Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 703 700 The last game! (4k)

Chapter 703 700. The last game! (4k)


"This game was won by the Neon team"



"Oh oh oh!!!"

When Byodoin and Oni regained one round, the stadium suddenly erupted into overwhelming roars.

It was a cry of excitement and genuine joy over its counterattack.

Even as teammates, everyone looked happy.

"You actually brought them back to life at this juncture?"

With an incredible expression on his face, Edgar of the French team was obviously a bit out of his mind.

In the first few minutes, both members of the Neon team were still at an absolute disadvantage, but now they saved the situation, and there were even faint signs of chasing points?

"That is the ultimate realm that the two of them understand."

"I'm afraid it would be impossible for anyone else to do this, right?"

As the commander-in-chief, Camus smiled slightly and looked at the Byodoin and Oni who were struggling and said.

"A player with the power of the Phoenix"

"No matter how many times you are defeated, you will regenerate and fight stronger."

"It always feels so magical."

Although Duke also fought against the wandering Byodoin a year ago, the opponent was obviously not that strong at that time.

One can imagine how tenacious his spirit and will are now.

The power of the Phoenix is ​​the embodiment of his tenacious spirit.

There is no so-called "fear" for a person who can be resurrected from the end of death.



In the field, the offense and defense between each other are still unfolding, but it is obvious that Polk and Q·P can no longer be as calm as before.


Polk swung the racket, and the power brought by his burly physique was so impactful.

Just the moment the racket is struck, it can shake the surrounding space and cause a huge burst of air.


No longer caring about the dilapidated court, Byodoin took the lead and took a step forward. The fighter in golden holy clothes had already waved his fists and hit the front with his racket.




You can faintly see the cracks in the racket. Even with the protection of armed domineering, it still looks so fragile.

The distorted space always conveys a wave-like vibration.

The palms were torn with red blood due to the force exerted, and the exposed blood vessels all over the body were also bleeding, but Byodoin turned a blind eye to this.

The illusory golden ghosts and gods came to help at this time, and with the help of the dream, the ball was counterattacked.


Q·P was already waiting in front of him, and he tried to fight back without any intention of letting the ball hit the ground.

Such a ball must not be allowed to hit the ground first, otherwise it will only cause players to lose points due to its powerful impact.

Therefore, we can only bite the bullet and hit it back in the air where the power of the ball is maximized.

This is the moment when hard strength is tested.

If it were a player other than Polk and Q·P, it might be difficult to deal with such a situation.


The cyan brilliance has been completely suppressed by the golden flames, and it has to be transformed into the racket to maintain it.

Q·P then swung his racket and hit the incoming ball.


The vibrations are constantly transmitted from the racket surface through the ball, and the arms are shaking unconsciously, looking like they are restless.



(The power attached to the ball is eroding my brilliance!!!)

The racket was shattered, and what followed was an explosive impact that knocked Q.P out again.

"This game was won by the Neon team"




Once again, they regained a game and recovered the lost points step by step, and the roar sounded again in the field.

"I'm afraid Q·P never dreamed that he would become a breakthrough, right?"

"Huh, that's because he relies too much on that power."

"But no one expected something like this to happen."

Everyone in the Neon Team looked at Q·P's appearance and couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Obviously he is one of the top players in the world in terms of strength, but in this duel, he became a drag on Polk.

The Flame of the Phoenix, which uses the power of Alaya's consciousness and seamlessness as its "food", in addition to its own special attacks similar to the overlord's domineering aura, also has the special feature of "devouring and growing".

The most obvious one is that it can eat up the opponent's glorious power to boost the power of the ball.

Originally, this had no effect on Polk. After all, he purely relied on hard basic strength to play, and there were no other bells and whistles.

But Q·P is different. Only when he turns on "Ultimate Quality·Evolution" can he be said to have reached the limit in half a step.

But it happens that it is the "ultimate quality" that is condensed using a variety of seamless brilliance, and it will become the "food" used by Byodo-in to conceive and raise the phoenix at this time after the resonance with the ghost power.

Commonly known as "the great tonic".

Ever since, his awkward position emerged at this moment. Once he tried to fight back, it would only make the incoming ball more and more powerful, making it impossible for him to fight back.

"At this juncture, unless he can use the power of another system to deal with it, it is impossible to intervene."

It can only be said that the fed phoenix completely restrained "single-type" players like Q.P.

"For him, I'm afraid it's a blow. What he has been pursuing has now become an obstacle."

"But he can't give up this power, otherwise he will only become weaker."

Yukimura felt pity for him. Who would have thought that at this time, his opponent would change like this.

"Apart from Oshirazu, it's hard for any player to be able to fight against this thing with a flawless posture, right?"

Kise held the back of his head with his hands and watched the situation on the field with interest.

Only Bai Jin, who is constantly getting stronger, can handle the kind of nature that makes him stronger by eating light.

"It's not easy to be the god of tennis."

"Among so many gods, I really can't get this position without some means."

Bai Jin watched the game continue, but he didn't have any worries about this set.

Q·P, a player who was inspired to become a "god", has now suffered a big setback.

Only Polk can face the strengthened Byodoin and Oni head-on, and he will be alone.

After all, this is a doubles match, and no matter what, Q·P will still have to catch and serve, which is destined to result in him losing points, which invisibly increases the pressure on Polk to chase points.

"Golden folding knife!!"



With one angry attack, Gui established the score of this round, and he looked much more energetic.

In the words of a junior high school student, it was "extremely enjoyable".

There has never been a moment more powerful or more comfortable than right now.

Maybe he and Byodoin will enter this state only once in their lives, but even so, it's enough!

They will take the result of victory to meet those who are looking forward to it.

"Feel sorry."

