enter the "invisible" state and laughed.

"Hei Zai is so famous after all, and Qing Xue and those guys are not idiots either."

Murasakihara picked up the mineral water next to him and took a sip, and he could understand what the other party was doing.

Although he usually doesn't pay attention, Heizi's elusive skills are really hard to guard against.

"It's worthy of praise, but that's it."

"That's just letting Kuroko get to the front and fight side by side with Hikari."

There is indeed no other group that can be so consciously on guard against Kuroko.

It was almost the critical moment of the end of the game, but Fuji and Inui Sadaharu were still able to pay too much attention to Kuroko, which proved that they were not completely restrained by Kise.

This also shows that the two people's concentration is amazing.

You must know that Kise's performance at this moment has exceeded expectations.

The ultimate skill displayed by the perfect double imitation cannot be handled half-heartedly.

It's not an easy task to be able to deal with that kind of attack while paying attention to the black ones at the same time.

If sight induction and consciousness induction cannot work, the threat of the sunspot will be greatly reduced.

If he didn't have other doubles skills, he might actually turn Kuroko into a wooden stake.

"Fuji Shusuke is limited in what he can show in doubles."

"Although he has new moves and skills, it will be difficult for him to perform more against Kise."

Momoi looked at the situation, but was not worried. She was very aware of the gap between their lineups.

Fuji Shusuke is indeed a very strong player, but it is not that difficult to have him appear in doubles.

Unfortunately, Qingxue had no choice but to put him in this position and bring in a good support.

Inui Sadaharu has extraordinary performance, but it is far inferior to the combination here.

Facing Kise, who can change freely, and Kuroko, who can raise the upper and lower limits at any time, it's a bit inadequate.

"Cannot calculate."


"Di Guang! Advantage! Lead!"

Facing the incoming ball, Gan Sadaharu stopped stiffly and finally lost the point.

"Are multiple Black Dragon Slashes enough to render you unable to move?"

The unexpected words sounded, and Kise's expression was filled with satisfaction.

"Kise-kun, that sentence is very ambiguous."

"Please don't make it sound so easy."

Kuroko looked at Kise who was slightly proud and immediately corrected him.

"Sorry, that's true."

"If you can kill such a black dragon, then Sanada's training will be in vain, right?"

Kise scratched his head when he heard this, and his tone was natural.

What he said was indeed a bit wrong. Facing Sanada's multiple Black Dragon Slashes, even many of them found it difficult to deal with them.

Using this move to test Inui Sadaharu was a bit over the top to be honest.


Breathing slightly, Gan Sadaharu's calm face became moved.

Even if they enter the self-created "AI mode", it seems that they really can't deal with the ever-changing Kise and Kuroko.

(Xianxing is still in trouble.)

Even Fuji can see this. The reason for their hard fight is largely because their opponents are too random.

Although they all know some techniques and moves, it doesn't mean that they can easily guard against them if they know them.

Taking the multiple Black Dragon Slashes as an example, Fuji could only use light wind and mayfly shroud to deal with it.

Inui Sadaharu could only barely cope with the first to second turns, which was the limit.

Even if Fuji wants to fill the position, he can't do it stably every time.

(But, stop them anyway.)

(It’s really dangerous if the next goal is scored.)

Holding the racket tightly, Fuji felt very complicated. This critical moment is the moment when the strength of both sides is most valued.

But the opponent still has stronger randomness and foundation than our own, which is not a good thing.

Because it means they have to react faster to make decisions.

Otherwise, if you neglect, you will be waiting for a thunderous attack and lost points.


The ball was hit by Kuroko, and Fuji immediately came to the landing point and performed his own stunt.

The wind pressure began to wrap around the tennis ball and sweep towards the opposite side, looking like it was contaminated by will-o'-the-wisps.

"Fox fireball?"

"If you play normally, the racket will only be bounced off by the wind attached to it."

"In that case."

Kise looked at the ball passing the net and was not anxious, but analyzed it.

Then an exaggerated tornado suddenly rose around him.

"That is.!"

