Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 642 639 Armed Color!

Chapter 642 639. Armed color!



As the ball fell, Kintaro fell to the ground with satisfaction and cheered.

Beads of sweat kept falling from his forehead, indicating that he was giving everything he had.

“It’s a good lunch break exercise.”

Looking up at the reflected sunlight, Yukimura wiped his sweat and smiled.

"Are you satisfied?"

"You seem to have a different opinion?"

"It's really unlike you to be able to play so freely."

Walking up to Yukimura, Akashi stared at him and asked about his performance in the game.

"He probably didn't realize what he was doing."

"But in fact, he is a middleman who mixes things up."

Having completely accepted his own future memories, Yukimura answered.

"Sounds very secretive."

Hearing this, Akashi knew what Yukimura had probably obtained from Kintaro, and he was very curious.

"Let's have a fight, Akashi."

"You'll know after the fight."

"Renji, come and act as a referee."

At the same time as the invitation, Yukimura turned to the person hiding in the woods and shouted.

"Have you really been discovered?"

"It's Sadaharu, you're too uncool."

Inui Sadaharu pushed up his glasses, feeling a little unnatural, but Yanagi Renji walked out generously to criticize.

"Are you really going to fight Akaashi?"

"Although I don't know the reason, but you two."

I don't mind being the referee, but the confrontation between these two people still makes Liu Renji a little worried.

"Don't worry, the showdown between Akaashi and I won't have much impact."

"It might be a little troublesome to switch to Atobe and Tezuka."

Realizing Yanagi Renji's worries, Yukimura shook his head to dispel his worries.

"This can barely be considered a follow-up to the national competition."

After agreeing to Yukimura's invitation, Akashi did not refuse. Although he didn't know Yukimura's specific situation, but he could make him make such a choice, which proved that there must be some hidden secret that needed a fight to find out.

His duel with Yukimura was not as grand as Atobe and Tezuka. It was more of a spiritual confrontation, and the destructive power it caused was not that huge.

"sounds good"

Hearing this, the two began to stand facing each other, and Kintaro was carried by Inui Sadaharu on his back and sat on the sidelines.

"Need to warm up?"

"no need."

Although it is customary to exercise before a game, it is not necessary for Akaashi.

With the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven, he already has control over his body.

As long as you don't act reluctantly, you won't be hurt.

(Let me do it.)

The powerful momentum was already coming, and Omotakiji gave up control.

Riaki took over the body and looked directly at Yukimura, the black air pressure already radiating out.


(Has it all started now?)

Just like the literal meaning, just the name "Akaashi Seijuro" can bring unimaginable "fear" to his opponents.

Just like his five senses annihilation, it only takes a little pressure on the opponent to take effect.

Even Yukimura couldn't be without a little pressure when facing Akaashi.

The existence had completely disappeared from his eyes, but Yukimura didn't panic at all.


Hitting the ball, he just kept an eye on what the tennis ball was doing.

It doesn't matter if he can't see or feel Akashi, he just needs to hit all the balls back.

This is also the best way to deal with Akashi's "fear" in the future.

Changing, deleting, and creating the three future systems will all be avoided by "fear" and become invalid, so don't even consider using them.


The ball was returned at great speed, and Yukimura stepped out and hit a whip.

"Squeak squeak!!!"

The racket was shaking when it came into contact with the racket surface, but Yukimura was still holding it firmly.

The characteristic of God's Strike was activated, and he struck back with greater power.

The racket began to be dyed black, and Akaashi had used his domineering power to stabilize the strength of the racket surface.


The ball was caught with the front of the net motionless, and he hit it towards Yukimura's feet.


(This kind of touch. Is it an armed color?)

Taking a step back and stretching out his bat to block it, Yukimura reacted as he felt the strange power.

If it were him before, he would definitely not know what happened, but through the description of future memories, Yukimura knew that Akaashi was using another type of Haki.

Armed color.

It is a technique demonstrated through "hardening, entanglement, external exposure, internal destruction" and other forms.

Each type has different effects. Compared with the purest domineering, this kind can be acquired.

In my memory, many future opponents have learned the technique of "hardening and entangling", mostly to increase their offensive ability and the defensive power of the racket.

After all, judging from their combat power, even if the racket is made of particularly good material, it is extremely easy to be penetrated or interrupted by strong force.

The same applies to yourself.

But it's completely different after having Armed Color Haki. The hardening and winding skills can prevent the front of the racket from being damaged when hitting the power ball hard.

"Unfortunately, I can too."



Seeing Yukimura's way of fighting back, Akashi frowned slightly.

Because he felt it, Yukimura also used the weapon-colored Haki technique.

He directly used Bawang Se Haki to suppress it, and Akashi began to understand the strangeness.

That means Yukimura's current playing style and skills seem to have changed a lot inexplicably?

Obviously, the battle with Kintaro just now was not much different from before. However, when fighting against him, it was obvious that he was much more detailed.

Such sudden changes and improvements cannot be achieved temporarily.

Changes in technique and playing style require regular slow exercise to improve step by step.


The moment the racket surface came into contact with the ball, Akashi suddenly saw something unusual.

(Echizen Ryoma, why are you playing tennis now?)

(I used to just want to defeat my dad, but after meeting the seniors, I realized that the world is so broad)

(I want to surpass you, surpass the ministers, and surpass Shirazu-senpai!)

(Then you shouldn’t stay in Neon.)

"This is.?"

I saw a strange memory, it was the moment when I answered someone's doubts.

In the clip, Echizen Ryoma solemnly bid farewell to them at the training camp and finally embarked on the road to the United States.

But now, he has not seen Echizen Ryoma in the training camp.

(The future scene should be the original trajectory, right?)

The first person to react was Omo Akashi, who revealed the essence at a glance.

(That is to say.)

(An unexpected situation occurred.)

Both of them were smart people, and they immediately understood the cause and effect, and also realized how much trouble this would cause.

(Yukimura’s control over skills has suddenly improved. Is this the reason?)

(No wonder he wants to fight with me.)

Understanding the meaning, the two also became interested in the original future trajectory.

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