Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 598 597 The final battle! Shirazu and Yukimura!

Chapter 598 597. The final battle! Shirazu and Yukimura!



Sure enough, after Akashi used the blessing of the Overlord Power, the competition rose to a new level.

But even though he could feel the pressure coming towards his face, Sanada still couldn't sense Akaashi in front of him.

"From now on."

"You don't stand a chance of reversal."

Knowing not to give Sanada too much "sunshine", Akashi continued to prepare to serve.


When the ball was hit, it hit the net hard and bounced off the ground.

Sanada quickly ran into position and tried to shine his own "light".


The ball hit the racket surface, and the violent rotation made it unstable, and it instantly began to slide sideways.

(No. The risk is too high if we force the fight.)

Even though it only takes 0.5 seconds to accumulate power, even that short time was controlled by Akaashi, making it impossible to adjust the accuracy.

Once the ball is not played well, the ball will just go out of bounds, and there is absolutely nothing you can do.

This kind of hitting that controls the details and grasps it so accurately is really difficult for Sanada to deal with.

Even though he tried to adjust his arms and posture according to the deflection of the ball, it seemed extremely difficult.


"It's as fast as a storm!"

He could only barely hit the ball back, and Sanada shouted.


But in his eyes, the ball that had just passed the net seemed to have hit a wall and bounced back out of thin air.


"Move like thunder!"

Hitting the ball too fast, he was forced to use "thunder" speed to recover.

His vision drifted to the opposite side, and he didn't know where his opponent would be waiting in the empty field.


"It's as soft as a forest!"

Choosing to eliminate the spin on the ball and hit a lob at the same time, Sanada could only passively wait for his opponent's attack.

"Unfortunately, you have missed the best opportunity to fight back."

Akashi's regretful words rang in his ears. Sanada blinked suddenly, but only saw a yellow track flashing past his eyes for a moment.



After coming back to his senses, Sanada looked back at the position of his eyeballs and fell into deep thought.

If he hadn't been on guard before, he might not have been able to see the ball just now.

"Returning the ball so quickly."

Because he couldn't see Akaashi, it was difficult for Sanada to imagine what posture the opponent was in.

"It seems there is still no way."

"Although we have tried to avoid it as much as possible, there is still a gap in strength."

Yukimura looked at Sanada's appearance and sighed, probably knowing the ending.

Although Oo Akashi who uses "Kyoukasuigetsu" and "Fear" Akashi are scary, there are ways to deal with them.

After all, Sanada's "Shisui of the Mirror" is the best passive to deal with this kind of abnormal state.

Even the control of the Eye of the Emperor can be broken away. This is why Riakishi did not use it after realizing its effectiveness, because he knew that it would not be effective.

So he decided to use the "power of the Overlord" to suppress Sanada.

With the upper hand and the fog on the map, it was difficult for Sanada to take advantage.

The special skills he is good at are tightly restricted, and it is difficult to stabilize in the tug-of-war.

He can only rely on the power of "Thunder" to save the ball.

But even then, there are limits.

Akashi's sharp blow just now almost made Sanada unable to react.

Although there is the protection of "fear" and the increase of "overlord power", it also shows that the situation is still in Akashi's hands.

It will be difficult for Sanada to regain the initiative.



It has reached the final point of the game, and the sense of pressure becomes more intense as the game progresses.

Even the audience in the front row could feel the suffocating feeling.

"The last step in junior high school, you are destined to fall here!"

"Goodbye, Genichiro Sanada."


After hitting the serve, Akaashi declared to him.

"Wild Miao!"

"I won't put down the racket until the end!"

Sanada responded with a heavy voice and started running.

It's not over yet!

He would definitely not be willing to let it end like this.

No matter what, get another ball.


The ball has already landed on the ground, and Sanada is already in place.

But at this moment, the changes in the ball made his pupils shrink.


There was a friction sound, but the ball did not bounce up as expected, but instead rolled back on the ground after touching the ground.

"Type Zero. Serve"

A look of astonishment filled his face, Sanada murmured, but he didn't know how to describe his inner mood.

Only now did he know where the biggest threat was after Akashi "disappeared".

That is, when using moves when serving, it is difficult for him to respond in advance.

It's just a zero serve. If he can't see his opponent, he will just treat it as an ordinary spin ball.

He never expected that at the last critical moment, he would lose by this hand.

"It's a way of paying tribute to your previous Tezuka domain."

This is a different kind of tit-for-tat for Riakaashi.

Previously, Sanada used the "Tezuka Domain" to make a surprise attack, and this time he rewarded him with a "zero serve."

Precisely in his "fear" state, Sanada's serving posture is invisible.

It also provides very convenient benefits, and coupled with Sanada's state of mind at this time, it is even harder for him to detect the fishiness involved.

"Temitsu Akashi wins this set!"



"Nothing to be upset about."

"The real showdown will be after the big game."

"And your stage."

Standing in front of the net, he could only accept his defeat in silence. While Sanada was silent, he suddenly heard Akashi's words.


Those words suddenly made Sanada, who was already feeling heavy, suddenly startled.

"You, Yukimura, Tezuka, they probably don't know yet."

"That's not a problem."

"You will know it after the national competition."

Akashi also knows that there are still several forces that are being kept secret, so he has no intention of speaking out directly.

After all, people from the U17 training camp will definitely come to visit after the national competition. With those people in charge of commentary, why should he worry about it.

"A real showdown?"

When Sanada brought the news back, Yukimura was also very surprised.

However, he did not have time to deal with this problem for the time being, because compared to that, there were the most important things to face.

"Invite the number one singles player from both sides to come forward!!"

The referee's shouts rang out in the surrounding area. Excluding the temporarily repaired venue, the most critical match had arrived.

Picking up the racket, Yukimura then took off his jacket and walked into the court to the net.

"Is this the first time we have fought against each other?"

"After three years in junior high school, I didn't expect that it would be difficult to have the opportunity to meet."

"Well, that's right. You and Atobe are also the players I want to end."

Bai Jin stood on the opposite side with the racket on his shoulder, looking at him sideways, and the two sides communicated harmoniously.

"Atobe? Indeed."

"I've played against them so many times over the years that I'm used to them, but you seem to be different."

"Hey, that's just because I'm relatively stable. In comparison, you do have your own ideas, Mr. Shen."

"Haha, after all, even gods will have selfish desires."

"What a coincidence, people are like that too."

"Then let us decide the outcome openly and honestly!"

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