Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 756: 753 has a shelf life of only one round of

Chapter 756 753. "Nothing" with a shelf life of only one round!


"These two are a little too exaggerated."

The singles match between Taneshima and Q·P is in progress, but many people watching the match are already dazzled by it.

"Q·P's balls were all hit back by Taneshima!"

I don’t know how long the fight lasted, but the battle for the first point was so entangled.

(I see, it is rumored that you are only ranked below Byodoin Phoenix, Oni Jujiro, and Tokugawa Kazuya in the high school lineup of Neon Team.)

(But now it doesn’t look that simple.)

Aiming at the baseline, Q·P calmly hit the ball while analyzing Tanegashima's situation.

"Really, it's really strong."

"We have to fight for it first."


Taneshima came to the back and dunked the racket at the corner. The tennis ball disappeared the moment it touched the racket.

It wasn't that he disappeared too quickly, but that his entire body disappeared into the stadium.



This move surprised Q·P. According to the information collected previously, Taneshima did not have such a move.

"A completely different "nothing" from Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Is that how you play tennis?"

After looking at the position where his eyeballs fell, Q·P asked seriously.

"Hey they all do that."

"I have to do something, don't I?"

He didn't respond excessively, but Taneshima smiled slightly.

"Pre-emptive strike! Very beautiful, senior!"

"Good job! Tanejima!"

"Shuji, give him some color!!"

Support continued to come from the stands. Although they knew they were facing the second best player in the German team, as teammates, they were still cheering him on.


After the second ball was played, Q·P followed Tanegashima’s every move.

The disappearance would not be for no reason, there must be something he missed just now.


Just like before, the moment Taneshima hit the tennis ball with his racket, the ball disappeared from sight.


(There is no sound either)

(All the breath has disappeared)

Based on Sanlian's judgment, Q·P did not act rashly.


But the sound that followed and the black shadow the ball made when it hit the ground represented where it landed.


"Oh oh oh!!"

After grabbing two points in a row, boiling sounds came one after another.

"That player named Zaneshima has good technical skills."

"Yeah, even I haven't figured out what kind of move it is yet."

"Sure enough, the personnel sent by the Neon Team are not that easy to defeat."

The German team looked at Q·P, who had lost two points first. Although they were not in a hurry, they were impressed by Tanegashima's performance.

"That move is to change the object of use to a more mutually exclusive one, right? It has an inexhaustible effect mixed in."

"You think so. From a disappearing teammate to a disappearing ball."

"Taneshima-senpai has a good idea."

The Neon team was familiar with Tanejima, so they quickly noticed the moves he used.

"That guy, let's learn from you."

Daqu stood behind Heizi, looked down at him and said bluntly.

"Senior Taneshima is already very talented and has little relationship with me. I just told him some special points to eliminate existence and aura."

Heizi admitted that this was the case, but remained unmoved.

After all, Tanejima’s “nothing” and Kuroko’s often-used “disappearance” are not the same type.

"How long can I use this technique?"

With such doubts, everyone looked at the game that was still going on.





Breaking Q·P's serve, Taneshima achieved fruitful results with a new "more mutual nothing".

And just when Tanegashima served in the second game, Q·P's words also sounded in the court.

"I see, it's a technique developed by combining the effects of "More Mutual Nothing" and "Not Nothing"."

"No wonder no matter how you look or feel, there is no result."

"Because you made the ball completely disappear, along with the presence."

With a sinking heart, Taneshima suddenly felt something bad when he heard Q.P's analyzed words.


The serve was returned and Taneshima hit another disappearing shot.

"So, the only way to crack it is..."

"React in the one second after the ball hits the ground and bounces back, then chase back and hit back."

The brilliance of ultimate quality shone on his body. As soon as the ball bounced off the ground, he was greeted by Q·P's extremely fast swing.



The excessive speed prevented Tanegashima from saving the ball.

"Did you see through it in one round?"


Cold sweat broke out, and Taneshima had to adjust his next strategy.

I thought it would be no problem to rely on this move to grab another round.

But I didn't expect Q·P to be so decisive and directly activate the power of ultimate quality to deal with it.

With such a five-dimensional increase, the ball will be caught up and counterattacked before it even has time to pop out of the court after it hits the ground.


Hitting the serve again, Taneshima began to concentrate.




Slightly slower, the ball has already hit the ground and bounced off the court.






Just fighting back sent Taneshima into a difficult run.

The power of Q·P is beyond words

"For Taneshima-senpai, even if he only uses the ultimate quality Q·P, he is a formidable opponent."

Tezuka looked at Taneshima who was in a bitter battle, but he knew how difficult it was.

To put it bluntly, the ultimate quality is a "half-finished product" before the completion of three days of clothing condensation.

The bonus it has is very huge. Without other methods, it would be difficult for Taneshima to confront Q·P head-on.

"The problem is that even if it can really compete with the ultimate quality, Q·P still has its own new glory."

Atobe touched his chin and said pointedly.

In the exhibition match, Byodoin and Oni performed exceptionally to win, but they also created a strong player.

That is Q·P who possesses the sixth kind of brilliance, "blue light".

Facing such a bottomless player

It's not something that can be dealt with simply.



In the field, the points loss continued, but it was still within an acceptable range for Taneshima.



(It still takes some time)



Having tried his best to adapt to Q·P's improved offensive capabilities, Taneshima breathed heavily and calmed down.

He couldn't be in a hurry or get confused.

For the sake of possible victory, he must endure it until he can successfully counterattack.



At the end of the third game, it was time to change venues, which gave Tanegashima some time to relax.

"So, do you regret playing?"

“This is what happens when you overestimate your capabilities.”

Looking at him, Mifune first said a few rude words.

But Taneshima laughed when he heard this, with a strange look in his eyes.

"There is a point where he is stronger than I expected."

"If Byodoin, Oni, Tokugawa and the others are at that level."

"I definitely have to express something."

"prove yourself."

"It's not like I'm wasting my time."


I just woke up and opened the code. I am so hungry, my hands are shaking with coldness, and I still need to eat.

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