Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 674 671 The ashes of heaven and earth! (4K)

Chapter 674 671. Heaven and earth ashes! (4K)


Vaporization visible to the naked eye is occurring, and a huge amount of heat is felt at the base.

What Bai Jin held in his hand seemed not to be a racket at all, but something like the sun.

The erupting flames continued to burn the surrounding area, and even the air was evaporating, making it difficult to breathe.

(How can this be?)

He couldn't imagine that this move would happen, and Atobe's eyes were full of horror and confusion.

I have the impression that there should be no so-called "remnant fire sword" in Shirazu in the future.

"Ah, you don't have to be surprised."

"I should not have such a thing in the future."

"I just created it on the spot as needed."

"After all, isn't ice's best enemy fire and heat?"

It wasn't until Bai Jin mentioned it that Atobe finally woke up. The hot breath made beads of sweat appear on his forehead.


(Can he achieve this level with his current mental and technical abilities?)

He had not forgotten the opponent's true ability, but what Atobe was puzzled by was that logically speaking, in order to "create" the ability to transcend the ice dimension, he should have high numerical values.

Even though the seamless opening was used very early this time, it was only the fourth game now, not to mention that the increase in the middle was delayed by the Ice Dimension.

Under such circumstances, he can still create a move as large as "Remnant Fire Sword" on the spot. Isn't it too unreasonable?

"You don't think you're the only one preparing this week, do you?"

Reaching out to pull up the sleeves of the team uniform and showing the mark on his arm, Bai Jin chuckled.

"That is.?"

What caught his eyes were the familiar blue veins that were shining like nerves.

He felt a familiar atmosphere from inside.

It was the power of seamless brilliance.

(Sage mode? No. If it is that, he should have changed.)

(But this is a way to store the brilliance.)

Frowning, Bai Jin's actions caused an unexpected situation.

"This is called the Tianyi Circuit. I combined it with the Immortal Mode and improved it."

"The seamless power of brilliance can be stored here at ordinary times."

"In an emergency, I can transform and extract it, which can give me an extra boost in an instant."

"A week is still a bit too long, Atobe, this place is already full."

After clearing Atobe's confusion, Shirazu then hung his sleeves on his arms. The cyan light visible to the naked eye erupted from his veins like a waterfall. The huge amount infected the flames and turned it into a cyan.

This in itself is a kind of preparation for emergencies.

"Awesome. Baijin-chan, did you even anticipate such a thing?"

Kise outside the court looked at the scene inside and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Turning the glorious power that is usually gathered into the foundation of creation at critical moments."

"He is really an imaginative player."

As a member who also likes to create new moves, Fuji can understand the other party's intentions, but even he feels that Bai Jin's idea is unreasonable.

"No wonder he can still achieve such exaggerated creations under such restricted circumstances."

After understanding the principle, everyone also understood the origin of the power of the "Remnant Fire Sword".

Normally, Shirazu would be able to create moves that transcend the "Inherent Barrier: Dimension of Ice", but it would be very difficult when he is restricted.

After all, the prerequisite for creation is to have the same level of mental power and technical power. If the prerequisite is not achieved, Baijin will not be able to create something out of thin air.

This is also the reason why Atobe took out the Dimension of Ice very early.

In addition to delaying the increase granted by the Infinite Light and taking advantage of this period to score points, there is also the purpose of hindering Bai Jin's "re-creation" to break the game.

It was precisely because he aimed at this point that Atobe was convinced that he had the possibility of victory.

But who would have thought that Bai Jin took out the "spare" charge and temporarily created the "Remnant Fire Taito" that transcended the "Ice Dimension".



The dimension of ice began to collapse, the storm gradually subsided, and the ice flowers gradually dissolved into the ground, turning into beach water, and then turned into gas under the erosion of high temperatures.

The environment returned to the past under everyone's gaze, but what followed was a dry and hot feeling.

The feeling that even the lips are chapped is unbearable.

Just the revealed power disintegrated the ice dimension, which shows how powerful the residual fire sword is.

"You guys have become stronger, I know this very well."

"I will not underestimate the growth and strength of your minister."

"Because of this, I will take it seriously and prepare."

