Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 686 683 The Ninth Consciousness Amāra Consciousness!

Chapter 686 683. The ninth consciousness·Amara consciousness!

alaya consciousness

Isn’t Akutsujin at his strongest level?

When this idea came out of their minds, everyone only felt horrified.


Even Byodoin folded his arms and looked stunned.

It’s okay for that brat to catch up from behind in the field of spiritual consciousness.

Is it possible that it has gone one step further?

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and Byodoin could not imagine what this guy had gone through.

You must know that even he has just taken a new step in the field of Alaya consciousness.

As a result, Akutsu has reached a new realm?

The clones in the field gradually dissipated, and finally only Akutsu was left alone.

"He seems to be catching up with you."

Bai Jin stood outside the court, and the fluttering team uniform also indicated the restless mentality of everyone.

After finishing speaking, the expressions of the four people next to him, Akashi, Yukimura, Tezuka, and Atobe, remained unchanged.

"This is really true."

"It's getting interesting."

Compared to the future Akutsu, he is more powerful at this time.

"That's the rumored realm that transcends Alaya consciousness."

"The one named. Ninth Consciousness"

"Amara Consciousness!"


(can't feel anything)

(Could this be so!)

Facing Akutsu on the court, Amadeus could clearly feel the trembling in his body.

Even he couldn't help but feel hairy in his heart. One can imagine how powerful Akutsu was at this time.



A roar like a shattering glass could be clearly heard. When everyone came back to their senses, they only saw the tennis ball that was deeply engraved on the wall.

Like a cannonball, the wall was smashed into huge cracks like spider silk.


"The wall was knocked down?"

Seeing the wall in front of the auditorium being knocked down by a ball, the audience sitting here panicked.


After watching it several times through replays, the referee saw clearly where the ball initially landed and quickly announced the result.


Henry, who had been standing on the sidelines, swallowed his tongue and couldn't describe the shock in his heart.

(He was obviously standing there, but I couldn’t feel anything)

(It’s just a simple swing, let alone seeing it, I can’t even think of touching it)

(It’s like crushing from different dimensions.)

Silent, Henry could not speak any words. He only felt that he was as small as dust that strayed into the universe.

At the same time, he also had the same idea as Elmer.

Is the other party really just a "junior high school student"?

The deterrence brought by that can be said to be much more terrifying than the many well-known strong players Henry has seen.

"it's over"

Kimijima watched this scene leisurely and had already made a judgment.

He had never felt that "victory" was so easy to come by.

In this regard, he could only express

It's really cool to win with a strong teammate.

There is no need for him to make any effort to negotiate or think, he just needs to stand on the court to serve and receive the serve.

(Instead of negotiating with an opponent who is unstable and reneges on his word, it is more reliable to negotiate with these junior high school students.)

(At least he is much more practical than that guy Tono)

The thought of disgust fell on someone, and Kimijima was also a member of realism.


"His casual blow can already achieve the effect of Alaya Consciousness."

"There is no need to use a clone to confuse the opponent, but you can achieve unlimited attacks with your true self."

There is no doubt that Akutsu, who has entered a higher realm, has unprecedented combat power.

That is no less impressive than the performance of ministers.






"Neon! Advantage!"

The changes brought about by the Dark Realm are not as good as those of Akutsu, who is at a higher level.

(His actions.)

(I can’t see through it at all!!)




The racket was knocked away, and even with the power of armed force, he still couldn't suppress the trembling of his arms.

"What kind of monster is he?"

Watching, Bismarck of the German team was shocked.

This scene has never occurred in their memory. Even after the World Championship, they did not see Akutsu use the so-called "ninth consciousness Amaro consciousness".

"Is it possible that this is also the change after getting the memory?"

Only then can we deeply understand the talent gap between each other. When others get memories, it is a small or big step forward, but as a result, you immediately fly. What's going on?

The eighth consciousness is Alaya consciousness to the ninth consciousness is Amara consciousness.

It’s not that easy just to think about the span, right?



Holding his numb arm, Amadeus couldn't connect with the ball.

If it were said that Akutsu was in the state of Alaya consciousness, he could barely handle it.

But Akutsu, who entered Amaro consciousness, directly surpassed his strength by one dimension.

The effectiveness of the realm of inherent barrier darkness is completely ineffective in the realm of Amara Consciousness.

Not to mention that the erosion has passed, but he has become like an isolated island in the ocean.



"I told you so."

"No matter what, you can't escape the fate of being hunted by me."

Wringing his neck, Akutsu's expression was so cold.

The veins and blood vessels can be seen with the naked eye on his skin, and his appearance is full of evil aura, just like a fierce god.



The score difference continued to widen, and Amadeus was already covered in blood.

They are scars caused by trying to resist the power of Amāra consciousness.

"Perhaps you have opened an incredible Pandora's box."

Long Ya reached out and covered Long Ma's hat, and then said.

"It's not what I want"

Being complained about this, Ryoma was unable to explain anything.

How does he know that the memory will be given to others in the future?

Originally, I was just entrusted by my future self, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

It's better now. As expected, the seniors have become more monsters one by one.

Akutsu used to be an Alaya consciousness, but now he has figured out the "ninth consciousness Amara consciousness", which makes Ryoma feel extremely excited.



"After I kill you, it's those guys' turn."

After grabbing the next round again, Akutsu raised his head and looked at a certain position and said coldly.

Akashi, Yukimura, Tezuka, Atobe.

Even better Bai Jin

Those are his ultimate hunting targets.

Mirai Akutsu, who once only relied on Alaya consciousness, was no match for him, so he simply used the more powerful "ninth consciousness Amaro consciousness" to fight this time.

If the Alaya consciousness can't defeat you, then the more powerful Amara consciousness should do the trick, right?

With this idea in mind, after obtaining the future memory from Qianshi, it only took him more than ten days to use the future experience to explore and enter the divine realm that "humans" could never reach.

This is a "weirdo" that is rare to see in ten years.

Aku Tsujin!

"A relic from the old days!"

"Disappear here!!"

A fierce ball was played, and Amadeus subconsciously held the rackets in front of him, blessing with armed power.


Unimaginable destructive power was transmitted from the racket surface, and even he himself was thrown away from the court.


The result of forcing the ball is to fly from the court to the audience seats at the back like a paper airplane.


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