Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 701 698 Go all out!

Chapter 701 698. Go all out!


"This round was won by the German team!"



Following the referee's declaration, everyone in the Neon team could not help but feel troubled for them.

"Q·P that has entered the ultimate quality cannot be broken by two people."

"Polk baptized with the new spiral also left people helpless."

“Unconsciously, they seemed to be overpowered.”

There were not too many bells and whistles, just a tacit understanding of the respective responsibilities of offense and defense. Polk and Q·P easily blocked the offense and defense of Byodoin and Oni.

"The baptismal potency of that new spiral was too unusual for them."

"If you hit the ball with brute force, the ball will spin more and fly out of bounds."

"But if you don't use brute force, the racket will probably be bounced through the air."


"Polk is worthy of being the best player in the world. He has developed such powerful moves."

Everyone also knows the situation they are facing, so they are also helping to think of ways to deal with it.

"If they don't break this situation, they will lose the first set so meaninglessly."

"In this case, their fighting spirit and soul cannot be stimulated at all."

Momoi was vaguely aware of Polk and Q·P's intentions, and then spoke.

"That's right. The sense of pressure is not enough. It's just that I lost with the only moves."

"It really cannot meet the conditions of a desperate situation."

"This will only be a waste of energy."

Realizing what Momoi was referring to, Shirazu crossed his arms and murmured.

The fact that Q·P has been defending with the ultimate quality shows the problem.

They don't want to push Byodoin and Oni into too rigid a position.

Perhaps in order to prepare for the desperate situation of Byodoin and the ghosts, Polk and Q·P deliberately used a "boiling frog in warm water" rhythm to compete.

Even if the fight between Byodoin and ghosts is not difficult, it is not an easy way either.

To put it bluntly, I don’t push you too hard and leave you with some hope.

It eliminates "miracles" caused by excessive adversity.

He said on his lips that Byodoin and the ghosts "cannot win even if they die", but in his heart he was still afraid of that possibility.

There is no way, once bitten by a snake, I will be afraid of the snake for ten years.


“I didn’t expect that we would be helpless with something like this.”

The ghost carried the racket, looked at Polk with a headache, and then said.

"It doesn't feel like it's worth it if I'm forced to come up with something like this."

Holding the ball and walking to the baseline, he was a little hesitant about Byodoin's serve.

It doesn’t matter if the ghost takes out the Heavenly Clothes, he also uses the Alaya Consciousness

Under such circumstances, it was unexpected that he would be at a disadvantage due to Polk's new move.

"Polk and Q.P. They are indeed far more powerful than the opponents they have encountered before."


They responded subconsciously, and then they suddenly heard a sound ringing in their ears.


"What are you playing for? At this level, you still dominate the top two of Neon High School Students?"

"I think Tokugawa is already stronger than you guys."

Bai Jin's overly "arrogant" and rude shout made everyone around him stunned.

"What is he saying all of a sudden?"

"have no idea"

Some people haven't reacted yet, and they don't know why Bai Jin suddenly spoke like this.

"I see."

"Losing to this level of confrontation is indeed a mistake."

Akashi closed his eyes and smiled happily, knowing what Bai Jin was thinking, and then he spoke sternly.

"Huh? Akashi.?"

"That's right. I almost fell asleep watching it. It's so boring."

Before some people could think deeply about the meaning, Atobe had already waved his hand and said "Follow the group" in a very arrogant tone.

"It's a bit boring."

"Ah, why not let Niou go up first?"

"Huh? Even Yukimura and Tezuka...?"

Kikumaru turned his head and looked around, looking stunned. He didn't understand why his four ministers started "targeting" Byodoin and Oni.

What these people said was subtle enough, but in fact the meaning expressed was very simple, that is, "With so many dishes, it is better to let Tokugawa or Niou serve."

"Tsk, how dare you say that."

"whispering sound"

Their emotions were aroused for a moment, and Byodoin and Oni vaguely felt that they had some special intention.


"Obviously we have already played against players several times better than them."

"Why are you still so rigid?"

"Is it possible that the confrontation during that period was just luck?"

But just when Byodoin and Oni wanted to say something to refute, Shirazu's words immediately stunned them.



The memory suddenly flashed back to the training camp period, and Byodoin and Oni remembered the most powerful fusion player.

For a moment they were silent.

"Yeah, yeah."

"It seems we are a little too worried, Byodoin."

"They actually have to remind us."

After a while, the ghost smiled bitterly, covering his forehead, and then woke up.


"You've obviously fought against monsters like that before, why do you have to worry so much about fighting a weaker guy?"


Throwing the ball to the ground a few times and then catching it with his hands, Byodoin gradually calmed down.

White light emerged from the two people



Polk and Q.P frowned subconsciously, feeling a sense of fear coming from their hearts.


Tightening his racket, Q.P was not sure what caused the current situation.

Did their plan fail, or did the two of them have the same "synchronic" approach from the beginning?

"That kind of atmosphere doesn't look like it was done on the spur of the moment."

"It seems that they already have the same capital."

Polk saw through the state of the two at a glance and then made an evaluation.


"That other-dimensional incarnation also symbolizes his changes."

His eyes shifted to the back of Byodoin, where warriors wearing holy robes were standing.


"It seems this is their current limit."

It seems that the only thing left between the situation in the future scene and "ability resonance".

Faced with such a situation, they still have some scruples.

"Be careful!"

"They will have a more violent attack next."

After observing for a while and standing ready, Polk reminded Q·P.

"bring it on!"

Inciting the power of Alaya and the other-dimensional warriors, Byodo-in struck a new blow.

The white light flashes, just like the glorious reappearance in memory.

"Fighter's fist!"


After struggling to avoid the erosion of the incarnation, Polk then fought back again with the "Baptism of the New Vortex".


Jumping forward, facing the return ball that was deflected by the net, the ghost swung his arms and swung the ball in the air.

"If you use that much force, the ball will come."

"No, it won't."

The concentration of light completely confronts the ultimate quality and suppresses the spin of the ball.



Fierce pressure rushed towards them, and the two men who used all their strength blocked Polk and Q·P like unstoppable warriors.

"The same tricks won't work again."

"Come and fight us in a final fight to the death!"

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