Swinging the racket in his hand, the contained flames are already contained in the racket. Even if it is not released outward, it can still create an astonishing residual power.


(The domineering spirit is dissolved!)

When I touched the tennis ball, I felt the burning sensation coming from the surface of the racket, and sweat broke out on my butt.



The person was blown away by the impact force, rolling several times on the ground in a panic.


Tachibana Juping looked at Atobe and suddenly became a little anxious.

"He is like the sun."

"It's hard to look at."

The hot breath came, and you could clearly see the air in the venue being distorted.

"The ice dimension was actually cracked like this"

Shiraishi didn't know how to describe his current feelings, but he knew that was the pinnacle of Atobe's skills in the future.

The move that defeated many powerful enemies was broken by Shirazu Jisei, who now has no memory of the future.

Although Akaashi had previously claimed that he had failed, seeing such a scene with his own eyes was still shocking.

(The flames are contained in the racket. When hitting the ball, it does not burn or release explosive flames, but gives the tennis ball the power to obliterate everything it touches)

(Damn it, he was just swinging the racket like that, and I couldn’t even stop him.)



He stood up, but a rout ensued.

Let alone counterattack, it is difficult for him to even block the ball.

"The glorious power of his village is too great."

"Now that it is released in one breath, it already possesses strength that is incomparable in ordinary times."

"The move called "Remnant Fire Sword" seems too purely violent with this kind of blessing."

Even Akashi didn't expect that Shirazu was making such "emergency" preparations behind his back.



(Usually, the seamless power is stored centrally, and it can be exploded when necessary)

Tezuka silently watched the game on the court and became thoughtful.

Bai Jin's approach provided him with a very good idea. This technology, which he has never seen before in the future, seems to allow him to take a further step.

We don’t know yet what the so-called “storage” limit is, but even a small portion is definitely meaningful.

After all, this can be said to be a "big enhancement" that temporarily breaks its own upper limit.






Inui Sadaharu began to report the score continuously, and even the hands recording the data in his hands were shaking a little.

"What a pity, Atobe."

"I haven't thought about who I will lose to right now."

"Even if you have the power of the future, it will be the same."

Swinging the racket to hit the serve back, the speed was so fast that even though the ball could be seen through, it was impossible to hit back.



Even if he has the Eyes of Ice to see through weaknesses and blind spots, Atobe simply cannot do it now if he wants to score through the blind spots in one go.

His weakness is not to mention hitting it. Whether he can catch the ball first is a question.

He could clearly see through his eyes that Bai Jin's surface was covered with an invisible coat of flames.

Any power that has not crossed that level will turn into fly ash the moment it comes into contact.

Domineering is no exception






It had been a long time since I had been so tired, and Atobe was sweating a lot.

(Although we have become stronger, it does not mean that he has become weaker.)

Recalling Akashi's words yesterday, Atobe didn't take it seriously at first, but now that he thought about it, it was full of metaphors.

"Yes, Akashi"

"This guy may be growing by 'devouring' us."

"The stronger we are, the more we will feed him and make greater progress."

The last ball has been sent, and Atobe has finally seen through the layout.

Think of them who have gained the power of the future as "fuel" for progress.

I'm afraid this guy is the only one in the world who can do it.

Every time it seemed like they were about to catch up, and they would finally cause some trouble, but Baijin would adapt to the predicament and start to make progress.

Thinking about it this way, having no future memories would be the greatest help to Bai Jin.

Because I can find a different path and play style from my future self, and even surpass my future self in more severe environments.

"Looking forward to the next time, Atobe."

"I enjoyed it very much this time. Let me show you the blow that has exceeded the limit so far!"

Crossing his arms and raising his racket, Bai Jin stared at him and said frankly and seriously.

It's rare to release power like this, and it would be a pity not to use that move.

"Remnant Fire Taishou·North."

Swinging the racket, he hit the tennis ball fiercely, slashing it like a sword.

"Heaven and earth ashes!!"


Everyone felt as if space and the world were divided into two halves.


Clenching his teeth, Atobe's "eyes" caught the flashing slash.

He didn't seem to give up, but kept pursuing.

Lightning burst out from his eyes, and Zone's power brought him back to his peak moment.

The bonus of "potential" reached its maximum value at this moment, and Atobe began to feel the power exploding from his body.