Looking at this scene, Fuji opened his eyes wide and felt something was wrong.

As one of those who come into contact with it regularly, he knows exactly what it is.


"Teimitsu Kise and Kuroko win this round!"



There was no suspense at all, the ball was bounced directly out of bounds. Even with the effectiveness of the Fox Fire Ball, it was impossible to deal with that mysterious skill.

The highest realm!

"Even Tezuka imitated the supreme realm that he used to sublimate the samurai realm."

"What a formidable opponent."

Kikumaru clenched his hands, worried about the match between Fuji and Inui Sadaharu.

"The master of imitation, Ryota Kise."

"If you don't have the pure strength to suppress him, you can't restrain him at all."

Oishi is also very aware of the pressure on Fuji and Inui Sadaharu at this time. They are forced to the last round and they have no way out.

What's more, we have to face the supreme realm used by Kise.


Fuji, who was still thinking about how to break through the supreme realm, suddenly caught a glimpse of Heizi's strange movement.

The cyan light began to entwine between him and Kise, making the two of them stand in a mysterious sense of beauty when they were in sync.

"You still used the connection in that state?"

"If you want to overwhelm the opponent in one go, don't give him a chance."

The words ringing in his ears also let Fuji know that his opponent was getting serious.

(This kind of atmosphere of being cornered.)

This is not the first time he has been in this situation, and Fuji has adapted to it.

What troubled him more was Kuroko. Although Kise was changeable, there were traces to follow.

But Heizi is unknown in the true sense.

Before showing exactly how effective the connection he used would be, Fuji had no eyebrows at all.

Therefore, "killing at first sight" is difficult to avoid.

What's more, this is at the end of the opponent's game, which puts even more pressure on them.

It was precisely because they wanted to avoid this situation from happening before that he and Inui Sadaharu worked hard to chase points and prevent the other party from having the opportunity to enter the "killing" stage.

But it still happened now, and it was really something that made people feel helpless.

(I have to find a way...)

It is almost difficult to have such urgent thoughts. Fuji is paying attention to Kise and remembering at the same time.

The highest realm…

A move developed by Tezuka using the Samurai Domain.

A unique skill that combines offense and defense.

The gravitational force that pulls you to your surroundings and the repulsive force that pushes you out of bounds.

Either one is enough to give your opponent a headache.

(But not unhackable to me...)

There is an idea, after all, the one who interacts with Tezuka the most is Fuji.

As a powerful opponent, he is most proficient in Tezuka's moves.

(The emphasis is on the mysterious connection.)

But the most important thing now is not the supreme realm that Kise imitated, but the connection given by Kuroko.

Before the two of them took action, Fuji and Gan Sadaharu were unable to make corresponding preparations.

Can't even guess...

Even with Fuji's experience and Inui Sadaharu's information, he was faced with a blank.

Delay with a regular serve?

Or use Phoenix serve to test?

Or are you preparing based on the abilities that Kuroko has shown in the past?

"Fuji Shusuke is in a dilemma, it's really rare."

Kagami looked at Fuji who had not served yet and said immediately.

In my impression, this player is not that "weak and indecisive".

"This also fully illustrates how much pressure Heizi puts on them."

"The mere unknown of the connection is enough to scare it."

"To put it bluntly, it's still not targeted enough..."

"Don't make it so simple. There aren't that many players who can deal with Kuroko."

After hearing Midorima's words, everyone else's faces were filled with dark expressions.

"Don't define yourself just because you are so special, Midorima."

Midorima is not worried about this kind of changeable player, because since he developed an absolute "third hand", he has a way to deal with the bells and whistles.

But not everyone can do this.

Take Vulcan as an example. If Heizi bans the Holy Beast's power by being "invalid", his strength will drop significantly.

"So we can't generalize between players..."


At this moment, Fuji on the court hit his serve.


Based on his gestures and movements, everyone also judged that the ball he hit was the "Phoenix Serve".

The first one to catch the ball was Kise, who still imitated Tezuka's supreme realm this time.


Crazy wind pressure blew, and howling tornadoes rose from the ground.