“I seem to be out of my depth”

Standing up unsteadily, Q.P looked at the twisted racket in his hand and spoke to the silent Polk.

"It's nothing. I'm actually very lucky to be able to witness such an abnormality at this time."

Polk shook his head and did not blame anything. No one could have predicted this sudden change in his opponent.

Fortunately, it was only an exhibition match. If this happened in the main match, it would easily cause irreparable losses.

Being able to encounter difficulties in advance and find ways to deal with them is actually good enough.

"Next, it's your turn to truly cross this limit."

“It’s a tough road right now though.”

"But it's not an opportunity."

Looking at Byodoin and the ghosts in front of him, Polk then told him in a deep voice.

"I see"

Without too many words, Q·P knew exactly what Polk meant.

Opponents can become stronger in the face of battle, so there is no reason why his Q·P can't learn something from it.

The flames of the phoenix caused by ability resonance are powerful, but it is also an opportunity for Q·P.

The key is whether he can seize this opportunity and save the day.



The game is still going on, and it is obviously approaching 23:00, but everyone is watching in high spirits.

"Both sides are still insisting."

"It's better to say that now it's Polk's turn to try to break the situation."

"It's a bit troublesome for a person to face the combination of those two people."

Gorgias watched the game and admired their mental endurance.

If it had been him in this kind of game, he would have been beaten to the point where he would have no intention of continuing.

Noah was explaining and observing at the same time.

"Is this the world's top battle?"

"It's really scary."

Since Keith and Lin Xiu had no memory of the future, this was the first time they had seen such a match, which could be said to have refreshed their impressions of the pinnacle of the tennis world.

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

"There's a high probability that we won't encounter them anyway."


Keith and Lin Xiu didn't quite understand Noah's uncanny appearance.

But since the other party did not explain it, it was difficult for them to ask any further questions.




The game is still going on, but compared to the rising momentum of Neon, Germany has undoubtedly begun to resist the pressure.

"My turbulent and violent soul will never stop here!"

"Only victory can satisfy me!!"


The hit ball was wrapped in blazing flames and flew to the opposite side. Polk stepped out, swung his hitting posture, and then swung up.


I don’t know how many times I have experienced such shock and impact. The audience has become accustomed to it.

At any rate, there were many members of other national teams in the stands, so it wouldn't cause too much panic.

"Fight back?!"


With Polk shouting, the ball was hit back, but Byodoin and Oni showed no signs of moving to catch the ball.


The ball passed between the two and finally landed outside the back baseline, causing the ball to explode.

"Out of bounds!!"

"This set was won by the Neon representative team."




Crazy shouts continued to come from around the stands, which also detonated the atmosphere of the stadium.



Enthusiasm is overflowing, no one thought that tonight's game would be so exciting.

"Huh, good job!"

Mifune looked at the two people walking back in a good mood and praised them.

As a head coach who has led the team for many years, it is the highest praise to receive such praise from him.

"I knew you could do it."

"Defeat them like that in the third set too! Chief."

"The picture of victory has been seen."

Taneshima and others naturally welcomed them with joy.

"Hey, Bai Jin, your little girlfriend is really good at reading people."

"If it weren't for her reminder, I would definitely not have discovered this dormant power by now."

As soon as he finished talking to the high school students, Byodoin turned to look at the junior high school students and said.

Before the game, Shirazu and Momoi specially found him and pointed out to him another power besides Alaya consciousness and the incarnation of another dimension, which was the "Phoenix" sleeping in the depths.

In the main drama, Byodo-in itself relies on this to become a "resuscitator", and based on this, it has the conditions to contact Alaya Consciousness.

Therefore, after Shirazu explained similar information to Momoi, and with the help of other people's information about the future, she suddenly understood that Byodoin actually still had power that it had not been able to exert.

Although she didn't know if it would work, she and Shirazu went to Byodoin to attract their attention.

From the current point of view, the result is successful. The Phoenix caused by the resonance of abilities is far beyond imagination. The joint strengthening of Byodoin and Oni has completely overshadowed the double team of Polk and Q·P.

"Of course, she is Momoi Satsuki"

"The tenth miracle of Emperor Guang."

The corners of his mouth raised, Bai Jin was very proud of the praise from Byodoin.

"Yes, she is super powerful!"

"If she wasn't a girl, she could be a very strong player, right?"

"Eiji, it's so rude of you to speak like that."

"She has powers of observation that are not inferior to mine."

"Such an outstanding girl is one of a kind."

"Well, speaking of me like this makes me a little proud."

The recognition from everyone made Momoi blush a little for a while. Although she was very happy to be recognized for her ability, she was still a little "shy".

"But now we can enjoy the momentary joy, and then we have to make sure we win."

After a long time, the ghost escaped from Kintaro's entanglement and suddenly spoke.

"Yes, there is still the outcome of the final game."

Byodoin grinned and looked in the direction of the German team.

They are not arrogant enough to think that victory is absolute.

Although they have the upper hand now, they are not necessarily guaranteed to win.

The opponents are Polk and Q.P., the two strongest men in Germany. If they underestimate them, trouble may occur.

"The key to the third set is Q·P."

"If he can still improve, he might still have a chance."

"So, scoring quickly may be the best tactic."

"Hey, you guys are making it easy here. If it wasn't a doubles match, Polk could defeat both of us by himself and score quickly."

"Be confident and kick Q·P out. He might be able to deal with you two for a long time by himself."

"Tsk, Bai Jin, what you said makes sense."


Cheerful sounds came from the team, and the tense atmosphere dissipated.

"Invite both players to enter!"

"Sa, then work hard and take the final victory into your hands!!"

"Don't verbalize things that must be done."

"The final winner will be."



It's time to get off work... Let's catch up on some sleep first. The update may come in the evening again.

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