"The desperate moment. This is also the time!"

"That Atobe guy, are you serious?!"

The cutting edge of the attack was approaching, but no one saw any intention of giving in from his actions.

"What a mess!"

"Do you want to learn from Akutsu?!"

Regardless of losing his composure, Tachibana began to shout. He didn't understand why Atobe was so stubborn in blocking such a blow that was so obvious that it was difficult to withstand it.

The last person to be so reckless as to receive a similar slash was Akutsu.

But others actually went to the hospital and lay there for a long time.

But this time Atobe made the same mistake.

"Don't get me wrong!!"

"I'm not doing it for myself, let alone for the boring dignity and face."

"But for the group of guys who have been following me!"

Holding the racket tightly with both hands, Atobe exuded a domineering temperament and swung the shot bravely forward, shouting.

"Atobe!! Hyotei!!"

"Atobe!! Hyotei!!"

It was only then that everyone realized that the deafening shouts had never stopped.

"If you retreat here, it will be the end."

"I want to be the king who rules over the world, Atobe Keigo!!"

"I won't fall here!!"

As he shouted, everyone felt the ambition and rising momentum.


The racket and the chop came into contact, and an astonishing white light erupted.

Subconsciously, he covered his eyes to avoid being stimulated by the dazzling light. No one could see clearly what happened.

"Tsk, that's why I hate the Ideal series. Although it's reliable on your own side, it's completely unreasonable as an opponent."

Until the white light dissipated, Bai Jin's voice filled the stadium.

It was at this time that everyone saw the current situation of the stadium clearly.

Atobe stood in the court without a trace of emotion, posing as he swung to hit the ball. The racket in his hand was nowhere to be seen, and even his arms had scorch marks visible to the naked eye.

"Where's the ball?"


Seeing such a scene, everyone was stunned and didn't know what was going on.

"Really, how can you fight against foreign enemies with such a stubborn spirit?"

"It's a shame to use it for internal consumption."

Carrying the racket, Shirazu retracted the released Tianyi, then glanced at Atobe, who was standing motionless, and said while walking out of the court.


Inui Sadaharu stood awkwardly for a while, really not knowing how to make a verdict.

Because he really couldn't find the location of the tennis ball. The court itself for the two of them had experienced all kinds of damage, and it was impossible to tell whether it had fallen on the ground.

"Atobe. Even if you lose consciousness, do you still want to rule the world?"

"That blow took everything he had."

"The body was forced into a dormant state in order to block that blow."

Akashi, Yukimura, and Tezuka saw Atobe's current situation and couldn't help but sigh.

"Uh, so what's the result?"

Vulcan didn't understand the brain circuits of the ministers, and said with his hands frantically.

All they knew was that Atobe was unconscious, but the question was where did the ball go?

Did Atobe successfully fight back or did Shirazu successfully score?

"The ball is gone"

But at this time, Heizi, who had been watching the battle silently, revealed the final scene.




They had never expected such an explosive ending, and the onlookers' junior high school students had not yet reacted.

"The result of exhausting all the functions of the body in order to block that blow."

"While trying to break through the weakness, it also triggered a backlash. The ball could not withstand the impact from both sides and then destroyed itself."

"It can be said that it succeeded and failed at the same time."

Akashi also gave an explanation at this time, and at the same time felt pity for Atobe's choice.

The reason why he judged Atobe to "succeed and fail at the same time" was that if the ball could withstand each other's power, maybe he would be able to see a sudden counterattack.

Although it may only happen once in a lifetime.

The idealistic series is so unreasonable, and any dilemma has the possibility of reversal.

"By the way, now is not the time to talk about this matter, right?"

"Carry him away quickly."

"It's the coaches sitting in the control room who have to worry now."

"Atobe is in this state and feels like a dead person."

The thing that worried the coaches the most finally happened. Until Atobe was taken away on a stretcher for rescue, they all faced the torture of being held accountable.

If one of them is not dealt with well, it might be the rumored one.

Die before leaving the army?


Originally I only planned to write 2K, but I thought it would be better to finish it in one go, so I worked overtime to finish it.

Otherwise, if you hold your breath, you will always feel unhappy.

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