But this time Kise did not use repulsion, but instead used gravity when the ball hit the ground.

(Has it been seen through?)

The other party did not reveal the power of the connection immediately, but instead asked Kise to deal with it, which made Fuji wary.

He obviously prepared as much as possible to deal with the "repulsion" of the supreme realm, but Kise seemed to see through it and used "gravity" instead.


The ball was hit back, and Ini Sadaharu immediately leaned over.


But just when he was about to swing the racket, his body froze.



Fuji looked at Inui Sadaharu who paused in confusion and said strangely.


"It seemed like I couldn't fight back just now..."


As if he was testing something, Gan Sadaharu kept waving his hands, and then he spoke unspeakably.

"Can't fight back?"

Frowning, Fuji knew that Inui Sadaharu was not joking, but that there must be something hidden in this.

(Is it the power of connection?)

Turning his head and looking over, Fuji could clearly see a giant mechanical dragon.

Another dimension incarnation...

It's a species I've never seen before...

"Fuer, be careful."

"It's more powerful than you can imagine."

As someone who has experienced it, Inui Sadaharu is also analyzing the effectiveness, but he has no clue yet and can only remind him like this.


Nodding, Fuji could only return to the baseline to prepare for his second serve.

(Unable to fight back...)

(Is it the type that restricts the opponent’s actions?)

Being able to distinguish the difference, Fuji grasped the key points and pondered.

Generally speaking, either the call cannot be called back, or the call cannot be answered.

But when it comes to "I can't fight back", given the level of care that Inui Sadaharu has, it must be a literal meaning.


After hitting the ball again, Fuji decided to try it himself this time.


This time it was Kise's turn to hit back, and the ball passed through the net head-on.

Fuji came to the midfield, stretched his arms, and was about to swing his racket in front of the incoming ball.

But just as his racket was about to approach the ball, there was a sudden pause.

It's exactly the same situation as before Inui Sadaharu.




After looking back, Fuji realized what Inui Sadaharu meant by "unable to fight back".

That is the real "unable"

Because his "attack" move was banned.

(What is the power of that mechanical dragon...)

"How can we attack in a defensive state?"

"The rules of the game must always be followed, even by the duelists themselves."

Looking at most of the people who looked confused, Shirazu knew exactly what the incarnation summoned by Kuroko and Kise's connection this time was.

"Bayonet Barrel Dragon" with connection 4.

It has two stages of attack times and the effect of increasing one's own, reducing the opponent's attack power and forcing any object to a defensive position. The opponent cannot counterattack based on the effect of changing status, because during this period, other abilities and abilities cannot be activated. Effective.

The reason why Fuji and Inui Sadaharu were unable to "retaliate" was because they were turned into "defense position" in separate rounds.

Without the ability to attack, it is naturally impossible to fight back.



(Can't even use other moves?)

After losing points again, Fuji even realized a terrible fact.

That is, he cannot use any special moves to break free before the process of being unable to fight back occurs.

"One of Fuji and I will have our offensive capabilities blocked..."

"Although it can be solved by another person filling in, but..."

The flying tennis ball made Gan Sadaharu feel ridiculous.

Originally, it was okay if only one person was restricted, and the other person just needed to fill in and fight back in time.

But it just so happened that that incarnation had other effects.

That is the ability to increase and decrease the attack value of both players by half.

This leaves no possibility of resistance at all.


"This set will be won by Teimitsu Kise and Kuroko!"



The No. 2 doubles match finally came to an end.

The next step is the No. 2 singles match.

"It seems you are better."

Fuji stood in front of the net and looked at Kise and Kuroko and said helplessly.

"Haha, this is considered a successful revenge!"

Kise smiled slightly and responded.

"Really? Then I hope he can succeed in revenge..."

Hearing this, Fuji didn't pay too much attention, but looked at the position of the team.

There...Tezuka is holding a racket and getting ready.

Kise followed his gaze and looked over, but grinned confidently.

"Hey, that's impossible!"

"after all…"

"Xiao Baijin is the strongest!"

The first and the last…

The showdown after two years is about to begin.

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